Hacking the refugee crisis in Europe. The 3:59 Ep. 89
Hacking the refugee crisis in Europe. The 3:59 Ep. 89
make your photo for the magazine oh yeah
good Wednesday morning everyone and
thanks for joining us for another
episode of the 359 with Roger tang and
Ben Fox Rubin guys what do we got going
on today well hello folks on YouTube
we've got it we've got a very serious
subjected right after after we had a lot
of fun talking about Samsung and getting
really geeked out about that we are
going to talk about the refugee crisis
actually yes and yes there is a tech
component and we're not when I just
going way off base here a very own Ben
Fox Rubin traveled out to to Greece to
kind of cover the to uncover text role
in the the Syrian refugee crisis right
Syrian Afghan Iraqi and Pakistani I mean
I met all sorts of people from all over
the world we're all coming to Europe to
try to you know find better lives and I
it was interesting we'll talk about this
more on the podcast but it was very
interesting all the different roles tech
played mmm when I first went over there
there were a lot of people that were
like why is that a text story and I was
like you'd be really surprised to find
out how many different tech ingalls
there actually are happening with the
refugee crisis and it's because this is
really one of the first if not just the
first refugee crises that have actually
gone on in the 21st century yeah I mean
that first one in the digital age for
sure right so there's just like it's
it's everything is like a wash and
technology and including how the
refugees respond to things and you know
how people help them different stuff
like okay I mean how they kill their
time yeah yeah so we're gonna get to
know this if you have any questions as
always leave them in the comments
section Brian will pick up some the best
feel free to pick Ben's brain about his
time and experience with the refugees
yeah it's a fascinating professional
experience it is but if you guys kind of
get depressed we can answer a samsung
question too so we are mindful of the
fact that this is a little bit I had lot
of the beaten path yeah yeah so and make
sure to stop by cnet and watch our
incredible video series yes yeah the
videos will definitely make you cry so
get ready for that alright hopefully we
won't do that today I know tell Polly
until your bad jokes
haha we can we can work with that yeah
all right let's let's get started with
the podcast all right we're going to
start rolling on the podcast going to
record for four minutes and please send
along your comments and questions and
we'll get back to you as soon as we're
done with the taping and here we go in
three two welcome to the 359 when we
talk about the top tech news of the day
and all the other crap you want to throw
in I'm Roger Cheng I'm betting Fox Rubin
so today we're doing these a little bit
differently we're going to focus on one
story one special story Wow we sent our
own bed Fox Rubin and rich navy out to
Greece to uncover text role in helping
migrants now this is the use this is a
departure from the usual cnet stories
totally so this is not your latest
Google feature or galaxy note 7 or
Amazon Prime day what have you so why
are we doing this then so why why are we
doing this um it's it's actually
interesting i asked myself that question
while I was researching the subject
ahead of the trip and then when I
actually went out there I was really
surprised and fascinated to find how
many different tech ingalls there
actually were out in Greece I mean the
thing is is that this is a refugee
crisis that's happening in the digital
age in the information age so every
single adult or teen refugee that we
talked to had a smartphone and they were
using it to really level the playing
field to be able to find housing food
work different things like that and so
this was a way for them to connect with
like a new environment right there like
kind of fish out of water well so it'd
be specifically what what exactly what
contact did you see what exactly did
people use to kind of get by so the main
story that we wrote about today was
actually about squats which are illegal
houses that are opened and unused in
abandoned buildings in Athens and around
Greece and the way that refugees find
out about these places are either you
know through their contacts you know
like I'll check in with whatsapp or I'll
talk to somebody you know in an
unofficial site and also like the squats
themselves because they operate outside
of the regular protocol because most of
them are illegal yeah they use Twitter
Facebook groups different stuff that
actually has the word out
right there was one that has a Facebook
page with almost fifteen thousand
followers laughing so they use it to set
up demonstrations and get donations and
different stuff like that so one of the
other examples you mentioned in your
story is that these are skype and how
skype actually kind of failed on yeah
I'm refugees right so the Greek
government because they're really
understaffed and because they have a big
economic crisis that they're just trying
to get past yeah they used skype to try
to set up one-on-one appointments for
folks right to try to get asylum and it
was a pretty horrible failure because as
you can imagine I mean like it's hard
unless you have a really serviceable
Wi-Fi here yeah in our audience to
actually like get a connection so folks
with like bad Wi-Fi connections and like
thousands yeah people trying to get
through it was it was like destined to
really do pretty poorly s'okay the skype
thing did not end up working out and
they had to actually send people out to
camps to see people in person so they
had to go with the low tech angle so
what surprised you about the trip what
surprised me about the trip was I mean a
lot of refugees were it just about every
refugee that we bumped into it was like
super welcoming and interested in
talking to us they wanted to tell people
their stories what they've been through
different things like that so that was
and pretty and your team didn't leave
Greece unscathed that is correct i'll
tell us more about that story right so
one of the areas that's like a real hot
spot for squats was this anarchist
neighborhood annex aria we were told
that the police don't often go there
right because I mean right gear when
they go they need riot gear because the
the the neighborhood will then turn on
them they're like very anti
establishment so but we went there and
it would looked like every other
neighborhood right that we were in in
Athens but unfortunately we bumped into
some folks that did not want us to be
there because they saw us as part of
institutions or the establishments or
whatever this one guy comes up to eat
this one girl had noticed us from before
she brought over two of her friends we
got into an argument and I thought that
we had success
fully extricate ourselves from this
situation but as we were walking away
one of these guys really wanted to get
in a fight so he spit on rich I turned
around to see what was going on I got
smacked in the face then I ran for it
and as you should right so the guy gave
chase for like maybe five seconds turned
around and like attacked our cameraman
yeah hook all of this equipment so yeah
that was that was pretty tough but
fortunately James Martin our
photographer was was okay and he's also
like the most badass out of all of us he
was he if anyone was gonna get assaulted
I guess he would be best suited for it
yeah so so definitely you know some of
the intrigue of trying to get the story
oh yeah alright y know more about the
this store these stories are now road
trip package which runs throughout the
summer check us out on cnet I'm Roger
Cheng I'm Ben Fox Rubin thanks for
listening and cut and wrap on the
podcast recording that was great
coverage guys yeah sorry that went over
a little bit was a pretty intense it's a
story so probably was really a story you
could like chopped down and sort of give
via yeah I had a television by the way I
had to tell my mom about it yesterday I
kept it away from her up until now haha
and I were just like yeah I got attacked
in Greece and she's like what what do
you mean she's Israeli and I'm like well
I may have gotten smacked in the face by
an anarchist she's like what is an
anarchist so was she angry was she she
was she was um so I did some reporting
out of the West Bank last year and James
much more nervous about that so she's
now anytime I get sent anywhere
international I'm gonna have to hear it
from mom no no now she knows even Greece
isn't safe for her little boy so don't
worry it was a little girl like said you
to Disneyland I'll be he'll be fine I
know a guy you get Mikey mouse and maybe
like corner me in like BB others I just
want to fight academi tell me that tag
yeah uh so it just to reiterate we are
covering the tech angle specifically as
a year on assignment yeah in Greece to
take a look at but this is an incredibly
broad humanistic story affecting
millions of people I mean what is your
perspective now how did you as a human
change through your experience there um
I'll try not to get too political about
this but I think ultimately I find it
really surprising now that I've actually
been to Greece and met a lot of refugees
I find it surprising how some
politicians talk about refugees in this
country because you know the term
terrorism constantly gets referenced I
mean like virtually everybody there
escaped war because they didn't want to
be there there were so many families
there with children I mean like these
are not people that were supposed to be
afraid of I understand that you need to
jump through hoops do different stuff
like that nobody wants Isis in this
country but at the same time it is I
think on a personal level unfortunate
how politicized the refugee crisis has
gotten already and how much a lot of
politicians just would rather not have
anybody come into this country i mean
like these are folks that really need
help they a lot of thumb that we met
were living outdoors in really horrible
conditions and they just wanted to get
away from war or you know the taliban
and different stuff like that these are
not the type of folks that are our enemy
yes and unfortunately you know their
countries in Europe or facing the same
deal right there are countries are
closing their borders so all these
refugees right and there are there have
been attacks and there have been attacks
absolutely from terrorists that have
snuck in right along with the migrant
wave but you're talking about such a
fraction of a one-percent and I it is it
is really unfortunate in my mind that so
many people including children are
getting bundled into yeah you know like
everybody's considering these folks
terrorists I mean like a lot a lot of
thumb almost every single one of them
just needs help no 20 readers I
definitely recommend beyond reading band
and Richard stories take a look at the
videos take a look at the galleries
James shot just a huge amount of
wonderful powerful photos definitely
definitely worth a look yeah I'm just in
this topic thanks yeah duh I know this
is a rare compliment for me for me so
just savor it did I have it
I didn't even know what to say I might
cry you feel largely that we were some
kind of hopeful message help in any
semblance I mean you really if this was
10 years ago do you think the technical
technological aspect of what's going on
now is a sincere benefit to what these
people are going through you're talking
about is tech actually helping them yes
um it for the most part yes I mean like
we're in the information age and so they
a lot of refugees have much much easier
access to information these days some of
it is misinformation but a lot of it is
just a useful information and so they're
able to access readily available very
quickly on their smartphones every day
whether it's through a facebook group or
through breaking news different things
like that it's a very fast-moving crisis
too so things change every day and you
can't wait for like a news advertiser
advertisement or bulletins or different
ends like that so and even like in terms
of downtime like reading your story like
some of the kids you interview like
they're they listen to Justin Bieber
song yeah they're like I knew a ever
what like you and I yeah maybe not us
we're really immature but Pokemon go
yeah they ended up playing pokemon girl
but but no they're like that that's a
very different situation if this was
like 10 years ago they would be sitting
around not doing anything right like
yeah yeah there's a lot of waiting too
and I did really think that it was very
interesting how a lot of these
grassroots initiatives were really
enabled through the internet so that's
that's a lot of what we wrote anything
you guys you use google translate to
interview some of your subject yeah we
use google translate and we also found a
lot of the squats which like I said are
illegal through Facebook groups through
independent volunteers and you know like
you can walk around and like talk to
people they'll tell you where squats are
but for the most part I was doing
research in the US and like I was able
to find out a lot of information just
for my desk because a lot of the stuff
is on the internet and they are trying
to disseminate their news and say hey
this is what we're doing we need
donations so yeah the internet enables
like all sorts of this stuff so yeah
it's kind of heartening to see that you
know and something that's so dark that
there is a kind of a glimmer of
yeah and if it is just information
information can be very powerful thing
absolutely yeah it definitely changes
the game yeah I mean I think I met a lot
of people that were pretty unhappy with
their situations but I think it's
important to recognize the like
day-to-day that were also like kids
playing and chasing each other and folks
like smiling and just hanging out so
it's not like they're just sitting
around being like depressed all the time
like if you talk to them long enough a
lot of people will be like I have no
idea what my future is going to be I
don't know if they're going to send me
back to my country I don't know where
I'm going to live whatever right so is
there is that under current but it's
important to recognize too that like
people are trying to make the best of
their situations and they're obviously
mindful of the fact that like they fled
war where they could have very easily
been killed so there's um there's that
aspect that they are relieved that they
got out of an even more situation that
way no one is ever trying to do just try
to make it better yeah yeah hopefully we
can find ways to continue to help any
any questions no I think that's a good
place to stop it all right ya know this
is this powerful stuff like I said check
out our road trip package we'll put it
in the description below yep it's a
first story as well as the reporters
notebooks are out now this is a series
that's going to be running for the next
few weeks and so you can see a lot more
coverage from different perspectives in
the next coming month or two so check us
on cnet if you like anything you saw
here or here of checkers on cnet our
podcast is also available on itunes
google play music soundcloud to n and
feedburner yeah ya gamil all right nice
thanks for joining us thank for joining
us we'll see you tomorrow cool
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