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Hands on with PlayStation Now

everyone jet back are here at CES 2014 not a PlayStation now event obviously the big announcement PlayStation now streaming the legacy of PlayStation games across multiple platforms it's pretty cool stuff they have hands-on ability right now I'm gonna go check out the games and see what it's like streaming PlayStation games so let's pop into the Last of Us and it's just the regular Vita operating system but uh through the streaming service we're gonna be able to play The Last of Us check this out the l2 and r2 those buttons are emulated on back so it's kind of tough to really make it work or at least play comfortably I'm here with Peter director of marketing for PlayStation now how are we streaming those games yeah it's it's really leveraging the technology of cloud that's for priority 2 PlayStation our goal is to really offer a diverse lineup of popular PlayStation titles that you can play on playstation devices but also just as great on non playstation devices that opens up the PlayStation the world to a whole new group of people who may not have had a console in the masses being able to experience games like not a war so that's cool so it's you know I guess the big surprise is like it's not just going to be backwards sort of compatibility with PlayStation 4 there's all these other platforms that it's now available on our goal is to provide PlayStation quality on regardless of the device right and that's for most in our thinking and it is streaming technology much like Netflix sure you're able to get a similar experience on a tablet or on your TV we have announced that we're gonna have two ways that you can enjoy a Playstation now one rental service okay it's very much gives people the ability to try before they buy sure I've been right on and also subscription package will they get a broader array of titles that they can enjoy her price alright so there you have it interesting playing those games there's a little bit of a latency going on a little you know sort of lag something you're gonna have to get used to I found out when you set up PlayStation now it's gonna figure out your connection and then you'll decide whether or not you want to go through that it'll let you know if you're gonna have a great experience for maybe a not-so-good so that's going to do it for me at the PlayStation now event for Cena I'm Jeff Bakalar
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