hey guys is bryan bennett at cnet com
right now we're taking a first look at
the samsung galaxy s4 mini now this
device is a basically a little
micronized if you will version of the
samsung galaxy s4 it has a smaller 4.3
inch screen as qhd it also has a
dual-core 1.7 gigahertz processor we
don't know exactly what processor that
is yet but more details will hopefully
come out once the phone starts to ship
we don't know when it's going to be
available as well but it does offer our
Android jelly bean as well as a lot of
the innovative features that you will
find on samsung galaxy s4 so it's just
basically a smaller size an 8 megapixel
camera as opposed to a 13 megapixel
camera which you'll find on the galaxy
s4 but it has a lot of the same styling
same back kind of polycarbonate plastic
look removable battery and I believe an
SD card so you can add extra storage
there's no word yet if it's going to be
LTE or not but hopefully we'll find out
more when the phone will hopefully make
it to the US right now it is a global
version only so there you have it folks
we had a first look at the galaxy s4
mini I'm Brian Bennett for CNN com
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