hey I'm nicotine it and we're checking
out Cortana on Windows 10 now if you use
Windows Phone you're probably familiar
with Cortana it's the digital assistant
that does things utility just speak to
Cortana I should try to answer your
questions find information that sort of
thing she can also be a little funny hey
Cortana tell me a joke
why do sharks live in saltwater because
pepper water makes them sneeze I can't
promise the jokes are gonna be
especially funny but it's pretty cute
hey Cortana who won the Super Bowl last
year Seattle Seahawks hey Cortana remind
me to brag about the Seahawks winning
the Super Bowl when I get home tonight
sure thing
remind you to brag about the Seahawks
win the Super Bowl when you get to home
sound good that sounds great yes okay
I'll remind you I'm not with CNET thanks
for watching
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