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Hands-on with Samsung's Milk Music

I'm Dan Ackerman and we are here taking a first look at Samsung's milk music that is a new streaming music service that works on samsung devices it's free doesn't require login you just download it and you start playing it's a radio style service kind of like Pandora or iTunes radio it's got 200 curated stations with 13 million songs the back end is actually from slacker an existing radio service but the interface and how you interact with it is all-new and all Samsung and that's what makes it a little bit unique it starts with this gigantic jog wheel over here and you can move your finger along the outside of the jog wheel and very quickly jump between the 200 stations then if you put your finger on the inside of the jog wheel you get a much more sort of fine-tuned control where you can just go station by station like this along the outer wheel here you can have up to 9 genres at a time you can actually adjust that by going into the menu here and you go to customize dial and then I can say I don't want country on my dial but I want you know Latin and then if you go back then you'll see that the the wheel itself has changed and you get access to these stations instead if you want a quick review this little pull down here and you can go through all the different stations that are available on your jog wheel you know jazz has like nine stations but rock is like 20 so like siriusXM for example you're going to find you know deeper selections of music in some genres rather than others of course I never find exactly what I'm looking for so I went and created the station for instance there was no bossa nova station so I went and created one by entering a couple of names I can edit it here and add more artists to my station and then we'll create a station that's that based on that kind of like Pandora does when you enter a song or an artist or genre here you can do artists and songs but not genres by default it names my station after the first artist I picked I went in and edited that and just turn it into a bossa nova station and we can find that by going up here to my stations and you'll find it right there it is so each station lets you do six skips per hour and that's per station so if you run out of skips on one station you can skip to another and you get another six and the first one resets after an hour and each station has a series of controls for it those are right down here you swipe up from the bottom of the screen so one fader will switch between more popular songs and less popular songs you want more sort of like album cuts versus hot singles and I don't adjust the mix newer songs versus older ones the sliders just called new but it really means newer songs here older songs here and of course favorites if you pick a song to favorite and you can tag any songs you hear as favorites you'll hear them either more often or less often obviously you have to pick a bunch of favorites in order for that slider to have a lot to do so the positives for the unusually named milk music where you can get around this big genre wheel does jog wheel very quickly that's kind of cool and access a lot of music fast it's free to use and there's no ad to get an occasional promo spot for slacker but that's really about it the catch is it's only four people have certain Samsung devices like the galaxy for the upcoming Galaxy five the note three the note for the s4 mini basically any of the current Samsung devices this will work on you download it through the Google Play Store but if you have another kind of phone you just going to have to use another music service so I'm Dan Akron and that is milk music from Samsung
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