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Has Josh Brolin crushed our Deadpool/Avengers crossover dreams? (The 3:59, Ep. 210)

and good morning on Thursday April 13th welcome to episode 210 of the 359 podcast on BBG thanks for joining in the house today we've got Ben Fox Ruben and Roger Chang what's up guys hey morning hello how's everybody doing come back doing great you're back you've been gone for a two things seemingly forever yeah come he pass over every got you yeah that was I was off the grid eating matzah so I'm very happy to do that guys that sounds wonderful yeah we had some we had some tough years in Egypt and I'm glad I'm glad everything worked out okay - its natural extreme a good day to come back on cuz what are we talking about yeah we've got a relatively slow slow tech news day so we'll be talking about Josh Brolin being cast in the next Deadpool movie it's cable and whether or not that confuses everything since he's already Thanos in Avengers which is a big deal which is a huge deal oh yeah literally yes we're gonna be talking about Silicon Valley gearing up for its net neutrality fight and and lastly will be time at Microsoft rolling out a program to let gamers get refunds which is good cuz that's alright as always if you have any questions leave them in the comment section Brian will pick out the best and we'll get to them in three minutes in 59 seconds from welcome to the 359 where we talk about the top tech news of the day and all of the crap you want to throw him I'm Roger Tsien I'm Ben Fox Ruben so we decided to geek out a little today josh brolin was cast as cable in the next Deadpool movie and our minds are blown he's now playing to Marvel characters so does that mean you know him double dipping means that we don't actually get a crossover between the Avengers and x-men universe which would be sad that is constant which we'd be sad but like I kind of feel like Deadpool doesn't really fit as much with the Avengers universe in the movies in the movie true the r-rated Deadpool you know cursing violently killing people yeah which one made it such an interesting yes that it was you know kind of this like we're fright it like refresh or a totally different version but from a broader point that does that also like exclude the idea of the the x-men universe which is owned by Fox integrating with the Marvel Universe which is owned by Disney yeah I mean it's it obviously makes it much more difficult right and and the potential of cable killing Thanos now you just gonna have to use a lot more computer graphics they could do it they could do I do I'm hoping it happens I don't think I don't think cable would actually first of all what are cables skills like what makes fine Brian you know our producer absolutely know this it's a form of energy conversion I think there's something with telekinesis too right yeah cuz he's the son of Cyclops and Jean Grey right so he's kind of got like a little bit of a boat best of both worlds there his remembers I flashed a lot I don't know why that was over this aesthetic okay it looks cool for sure I have to comment by the way Josh Brolin's like it's perfectly I thought was perfectly cast for Thanos but he's also kind of perfectly cast for cable like yeah he looked like he's got the right like chin blocky jaw stronger right growth he just looks like a and we look at cable he doesn't actually look like a real human character he's it's like like three times wider than a normal human being that's because Rob Liefeld has a hard time drawing people overly masculinized whatever which is what you think about when you see Josh Brolin's face absolutely all right next up Silicon Valley is gearing up for the net neutrality fight the internet Association a trade group made up of copies like Google Facebook and Netflix of the officially voice there objection to the FCC and president Trump's plans to dismantle the rules that govern how the internet work yeah yeah exactly it really seems like everybody is playing the part that they were expected to play this doesn't seem at all surprising to me the real questions here are is net neutrality definitely going to go away all right is there something these major companies can do to prevent this from happening because on the other side of the coin are other major companies like comcast in a variety yeah and Verizon that want to see Neutrality go away so like this anybody have an edge right now I mean I would say the the serve anti net neutrality side has the advantage right now because President Trump Republican the sec is run by the republicans and generally republicans have been for laxer rules when it comes to net neutrality so yeah it's i mean it's great these guys are coming in but i'm a little skeptical that will actually make a difference but we'll see lastly a Microsoft is rolling out a new option two members of its insider program that allow for refunds of games within 14 days of purchase as long as the game hasn't been played for less or for more than two hours something's team already offers but that's you know that's kind of ice but have you ever returned a game I mean a digital game or physical I would probably say that I've never returned like an iTunes album when sometimes you play like one song you know like why did I just leave been ten dollars I've asked for a refund I think it's because I I just think this is this is good customer service is a smart thing to do and I like that they're doing it right all right food for more stories or for that store and more check us out seen it Roger Chang I'm Ben Fox Ruben thanks for listening I return games before yeah yeah I mean I've I mean I think everybody's done the trade-in program will wait you're talking about digital games or physical games because everybody yeah physical games for this is just for digital this is just for digital yeah which which they have to create this new type of system for it because for physical games there's this entire industry yeah but set up for trade ins and you know yeah I've sold games on like the Amazon Marketplace yeah I joined that like Game Stop membership program yes I was able to like turn in games for free I mean they said get a new one but they don't make it as easy when it comes to digital copies of things yeah so it's more convenient true like Steve actually makes it pretty easy to return those games it's really offer but yeah I mean it's an interesting idea it's long overdue for sure yeah you're spending 60 bucks on these games so it's it's nice that you have an exit exit hatch if you need one you know because otherwise it's also a good way to preview these games right we've got a two hour limit I mean that gives you a good chunk of time to experience what the game is like right make sure you want to commit to it mm-hmm I kind of missed the day look like the glory days of the digital demo download that's correct all in a little bit yeah I mean I know hasn't gone away but it's definitely not as robust as it was I remember when I first got my xbox 360 back many many moons ago that was kind of a nice feature was signing up for Xbox Live and just trying demos all over the place I loved that yeah yeah I took way more advantage of that then I probably should have okay they're making it available for you is that yeah all right let's let's talk about the elephant in the room or the giant purple space okay with minute II rings yeah yeah I get to really participate in the show today oh please oh yeah is it an expert when it comes to this stuff so I mean what do you guys think yer iya Stu I think Ben you're the least initiated in the room no but you are like a pretty hardcore Thanos like you read I mean I knew Thanos quest from back in the day I know it's been a while I have those Thanos quest comic books back home so maybe I should like polish them off yeah yeah or before the actual movies maybe when we finally run out of chair we'll just have you read the comic for the podcast all right Ben those are really good stories I mean I know a lot of I'm sure a lot of people are really excited to see those movies I guess one of my like in my naivete I had actually thought that maybe there was going to be some sort of cresting 2 or like we had reached peak comic-book yeah apparently that's not happening any time see you saw the Thor Ragnarok trailer like apparently it's the most viewed trailer oh yeah which is justified because that thing's awesome and watch it like 10 times also come on Zeppelin yeah you've already on my heart but this is the thing is that like how long have comic book movies like these big epic comic book movies coming been coming out like they it's been 10 years now like they're well you know Balcon go back to the OG go back to where the boom really started was probably x-men yeah we're going on 20 years now yeah 20 years I feel like there's a bit of a gap there sure but that was weird yet where people's attention started to turn back around after Batman and Robin say oh wait there's still potential here was spider-man and then Marvel like loaded the every bullet they had and just started rapid firing you're right there was a while there where it was just the Batman movies yeah and they were really hit or miss like and they weren't nearly they were just terrible they weren't really as high impact they all basically existed in Arkham there was a ceiling there was a oh it's just a comic-book movie right right supposed to the guys in case huge like you know basically like modern warring world-spanning you know like not just like global stories these are like universe Fanning stories absolutely so interconnected all linked yeah it's yeah let's get into those I load a lot more to come apparently let's get a little dialogue going everyone in the chat what was your absolute worst least favorite like what was the the trough in your comic book movie experience and what was your peak what was your favorite I feel like the the trough is so obvious which Batman versus Superman like that was just them no no no it's a bad movie but I don't think it's the worst I mean like it was pretty fantastic four movies okay I could not even finish those matters or the original Incredible Hulk or the Hulk just Hulk have you seen you are y'all making a good argument for that no steel that's right I never watched Star Trek as as John Henry irons okay okay seriously one up to me I've never watched it but it just looks really really like the suit is supposed to be metallic but it's clearly like leather or something like me it's not it's really terrible right in Batman sorry that meanin Robin was very well known as like a classic horrible only killed the franchise yeah well that was it that was the the bottom out in the industry that was the 1983 pre Nintendo video game bottom of comic books before x-men jumped back into the game yeah you said 83 you mean like 93 93 yeah well I'm talking about I'm comparing it to like when video bottom down they felt like that was essentially we have the comic-book movies right because of Joel Schumacher yeah but yeah no I it's yeah we were talking about this earlier like when do we hit peak comic book movie it hasn't happened well I don't think it's gonna happen till at least like Avengers comes around like I think everyone's waiting for a vengeance cuz that's a culmination of all these these movies from basically from Avengers 1 right mmm they tease Thanos after that I don't know like how do they how do they one-up that like that's situation they've definitely done a good job of building it ultimate crossovers Warner Brothers and Disney meet in the middle and we get Justice League versus Avengers I mean happen in the comic books right a couple times yes yeah I didn't make out like was that successful as a comic book oh sure effort yeah yeah it wasn't the most critically acclaimed but it sold like bonkers yeah cuz they just are the dudes put two teams in the room and just have a fight each other for a while just seem until they find out there's no there's a greater Menace and they have to team up exactly it's always how it's like it's completely formulaic nubs in the chat loves Deadpool Wow chat TV did not like the Avengers that is Wow shocking oh by the way or the Voltron shout out to chat DV me and me and Chad TV had some words before and oh yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna send him my love alright I do agree with Chad on Luke Cage though Luke Cage was in I have inaudible it was like the perfect culmination of everything from like soundtrack to add it to is it the best of the Netflix Marvel shows mmm-hmm that's really hard to say I've only watched daredevil on half of just John I have a really hard time objectively looking at them because I can really see a lot of parallels between Deadpool Luke or not Deadpool sorry uh daredevil Luke Cage and Jessica Jones I personally was so pleasantly surprised by Jessica Jones cuz I really got to go and blind on that one I didn't know much about her in the car yeah either and I was just really floored by her performance and I have really loved David Tennant in the show um that was just one of those like it was so fresh to me so I really got to enjoy it was the same deal with the fall for like I think we watched half of it like my wife got like GE birth and like we stopped watching we stop consuming all media after that we don't really have to finish it and then it was the other one Oh the fourth what's the fourth the one that's really bad Oh iron fist iron fist yeah yeah yeah I haven't watched it yet I've been a terrible I'll get there sooner or later Jessica Jones I definitely I mean you're the one that turned me on to that one and I think that was a very well produced show I still haven't finished it I got really into it for a while and then it was kind of it was brutal slow down yeah what I found those Marvel shows is like the the midpoint like there's like episodes in the middle yeah it's really great the beginning yes but there is part really they're clearly stretching out the plot yeah we're like we have 13 episodes of Phil we've only got about seven episodes of story don't think of them as a show think of them as a ten hour movie that's the second act second act is tends to feel like there's no real slow down come on we talked about that on the podcast this is that we complain about the build-up on Game of Thrones where there's build-up for seven to eight episodes and then everything falls a domino effect on the last two episodes and everybody's like it is all awesome but a lot of it is build-up let's run through a little more on the list from the chat a couple people were not thrilled with ant-man I did laugh my ass off it was a big departure it's hard to even call it a superhero movie he's a heist movie with a lot of comedy elements a cast was fantastic but I could see where a lot of people are like alright this doesn't really fit the mold but it's good that they're experimenting cuz otherwise it's gonna be the same even formal okay like Marvel's the genre is a comic book movies it's just the lens like the genre is a nice movie or a political thriller or a straight action movie but it happens to incorporate comic book how they've charged I don't know if that's gadgets powers capes something of that rage or happens in there to kind of round it out like Logan is clearly it's a Western oh god yeah yeah it's like a Western or even like a samurai movie that that happens to be comic books yeah yeah I I haven't seen him and yet but I like the idea I've heard very good things about and I'd like to laugh yeah that's the whole thing of like to get away from the formulaic comic book movie introducing things like ant-man and Deadpool to react expand out the universe or the concept yeah what a comic movie can be no coincidence that like Deadpool is like their most successful Fox is most successful because it's completely different right and it was like I got a shoestring like they couldn't even get ready and they make noise about it which side character perfectly into characterization of absolutely I know everybody says that Robert Downey jr. was one of the best casting calls and all the history of all the movies yeah I still say Ryan Reynolds it so you could make a really strong argument one of those someday they're gonna make more Iron Man and Robert Downey jr. is not gonna be in it and when when Ryan Reynolds puts down the red cowl they have to retire that character this is a strong prediction but I like it I like it oh yeah all right well let's get a few more imagine Sagi was not thrilled with Hellboy I find that I did not watch Hellboy 2 but Hellboy it had really underrated look Hellboy had some really great visuals do you want to remember the storyline at all no I mean like but but I think that was really what they focused on it was kind of like watching Pan's Labyrinth to history oh yeah yeah we're like you're watching it for visual aspects it was yeah I'm Pan's Labyrinth arguably had a much more obviously it's all del Toro yeah it's it's very yeah but like it was a very visceral storyline as opposed to Hellboy a few low-hanging fruit of course at taking shots of Batman Forever and Batman and Robin I argue that Batman and Robin is significantly worse than Batman Forever I still kind of enjoy Jim Carrey and Batman Forever it's like they're both pretty terrible Batman and it's definitely far worse though that one also had like Schwarzenegger and that weighted bat mean forever right that was Batman and Robin that was BAM yeah George Clooney to have gone out and tried to actually give people personal refunds for buying tickets to them that's a rumor I heard I remember he showed up for New York Comic Con to talk about to promote Tomorrowland and I remember he was just like he was super politic still like Tomorrowland you know what like last year two years ago then Robin Kubelik what I'm still sorry godlike but like the kid from like the Anakin Skywalker game oh yeah they'll be apologizing his whole life no he'll be in jail okay that's true yeah he got arrested really yeah he lost his mind when I'm like a car chase or something like that and he's like kid actors that's kind of sad never let your kid be in a Star Wars yes never let your kid be famous Dillon says obviously Dark Knight's got to be up there on top of the list oh yeah Scott's asking do we think if Netflix is ever gonna release some Marvel shows on blu-ray I think they will but I think they're gonna wait and do a big box don't you since they're all kind of an inter weaved giant movie - yeah in a sexy that I think we'll wait to the end of defenders and then maybe you'll get a blu-ray this is all just you know speculation on my part I think it'd be cool if you could just buy like you know drop 200 bones and get a big ball of it I'm not - not to be but not to quibble with our viewer too much but why do that you know you're paying like what is it nine or ten dollars a month for Netflix they're never gonna remove those because those are Netflix shows why buy a blu-ray to check blu-rays other Netflix shows on disk people still like shelf porn okay yeah which shows though orange is a new black okay it's on DVD it doesn't make a lot of sense to me as a consumer doesn't make a lot of sense to me to buy them as blu-rays consumer not a collector right that's true there's definitely market there for folks who would like to have that that's true okay Assad is saying that he was really upset that they kind of killed Superman and Batman V Superman spoilers sorry everybody gone forever he's definitely not gone dad cavils been on the set of Justice League that was my biggest issue well one of my biggest issues with they killed Superman and now that they bring him back like their there's never any kind of sense of Jeopardy for Superman never hildo even if he dies you're like well that's been the problem with comic books in general right but well the thing of it is is like maybe you do it movie two or three or four or whatever but like right off the bat they kill them just like it's like it is a storytelling tool for sure like you know death and resurrection of the comic book character is one of the many yeah tools that they use but like why do it on movie one we're moving for a movie - for Superman right like they just seduced Batman they killed off Superman right away yeah they're just they're they're pedal-to-the-metal they're blasting through this stuff and it's not working and I want to be cautiously optimistic because I was a Justice League kid I grew up on Batman and Green Lantern I want it to be great but I'm not blind it's not great yet are you disappointed that Green Lantern there's still these weird rumors floating around that the he's like a secret that shows up at the end kind of I call BS I know that they're going to bring green and he'll never put that costume on I know I want to see Green Lantern again I want him to get that one right I love Green Lantern Jon Stewart that'd be awesome because so many of us grew up on the Justice League Unlimited animated series where he was the feature and only Kyle Rayner kind of showed up in the Superman animated series and how Jordan kind of popped in and out there are a lot of Green Lantern's oh my god you guys have totally lost me some heavy geekdom alright so before we wrap it up cuz we are going way long today we really got to get back to the task at hand of Brolin being able to cross over that's right so what do I mean okay here's my perspective berlin's a tremendous actor Santos is a kid is a puppet I mean he's basically voice acting it you no prob there's got to be mocap involved socially look like cappers are like is it's not actually him with makeup right no no it's gonna be a CG render yeah much like the halt but the december's resembles Ruffalo yeah yeah he just answered the question then it would be very easy to do that I think it would I don't think this rules out anything mmm-hmm there's a really kind of weak pay out for a long I know Ron outcome is a very sorry Roger but what do you think what do we think you can complain incessantly in the comment no I would say that I mean yes logistically I don't think it's it's that hard to put those two together I think it's more what it says about the relationship between those two Studios the like Fox just went off there like basically nabbed the the key villain in like the Disney Marvel Universe to play you know a main character in one of their big movies and I think it just sort of at foreshadows effect that if they're if ever there was an attempt to you know bridge these two universes like it would be hard yeah we're realistically looking at it's probably not going right and as much as we'd love to okay yeah of course these comic-book movies just cash machines Brolin's a tremendous actor though like that was a good casting call for cable I was kind of had my hopes up like I was when they said Pierce Brosnan was kind of hanging out there Versailles I was really shocked and then I'd be kind of good right yeah right cuz he my my thought is he kind of resembles James Martin who plays Cyclops who has the yeah fair enough and there's a babe not we did not address the fact that Josh Brolin was already in a different comic book movie thanks yeah which was I want you have terrible cop this was this was like make that five point yeah it was it was a big even remember a movie that's right yeah what a shame I didn't watch that movie there by the way because I had heard so many bad things about it and I think that was one of the movies that essentially killed Megan Fox's career Tom Jane they were like they were like now that your now anytime you're in a movie like it just as horribly yeah the Punisher Tom Jane was the punish right first movie and then he wanted to play Jonah Hex I think he should have played Jonah AXI have been a much better cast in fact he did like his own reel 42 at least did the makeup and took photos trying to pitch to get the role oh really yeah that guy he deserves a good comic book role he's a director he's a great dude and clearly the subject matter he did an incredible sequel you can find it on YouTube it's called dirty laundry yes I'm sure yeah it's a ten minute thing but oh man it's better than every other Punisher incantation on film supporting his own except for the Netflix series and not to take anything away from I can't remember the actor's name Jon Bernthal yeah but yeah as far as like the film ish versions go that Tom Jane short dirty laundry look it up it's awesome it's brutally violent though warning well yeah but some people don't have the stomach for it all right it's good way to wrap things up ya know in bond brutal violent Brian I bow to your great comic book knowledge thank you it's encyclopedic yes it's all right wait impressive I don't know if I'm gonna put that on a resume all right do you like to anything you saw or heard here check us out on CNET our podcasts also available in iTunes tune in stitcher SoundCloud Bieber and Google Play Music we will see you all next week later you
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