has Netflix gone soft on net neutrality
net neutrality can be a boring concept
but when you tell people that it can
affect the price of Netflix it becomes
really important in an interview Netflix
CEO Reed Hastings was asked why Netflix
has been relatively quiet while net
neutrality rules are under attack by the
FCC and the Trump administration
Hastings said we think net neutrality is
incredibly important it's not narrowly
important to us because we're big enough
to get the deals we want he went on to
say where net neutrality is really
important is the Netflix of 10 years ago
so what about the small companies of
today his Netflix backing off of net
neutrality because it's so big now
Hastings said we had to carry the water
when we were growing up and we were
small now other companies have to be on
that leading edge however Netflix's CEO
also said the company is supportive of
net neutrality through the industry
association Hastings touched on a number
of other topics as well on the idea of
Netflix theaters he said the company has
no interest in having its own movie
theaters when asked about ads on Netflix
Hastings said the company is committed
to a commercial free service for more
information check out cnet.com am i as
actor i'll see you online
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