Here comes the Trump Train! CHOO CHOO! Will the tech industry get on board? (The 3:59, Ep. 165)
Here comes the Trump Train! CHOO CHOO! Will the tech industry get on board? (The 3:59, Ep. 165)
good morning on Thursday January 19 from
the scene at studios in New York it's
time for episode 165 of the 359 podcast
and today it's brought to you by Ben Fox
ribbon and Alfred Inge and this is all
Ben's fault so we apologize in advance I
always blame Ben jamming when I say
perfectly reasonable thing to do that's
okay yeah well look the inauguration is
tomorrow I know it's not you know a pure
tech story but it's a very important
thing to talk about what our next
president is going to be doing related
to tech and also related to Twitter
apparently so that's the stuff that
we're gonna be talking about today send
in your questions and comments about all
things Trump and tech and Trump and
Twitter and we'll get to as many of them
as we can at the end of the show and I
think that's about it let's get let's
get the ball rolling
chew chew bear with us folks we
apologize in advance let's get this
podcast underway and here we go in three
welcome to the 359 I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm
Alfred Inge
Donald Trump becomes president tomorrow
so ahead of the inauguration our Maggie
Reardon took a look at where Trump
stands on a number of tech issues let's
take off a few of them net neutrality
he's expected to roll back this
regulation Alfred do you think this is a
good idea I have been a big advocate for
net neutrality as I think anyone that's
not a millionaire sure to be you know
the fact that there's the idea of
internet fast lanes and me having to pay
extra to get you know to a web site you
know faster than any other web site if
they're paying extra or anything like
that it's just why it's ruins everything
it makes it much more difficult for
Netflix actually talked about this
related to their earnings yesterday
where they said look it's not really
gonna hurt us as much but it's probably
gonna hurt some of the smaller guys do
you agree with that yeah because Netflix
makes a ton of money that's my point
like if you're not a like a
multi-million dollar company yes yeah
next next point mega-mergers
has talked you know he's taking a
populist stance about this you may
expect the AT&T deal for Time Warner not
to go through is that also a possibility
yeah he hit on that during the campaign
saying that you know if he were
president that he would not allow this
to go through he has yet to explain why
I mean obviously there's a lot of issues
with monopolies uh you know AT&T is
still saying that no it's not monopolies
as much as they want to say that I mean
I still need some more convincing but
Trump has been you know very against
that merger specifically so right yeah
and it's a huge one I think it's an
eighty five billion dollar merger so we
will see if it ends up happening and
lasts then we want to get through in
just four minute podcast tax policy he
wants to cut corporate taxes which could
in a best-case scenario increased
domestic investment including in the
tech world do you think that's gonna
happen though that's been a big part of
his campaign just essentially saying
we're gonna make American jobs great
again we're gonna bring all these tech
jobs into the u.s. he had this whole
thing about you know Apple making a
factory in America instead of its
factories in China which would mean that
your iPhones would cost about as much as
nine hundred dollars that if that
actually happened yeah or more mmm and
he you know when he had his a little
text summit when he met with Tim Cook
was there and during the meeting he had
talked about you know anything you guys
need me to do to help I can which is
kind of a weird relationship between a
president and you know business for you
know all these like tech Titans to have
yeah yeah I don't know we'll see what
happens obviously like the tech industry
has been a little uncertain about him it
seems that that relationship has thawed
a little bit another point that we want
to talk about is Trump's tweeting his
stances on tech have been pretty unclear
but he's been very clear about how he's
gonna keep tweeting according to Trump
he says Twitter is a better way to talk
to the public than going through
traditional news media like ourselves so
what we are not traditional I guess
that's true
yeah so you expect to see him tweeting a
lot more over the next four years well
yeah he's not even planning on taking
over the @potus account which to be fair
is pretty recent so it's not really an
honored tradition right but I mean for a
who's gonna stick to his own Twitter
he's basically used Twitter as his
mechanism for you know responding to the
press as it you know back then you had
to throw your own press conference and
then you know media would show up and
they did be their filter but now it's
him going directly to the people right
and the media has been responding a lot
through like what he's been tweeting I
mean like that's been directing a lot of
them yeah yeah so if anybody's gonna be
controlling Twitter for the next four
years it's gonna be the president yes
yeah I mean he is the president so yeah
expect to see more of that and NBC wsj
that came out with a poll yesterday that
said nearly 70 percent of those surveyed
said Trump's use of Twitter was a bad
idea but I don't think that's really
gonna dissuade him anyway if you want to
read more about these stories check us
out on CNET I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm Afra
Dane thanks for listening and rebec
gonna delve into the comments and I'm
sure there's a lot of good ones the one
thing is interesting is how I like in
our article we kind of covered how FDR
was the radio president my quote/unquote
right and you know after we're in kind
of a I don't want to call a post
television era well we're getting there
it's forgetting it's that's kind of a
notion that's come to be somewhat
accepted I wonder what will be next what
would anyone predict cuz I mean nothing
is forever twitter is not gonna last
forever what will happen after Twitter
are we gonna have VR a VR president
that'd be interesting
perhaps I mean like Trump has definitely
done a good job we talked about this
right after the election he's done a
really good job of utilizing Twitter as
his bully pulpit and it's actually been
really amazing to see even after the
election how much he's used it and also
how much it's really directed well news
either good or bad it definitely is
gonna keep doing the difference is he's
been using Twitter like a celebrity
because that's what he was you know all
this before everyone else is using
Twitter as if they're you know because
they're politicians they're you know
carefully tailored they've got you know
they're safe messages things like that
people don't go into a frenzy over it
whereas for him it's him sending these
tweets and the same way that you see
started oh Kim Kardashian just tweeted
like that kind of stuff that's because
it's like unfiltered and authentic and
it's one of those things where people
pay attention or that and he knew it
you know from his celebrity poll right
and it gives him the opportunity to
continue to present himself as a non
politician politician yeah in like
having this whole unfiltered unvarnished
thing going back to the poll from NBC
wsj one of the things that people said
was look it could have unintended
consequences if you're just gonna do
unvarnished we yes because if that raid
war or worse or whatever which which i
think is a reasonable point yeah that
was in reference to the unintended
consequences was in reference to you
know his effect that he's had on you
know just businesses in general any time
he tweeted about forever carrier or
Toyota you know they would react or you
know the stock would would you know drop
and then maybe rise if they responded to
his tweets but also in the sense you
know the things that he did he had been
tweeting about China you know yeah in
his first maybe like two weeks after
winning the election I think that was a
big concern where it's like oh cool
we're gonna have a third world war
starting off of Twitter I mean yes to
find out I mean I know that the
definitely a significant portion of how
much tweet how much how many tweets
actually come directly from the Donald
as apparently all of them come on thumbs
so if you look at the metadata if it
comes from an Android that's directly
from him correct and if it comes from an
iPhone that's like usually from the
staff yeah and that's gonna happen I
mean that's how anybody in that caliber
of existence yeah it has to run that
kind of thing I mean he'd I'll give him
this he has embrace like the direct line
to the public and I think that is an
arguably good thing right and it's
important to mention that that's not as
I should shoot myself in the foot
working for you know fake use yeah but
still it's it's I think the thing is
that that's not unprecedented I think a
lot of presidents in the past have
looked for ways to get around the news
media filter because for one reason or
another they don't like what's being
written or said about them so Trump is
using Twitter these days other
presidents have used other modes in the
past you know like whether it's the
fireside chats
or you know like a weekly address
different things like that to try to
talk directly to the public so it's it's
been interesting to see what his posture
has been on Twitter where he's
definitely been you know picking fights
with people to which I personally
thought that he would kind of tamp down
after the alerts on that news that time
he is he told some expect that to
he told CBS n a 60 Minutes interview
where he's saying you know I'm I'm
probably gonna be a little bit more
restrained brand he wasn't it changed
his mind yeah exactly so I I think that
it's now been baked in at some point you
expect that he's just gonna pick a bite
at any given people expect that he told
Fox News yesterday basically you know I
don't like using Twitter but he's
basically making the narrative now is I
don't like using Twitter but everyone
else is you know talking he feels like
they forced his hand yeah being that
he's improperly represented so he's
taking it to the streets it's okay and
you could accuse him of flip-flopping I
mean like that's kind of getting taking
both sides saying I don't like using it
but I'm gonna keep using it a lot I
think the thing is is that he's
president tomorrow so going back to a
lot of these tech policies like where
does he stand on taxes where does he
stand on H h-1b visas different things
like that he's gonna have to be a lot
clearer about what he actually he's
gonna do about this stuff and he's been
very unclear up until now because some
of these policies are actually gonna
have to get rolled out so we will end up
seeing what what that's gonna look like
it is a level of accountability that
you've never really seen before and I
mean really the the tweeting president
started with Obama and now there's these
long running track records that yeah you
can delete tweets but people can screen
shut those tweets and people can
manipulate those tweets and now there's
this long-running accountability where
he's essentially quoted himself on
quote-unquote paper where he can't say
oh the media manipulated this edited
this well yeah that that's or no that's
been really helpful during the entire
campaign season share so you know him
not being a career politician like
everyone else is they can't point to
well look at how he voted on this or
look at like this law that he supported
you know all the time but his Twitter oh
man exactly that is his tracker that's
his yes yeah
it actually kind of surprised me that he
didn't delete certain tweets that made
him look bad at certain points during
the election I can say that I admire the
fact that he's just embraced like no
this is what I said I don't want him to
like try to I don't want anyone in that
situation to try to play it up like no
waiting it would make it worse the
second he made himself a presidential
candidate one could argue that somebody
somewhere downloaded all of his tweets
or is not that hard to do and they would
say like oh he deleted these are those
so III think he was just smart enough to
realize that he couldn't hide you know
some of the some of the worse or just
one made him look more hypocritical or
didn't care yeah yeah I agree with that
it'll be interesting to see where it
goes but back to VR presidency right how
would that work well why you have to be
all so cheap that everyone has a VR set
for one that will happen eventually
we've seen enough of this right that
like tech the tech community basically
just wants us to sit on our couches all
day it also happens as easy as pulling
something out of your pocket and just
looking at it it's not like with a VR
set you know oh I want to see okay cool
like it's not it's not that easy let's
keep doing the podcast I just feel like
Geordi from Star Trek yeah I don't know
what that would look like but I think we
may be headed in that direction or like
a VR or an a our president like the
other thing that's kind of funny and
interesting about it is is that most of
what we've talked about related to
Twitter like throughout the podcast has
been that Twitter is dying twitter is
the cesspool the future president the
president as of tomorrow is this is his
mechanism of getting me well that's
always hard on Twitter great again
entirely true though because everything
that he posts on Twitter he also posts
on his Facebook page it's just there's
not enough journalists you know that are
like constantly mining his Facebook page
well it's easier to mine of Twitter a
linear time line into it and then yeah
you can share like there's there's all
the media attention is on Twitter that's
why you know so if Twitter goes bankrupt
for whatever reason not that I'm saying
they are we could just go into the face
yeah yeah okay that one where will trump
go for his social interactions if and
when Twitter should go away snapchat oh
god no please don't
second what is the next logical Avenue
for this post Twitter whenever that may
happen that's a great question beyond
the Trump presidency it's a great
I really do wonder that especially after
coming and coming out of CES where tech
is going these days I really that that's
definitely something that's gonna cook
my noodle for the next couple of days
because that's what it's been like
recently every eight or so years I mean
they'd like the Internet president I
think Obama was described as like the
internet president this is a social
media president what's what's the next
step so most likely be Instagram if
Twitter went under and president got a
gram it I mean yeah I mean if anything
he would just type it type up like what
he wanted to say on like notes so what
you're saying is Bhushan it put in your
resumes for White House photographer now
right yeah sure I'm sure he loves photos
yeah Nathan in the chat says if someone
who's pretty heavily invested in tech
I'm praying he doesn't ruin everything
Nathan we're interested to hear your
perspective on that and what are some of
the fears you may have that could come
from his positions on the tech industry
right yeah what it give us some more
details on what everything means you
know because there are there are a lot
of areas that he could potentially
change going in he says being Pro Tech
doesn't mean he won't put forth
legislation that is harmful to tech
trade and these are some of the things
we saw a post summit what were some of
the takeaways from that summit outside
of some of the glorious memes I think I
think there was at least an impression
that I got that the tech world was was
willing to work with him in a certain
way I mean in a certain sense they have
to yeah you know so but but that
relationship which was very adversarial
I would say during the election at least
they were coming to the table at least
they were talking about was at that
meeting Jeff Bezos was very negative
about Trump during the election so I
think a lot of them wanted to yeah you
know but why don't one that why one of
the key issues that they brought up was
his stance on immigration
and the h1 h-1b visa
yeah because essentially you know Trump
had been talking about his immigration
policies where he wants to make you know
keep it American workers give provide
more American jobs and the tech industry
cut you know directly contradicts with
that where a lot of people in the field
are you know engineers they come in from
overseas yes a lot of that has to do
with the fact that you know they they
complain that there aren't enough
qualified individuals in the u.s. to
fill those jobs so these these CEOs did
bring it up at the summit saying like
look you're not like you need to be able
to embrace like the diversity and you
know right we have these job opening
otherwise filled them right now yeah so
otherwise our products aren't gonna be
as good as you know you keep thinking
that they're gonna be all right
basically yeah it could be a matter of
training more US workers to be able to
fill those jobs but that's not something
that happens overnight
so it's it's an interesting discussion
to have but at the same time you're not
gonna get rid of the h-1b program any
time soon or or or significantly reduce
it I might be wrong about that I mean
like he might drastically change that
program but the way the pipeline is at
this point it's yeah you know he's also
been offering like tax tax incentives
for companies that build in the US and
can provide more jobs in the US and you
know it's a move that your Amazon
created what like ten thousand new jobs
they're planning on adding a hundred
thousand new jobs most of those are in
fulfillment centers some of that was PR
yeah that's they were they already had
playing Softbank IBM all these you know
kind of reacting to Trump's uh you know
tax incentives promise but he's also
been threatening you know country saying
look not countries companies saying if
you build factories in another country
we might hit you on taxes which is
really not a great message to send where
you can only build here and you can't
build anywhere else you think I'll just
blow in smoke though guy he could be
yeah we're gonna find out tomorrow I
went it's starting tomorrow I went I
wanted to hit on one point that was a
Maggie story also like talking about
cutting taxes by the way this is not a
given that US companies are gonna use
this this money for an incentive so I'm
quoting directly from Maggie's story now
in 2004 the US
American companies to bring in the
profits they had earned overseas in the
hopes they would hire more workers most
of the money went to executives and
shareholders instead so there's there's
no you know silver bullet to solving
some of this stuff okay here's a
perspective from the chat Ignace BM says
Trump is for free markets that alone
gives the tech industry a good
environment it's a good point it is a
good point that's definitely a good
point I I would I would say that it
definitely gives some of the tech
players you know an opportunity to work
with him related to that um regardless
of the fact of like we'd you know what
they might disagree with him on social
issues or what-have-you
so what-what Mottola phone does Trump
use again do we miss it I'm not sure I'm
not some Android but oh gosh he also has
an iPhone okay I get a mini has like a
lot of money so he might be able to have
all the phones the best phones I'll give
him this it's better than a blackberry
right yeah and on that note let's call
cool all right thanks everybody yeah
thanks for the questions okay
the 3:59 podcast is available on itunes
tune in stitcher SoundCloud Feedburner
google play music and of course
seen it thanks for watching we'll be
back next Monday coming on to my day
guys then oh so you have a good weekend
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