we're here at CES with the high mirror
mini which is essentially a smart mirror
that analyzes your skin like pores
wrinkles dark spots red spots I can't
tell if this is a dream for beauty
lovers or a nightmare to know exactly
how your skin is but the idea of this
mirror is to analyze all that
information about your skin and then you
can take photos about once a week to see
how your skin is improving if they're
using different beauty products or
anything that's supposed to make you
look great but it's not just a mirror
for your face actually it's more like a
tablet you can listen to Spotify you can
pull up weather forecasts and news
stories and you can even access Amazon
Alexa we're seeing more products that
integrate beauty and technology and it
makes a lot of sense we're in front of
the mirrors anyway we're usually busy
with their hands so why not include some
voice-activated assistance or some
access to technology that will help us
look a little better the high mirror
mini will be available later this year
for $299
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