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'Homecoming' Director Feels Spider-Man's Great Responsibility

it's so satisfying I mean that's the way spider-man was always meant to be seen you know he was created by you know Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in the 60s to give a new perspective on the crazy world that they had been building and that's something we've never been able to explore in movies before and now that we can I just feel like it's an infinite on our possibilities that's not a hug I'm just grabbing the door for you oh all right good good luck out there there is some element where it just feels like you're shooting a documentary with Iron Man you know he shows up and he just embodies Tony Stark in in this way that is just a joy to capture even before this opportunity came up like I would watch Marvel movies or any sort of big epic superhero movies and it would just always think about like what are the regular people and those worlds doing you know even in guardians of the galaxy I remember just like you know you see this big crowd shot I was like what does that guy do like where does he live you know what's his day-to-day life like so I always thought that would be a fascinating thing to explore in one of these movies and and because Peter Parker is sort of the ground-level superhero in this universe that was an opportunity for me to do that and you know I had known a little bit about you know the complexity of the world and the various various storylines that had been told over the years but for me it was important to just go back to the origin and start at the very beginning and that was so satisfying you know because I didn't want the movies to be the jumping-off point I wanted the comics the original books to be the most direct inspiration for me and that was really satisfying to just read just read so many comics tough tough job this arrived at a really interesting time in my life because I had been wanting to make a coming-of-age movie like I had been writing my own coming-of-age story and I got to take a lot of that energy and a lot of those moments and themes that I wanted to explore in a much smaller film and then apply them to spider-man homecoming so in a way like I got to do what I wanted to do anyway but on a much much bigger scale yeah I mean I had no problem relating to Peter Parker like he's he's been chosen to do this incredible thing and it's a lot of responsibility and he feels like he might be in way over his head but is desperate to prove himself I mean you know no similarities
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