Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat matches home decor
Honeywell Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat matches home decor
hi I'm Bridget Carey with Xena she be
here in New York with a burst Limit a
new product well honey well the Wi-Fi
smart thermostat this is a smart product
where you can control your temperature
in your house from a nap like on this
one I've had or on an Android device and
an interesting thing about this product
is that it also is customizable to your
home decor you can set dozens of colors
on this backdrop you can set it for
different temperatures it's saved when
you wake up it could be one temperature
when you get home it could be another if
you know you're going on vacation you
can set it ahead of time from your iPad
and make sure that it's really cool and
warm today on what you want this is
going to be in home depot stores in may
for two hundred fifty dollars and this
is a growing area you're going to be
seeing more these kind of devices where
you take charge do it yourself and it's
awesome it in your home that makes you
have more connected racine at TV I'm
Bridget Carey
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