How do you feel about the iPhone XS Max (The 3:59, Ep. 455)
How do you feel about the iPhone XS Max (The 3:59, Ep. 455)
welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm
Ben Fox Riven another day another iPhone
rumor the latest is about the name of
the jumbo size version of the next
flagship phone it's supposedly gonna be
called the iPhone 10's max not not plus
max I love it it's so bad
look whatever we complain about this
stuff all the time and then it becomes
like pretty normal after a couple months
so I mean we did I wonder if we've made
a lot of fun of the iPad when it first
came out okay I had the air pods how
they looked the iPhone x2 we called it
the iPhone X for a while this was gonna
be really confusing because it's the
iPhone X s they're gonna pronounce it
this way the iPhone X s max that's a lot
of X's it's such a stupid name but who
Apple is worth more than a trillion
dollars what do they care what we have
to say that's true people are still
gonna buy it are you uh are you keen on
you're an Android guy now you keen on
these new iPhones at all so if they
actually have a cheaper version of this
iPhone I would consider going back you
know the big problem was is that they're
offering the iPhone 8 for more money
and it wasn't that much nicer but no
different than the iPhone 6 so it looks
like they're doing a full refresh with
the three iPhones this time around so
we'll say well see all right lots and
lots of Amazon news there it's been a
couple days the company briefly hit a
trillion dollar valuation on Tuesday but
yesterday a lot of people were pulling
their hair because they suffered a an
outage or search outage yeah couldn't
you can buy your diapers or toilet paper
which is what all is which is the only
thing I buy on Amazon so this one's
interesting because it comes after they
had a really bad outage during prime day
yeah and the prime day one made sense to
me in that there was just a flood of
traffic that was coming in to Amazon so
it made sense that it would get messed
up then but this was just a random day
in September sorry is this gonna be a
problem for them going into the holidays
I mean for for their sake they should
certainly hope not because every single
time there's sites down they're gonna
like they lose millions of dollars like
I don't know a minute an hour I'm not
sure where lastly there is the Bernie
his latest stop Bezos act Bezos actually
stands for bad employers by zeroing out
subsidies oh it's a great name bad
employers by zeroing out subsidies act I
have to wonder how much let me spend on
that name what it does basically
required big companies like Amazon and
Walmart to pay the government for any
food stamps public housing Medicaid or
other assistant programs that its
employees used because they're not
making enough money at those companies
right I don't think so
Sanders has been hammering Amazon for
well over a month now about this issue
and there's there's a lot to be
considered here from Amazon's
perspective they say that yes there are
people that use snap which is the new
name for food stamps but a lot of them
are part-time or we're just temporarily
working at Amazon so obviously they
would be eligible for these types of
programs also they have warehouse
workers who obviously get paid a lot
less than you know a tech worker in an
office so there's it's it's from their
perspective that's interesting but I
think Bernie Sanders is definitely going
to keep hammering this issue so oh yeah
lastly we just wanted to you know drop a
tease there we got a first look at the
the new Captain Marvel made by brie
Larson she will be playing the first
female superhero lead in a Marvel movie
so it's a big milestone just like Black
Panther was the african-american
community this year you know people are
looking at Captain Marvel for sort of
you know female empowerment for next
year so I'll come out for a while but I
think what we're seeing so far is pretty
tricking stuff if it does even half as
well as Black Panther I'm sure they will
be very excited about that
and if you if you're a big comic book
geek this is the first time we'll see
the the Scrolls which are pretty well
known comic book villain they're not
that well-known in mainstream awareness
but they're they're these shape-shifting
aliens that have proven to be fairly
vicious sort of antagonists for the
various Marvel heroes so for a while
people were people thought it was the
tied up with Fox I think Fox's assets I
never heard of them there ya know
they're more like villains for the
Fantastic Four okay anyways
boy these toys because I've seen it I'm
Roger Chang I'm Ben Fox Ruben thanks for
listening every episode ends with you
guys like critiquing how badly you did I
was kidding
that was uh no that was a bad show so
terrible that show do we still have
people watching hey Roger what's a
Skrull again ask oh I heard scroll
Scroll scroll Scroll did I say that
SKR ull yes that's what I said okay did
I not pronounce that correct mr. over
helmet are you sorry
it's a race of shape-shifting aliens
that are I think one of the big powers
in the Marvel cosmic universe mm-hmm and
I've showed up time and time again as he
antagonists for various Marvel heroes
for the actors I don't know anything
about that I was happy to see Infinity
Gauntlet I will show that was an old
sort of trivia like the original
Avengers movie with the alien invaders
coming in a lot of folks thought the
scrolls would be the big alien
antagonists or villain coming in turned
out there's a British Atari which was
I'm running a geeky here which was the
Ultimate Marvel Universe version of the
scrolls and I think they did that
because they had I think Marvel at the
time meyneth had legal rights to use the
scrolls because Fox might have owned
them yeah let her down a whole radical
here I thought I was a comic book nerd
but apparently not I've been a while
yeah I think I just went down this
rabbit hole one day I'm like wow this is
actually kind of because they had like
there were legal implications and there
was and then there was the whole
background of the comic books and the
history of these villains
anyways I used to have the like the old
Marvel cards and like the different yeah
like there were these different
characters for all the different
characters you know how many characters
they have they have hundreds oh yeah
thousands of characters I'm waiting for
the watchers to show up again you know
what those guys are the a the JJ heads
they just watch everything we're in the
guardians to the sequel
oh I like the very end no really briefly
I think when they were hopped like when
raccoon and they were like hopping from
place to place I think one of the places
they stopped it like turn into the
Watchers and yeah they're like hey
what's Cameo there so anyway I'm sure
our questions are not Captain Marvel
related Brian what do we got I mean I
could talk about Captain Marvel all day
and how I think it's an injustice that
we're getting Captain Marvel before
we're getting Black Widow oh yeah that's
true years of black widow build up with
no movie I want that movie so bad it
hurts anyways from sir enjoy welcome
back bfr what's I think polo looks like
you're gonna go out for a beer after the
show I will be it is really hot here
it's very high if I didn't have if I
hadn't had a media hit earlier today I
probably would have been wearing a polo
as well yes to be fair
enjoy all right where the bear arms so
let's talk about the elephant in the
room what in other words Matthew catcher
says max excess money that's what that
stands for
max excess money is the iPhone max
excess money get it get it I'm not good
I'm not getting access money as in
you're spending excess money right yes
yes you're right you guys are way too
clever for us you boys by the living
hell out of this phone they're just
gonna buy it they don't care I mean
labels on it this is a really you you
what is it like the Droid line of phones
had really like a similar name oh yeah
where it was like the Droid ultra karate
job Troy turbo I think there was a droid
Maxx yeah at one point yeah two x's I
just it's a I don't know I don't
understand what they're doing with their
naming I'm just surprised they didn't
use plus again I feel like everyone kind
of was comfortable with the the plus and
everybody uses the plus maybe Apple is
now trying to switch over to something
else because Samsung users Plus doesn't
Google use plus or do they use Mac's
pick no pixel uses the Excel oh okay
and they weren't gonna do that then it
would be the iPhone xs-xl mmm extra
their vault by the extra-medium certain
joy says if Excel means extra large and
excess means extra small wouldn't excess
max cancel each other out and just
become an iPhone X right so that's 100
sadly right this logic of this phone is
uh yeah it's a little dubious remember I
guess we have to probably pronounce
a-10s even though everyone else will say
access but what's gonna happen next year
we're gonna have to write the story like
what's you know no it won't be as if
Roman numerals it's why I phone why I
don't know listen why are we still
talking about Apple Shawn Vega fellas is
calling you on your BS it how could you
know so much about Marvel and not catch
that Apple pun that's really blind spot
for random puns I think our minds are
still kind of slogging after yesterday
that is a fair point my brain is working
in half speed today because of all the
like the six plus hours of congressional
hearings that we had to listen to that
that Ben got out of it yeah because he
was I was watching my kid and eating
sauerkraut yes I'm out my kid ended up
in Berlin and all this no I am very
happy I didn't have to watch all that
yeah you were mm-hmm all right so you
Skippy on the new phone we'll see what
that takes us next week let's talk about
Amazon for a second cuz I'm glad you
guys covered that as a story today cuz
that actually happened me last night I
was I forgot what the hell always even
shopping yeah what are you gonna buy you
don't know I searched for it well I was
looking for shoes and I just kept
getting bagel so like did what was it
and the long story on this one then
there I I don't I don't know that he
knows anything they didn't really
disclose it I think they tend to avoid
disclosing this stuff like I remember
with prime day they had this huge
where we weren't able to access the
website they get all they saw with the
dogs right yeah they all saw
Amazon employees or something and I
asked the chief financial officer during
like an earnings call with reporters and
he finally like he had a statement ready
but this was like well over a week or a
week and a half afterward he was like we
had a like a rush of traffic and that's
what ended up happening and it you know
kind of really screwed up the website so
with this one again why it happened
randomly in September it's hard to say
but Amazon tends to keep this stuff
pretty quiet it's also newsworthy
because it doesn't really happen that
no so you know it's it would be very bad
and unfortunate if this started to come
up more often I had two random friends
like text me about that just the fact
that they were texting about like Amazon
errors they're not techie people at all
know what's going on that was on where
can i buy whatever the heck they were
gonna buy people want to buy stuff on
Amazon and that's how all the time that
is how they became briefly a trillion
dollar company is is that you have a
robust website that doesn't fail all the
time and this is twice already we're
seeing in only a couple months so I
don't know what's going on here so I
have a serious question for you how long
do you think it took pretty centers to
come up with the Bezos that Oh God
and you know what I like about it - he
gets - right stop Bezos and it's all
capital letters
Bezos so okay it's it's granted this is
Washington DC so the names don't really
make sense to begin with but this one is
a real gem actually kind of works I
don't really understand what it means it
stopped at employers by zeroing out
subsidies by basically eliminating the
subsidies or okay for having the
employer pay the subsidies that they're
government subsidies government
subsidies yes okay that does actually
make more sense than I put into this
native-like how do we fit these words
into Bezos yes yes and and it's okay
it's worth throwing out there that he
was making a big stink about their
fulfillment centers yeah asked to go to
a fulfillment center Amazon had recently
called a mountain said we were in touch
with your office we invited you to a
fulfillment center you have
gone to one yet so amid all of this it's
important to recognize the fact that
like he's he's complaining up and down
about working conditions and all that
other stuff but he still hasn't actually
visited one of these locations yes but I
mean this this act isn't necessarily
true we wouldn't address working in
dishes good work it would address hey
right and so or the lack of pay the fact
that some employees still need
government assistance even though they
have a job and maybe some of them are
part-time learners that that's kind of
obscured right soon I don't know if that
I feel like that's Amazon you know
throwing that out there - I guess mix up
the argument or the debate a little bit
but this this has nothing to do really
with working in dishes
yes more about pay yeah um I I think
it's an important issue to bring up I
mean like these are the people that get
your packages ready and right you know
how this stuff gets delivered and you
know the pay I guess a lot of people
would think that it's perhaps too low
Amazon claims that you they have very
competitive salaries within the
warehouse industry so it it depends who
you're looking at from this perspective
I don't know if Amazon's actually gonna
end up doing something about this
but I remember Walmart also had to deal
with a lot of these issues back when
they were very much in the spotlight I
mean this this act does Target Walmart
as well with theoretically Target
Walmart ooh because they've got a lot of
warehouse employees yeah I don't know
we'll see how far this actually goes I
mean like with Republicans controlling
Congress I don't actually imagine it's
gonna get that much attention but Bernie
Sanders is definitely getting attention
for himself for this look that name is
that's gonna get attention right stop
Bezos it's a pretty ingenious name for
an act there's another situation that's
coming up I think later this month Jeff
Bezos is planning on making a big
announcement of where he's going to give
away all of his money you know so like
he's gonna be like this big philanthropy
but yeah is that gonna help him in this
situation I don't know it's it's not
directly related i I mean it's not like
he's giving the warehouse workers his
money as much as I think that would be a
idea be great it's like I'm giving all
16 percent of Amazon to the warehouse
worker I mean he could set up a program
for like scholarships aid whatever
educational resources he's not gonna do
it I'm gonna do it yeah that would
actually pretty nice yeah anyway do we
have more questions yeah Bryan well we
got a few more let's steer away from
Amazon it sounds like people are still
having trouble with the site this
morning a peccary dogs syringe Oh is
wondering if they just straight-up
change the format of the site I haven't
been doing yet again this morning
outside of the quick research I did for
our b-roll but like I didn't really
notice any drastic changes but we'll
have to keep looking into that sounds
like they might be doing like an
overhaul on the back end and that's
causing the problems if that's the case
it could be yeah but they do those all
the time it could be regional too cuz
I'm not having any issues with it right
now the thing is is that they fix up
that website constantly and these types
of things don't tend to percolate to the
consumer so yeah it's obviously
problematic if you want to buy stuff on
Amazon and you can so yeah yeah
swinging back into iphone territory just
for a brief second hey Peck says ever
wonder how phones are named the PR
department writes words on a paper
sticking in a hat picks a number pull
out as many pieces of paper voila brand
new name for a device is born I feel
like they do that all over the place
like oh one thing I really hate is any
time I love working with David Carr no
here but any time he brings a product
it's it's the Bose X F 2700 those names
so models so order it like so the name
conventions a text sucks so going back a
bit back past the 2000 when we're out of
flip phones I remember the naming
conventions were like that it was like
the V X 100 of the V X 25 50 the Nokia
of 53 whatever the 5300 I think it was a
banana phone oh it wasn't tell the the
Motorola RAZR came out that they kind of
I think that changed things when like
people started associated Razer with
cool other brands started copying that
you had phones like the blade and he had
phones like I don't know I'm trying to
blank the Perl
actual names and then that we're like in
this weird I feel like we're in this
hybrid again where it's I
names Plus numbers and the numbers
sometimes make sense or in this case may
not make sense but I don't know it's I
do wish the tech industry would be a bit
more creative with their names what do
you think the chances are I mean this is
a silly question but so Apple moved away
from I this yeah I do I add iPhone but
now I do yeah when do you think that
could ever possibly happen I don't know
that's that would make sense given what
they've been doing with it like
everything else products services are
all adopting the Apple name the iPhone
is such a it's such a household name it
is you know you it's hard for me to see
them give up the the brand equity I just
wonder I wonder if they painted
themselves into a corner with like these
ridiculous iPhone names where if in fact
it is the iPhone excess max what the
hell are they supposed to do next year
the NX s max + - right Roman numeral -
so in theory and know this isn't going
to happen they could do a full refresh
of the name call it the Apple phone next
year and then the Apple phone - the year
after rigging super simple super simple
until they get to the tenth one and they
name it the Apple phone X and ruin
everything again and they go back to the
iPhone iPod Classic will be the next
year's model yes yes we saw year's Apple
we've got you covered
give me a time hey just reminder
Microsoft did it first with the Xbox one
oh oh yeah oh wait what XS well maybe
exaggerating so yeah Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox
one Xbox one X the X Box 1 X Tech naming
conventions suck listen we're almost out
of time but Ricky B says they should
just start naming stuff and model by
like model year like cars do yeah yeah
yeah dacher is wondering if apples gonna
do with the iPhone what they did with
Mac OS and just start calling it OS X
that is a treatise on smart way yeah
yeah I mean they did that the iPad
little while it's harder to do the year
naming convention since you've got like
two or three models each year now so
it's not as simple as like the one model
and keep in mind car models even though
there's like the Honda Accord it's also
the Honda Accord se or xn yeah there are
multiple trims to those cars so yes they
also have their own confusing name I
have a Honda Accord XS max at home so
it's also $1,000 over there thousand
dollars it's all aluminium we the the
concept of bad naming conventions the
irony is not lost on this show so just
want you guys oh yes oh one quick
correction pointing out to you Roger
that Black Panther was not the first
African American superhero that credit
goes to blade that's fair enough
all right good point that was 20 years
ago so that's like doesn't count anymore
right not only did I actually say it was
the first time I just said it was you
said it was me oh yeah it was a big deal
right cultural moment it was but credit
where credit's due tre did it first and
well Arthur given the fact that it was
almost entirely african-american cast as
opposed to blade there was more of a
cultural significance I'm not gonna I'm
not gonna downplay Blake cuz I actually
like blade a lot I agree with you I
agree they're just just just yanking
your chain a little bit at a time we
gotta go time for the week
alright if you like this podcast is
available on iTunes tune in stitcher
feedburner google play music amazon
alexa of course Tina calm we'll see you
all next week
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