hey everyone I'm Sharon Vaknin for sina
com with your guide to getting started
on twitter now this is twitter 101 so
we'll go over the basics like setting up
your account Twitter lingo like RT and
pound signs and finally I'll give you a
basic strategy for tweeting on Facebook
and Twitter asked you guys to give me
your best tips so i'll include those two
and i should also mention that there are
a ton of twitter apps for your desktop
or your mobile devices but i'm just
going to focus on what twitter does and
you can decide which app to use after we
cover the basics ok so let's get started
at twitter com first pick a username
which should be short and sweet refrain
from picking weird handles like dog
lover XO we just don't do that on
twitter now edit your profile there are
only a few things to do here so it's
important to get it right upload a
profile picture and add a bio as ashley
laurel explains your bio should include
who you are where you're from and what
you're interested in it'll help people
decide if they should follow you or not
good now that you've got your profile
setup let's talk about tweeting this is
where you tweet and below this is your
timeline where you see updates from
people you follow for tweets you're
limited to 140 characters or less which
you probably know but there is some
Twitter lingo you need to learn if you
want to talk someone in a tweet use the
@ symbol followed by their username your
tweet will show up in their mentions tab
and anytime someone tags you you'll see
it in your mentions tab so if I want to
say something to eric franklin or neat
opal on twitter ID right at need opal
than the message this suite will only
show up in eric's mentions and the
timeline of anyone who follows Eric and
I but if I tweet something and include
at need opal somewhere in the middle
it'll show up in a timeline of everyone
who follows me at replies or mentions
are public so if you want something a
little more private send a direct
message you can send a message to anyone
who follows you just go to the messages
tab and send one here now let's talk
about retweets if you see something
interesting from someone on your
timeline you might want to repost it to
your followers just click retweet under
the tweet you want to repo
and it'll show up in the timeline or you
can copy the tweet and preface it with
rt than the person's Twitter handle and
that way it'll show up in that person's
mentions tab but now that you know how
to communicate on Twitter you might be
wondering what the heck you should tweet
about unless your Kim Kardashian or
Charlie Sheen you're not going to get a
million followers instantly be patient
and use my tips to build your following
assignment Everard points out please
please please don't talk about what you
had for breakfast instead find a niche
and tweet about things that you're
interested in or good at like if you
decided that your niche is gaming post
links to articles you found new games
you're playing and retweet other people
in your gaming community when you
retweet your building relationships and
getting the attention of other people
like you which is important for building
a following talk to people or you'll get
really lonely send them at replies and
ask questions comment on their tweets
and make conversation if you're looking
for people to follow twitter will give
you suggestions over here on the front
page like this person said be active in
other people's conversations and don't
be discouraged if others are not active
in yours another key Twitter trick is to
use hashtags which are like keywords for
tweets just put the pound sign before
any word for example I can tweet I found
this awesome recipe on chow com I can't
wait to try it then you click that
hashtag and see who else is talking
about recipes sometimes hashtags become
so popular that they end up in the trend
section in the sidebar it's a quick way
to see what people are talking about so
those are the basics of using Twitter
but before I go here's some advice from
Joe sigler when starting new try not to
follow too many people too quickly you
can get overwhelmed I've seen a few
friends quit Twitter because of too much
information thanks Joe now if you do get
overwhelmed or just have any questions
feel free to ask me on Twitter or
Facebook fits more than 140 characters
and if you want to see more how to
videos visit how to cnet com pristine it
I'm Sharon Vaknin and i'll see you on
the interwebs
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