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How to: Make a shortcut to your unread Gmail

one thing about email no matter how much more convenient it is over opening a letter and reading a piece of paper we always want to make it easier here's a trick for making a shortcut to your unread gmail in Firefox gmail makes it easy to bookmark different parts of itself for instance you can bookmark your inbox at mail google com / male / pound inbox that keyword after the pound sign is the key change that to pound sent and you can bookmark your sent mail unread mail unfortunately does not have a nifty keyword like that instead you need to do a search within Gmail phrase it this way is colon unread in colon in box with a space between those two phrases now you can bookmark that rather ugly but useful URL and the easiest way would be to drag it right to the toolbar now that seems simple so let's make it more complicated in order to make it a little easier later you won't want to hunt around for that bookmark right you I know you so do this right click on the bookmark you just created and select properties in the keyword field type a name you'll easily remember like gun read sounds all Western and tough g un rea it's a little long let's shorten it to GU okay now watch the magic open a new tab type GU in the address bar and press Enter boom you take them directly to your unread gmail nifty eh now take those milliseconds you gain and do something to save the world won't you of course you will I know you I'm Tom Merritt cnet com
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