How to: Stream music from the cloud on iOS devices
How to: Stream music from the cloud on iOS devices
storing and streaming music from the
cloud is a nice alternative to storing
it locally on your phone or computer it
gives you more storage space on your
devices and allows you to access your
music from anywhere but when Amazon
launched its cloud drive and cloud
player it gave I Oh s users no love I'm
Sharon Vaknin for with a guide
for iOS users who want to string music
from the cloud when Amazon's Cloud Drive
and player were first announced we
quickly figured out that even though
there isn't a dedicated app for iOS you
can still stream music to your iPhone
iPod or iPad it's sort of clumsy but
here's how it works
head to / Cloud Player you'll
be warned that your browser is not
supported but you already knew that hit
continue and you'll see the cloud player
dashboard to play a song tap it and hit
the blue arrow on the right you'll see a
drop-down menu select download and
safari will open the song with QuickTime
the first time you do this Amazon will
ask you to get the mp3 download err your
song will start playing and will play in
the background if you exit Safari which
is fine but as you can see you can't
skip songs save them or do any of the
cool things that the Amazon mp3 app for
Android can personally I would skip this
option it's too sloppy and I can't find
any practical use for this method
instead I use sugar sync a similar
service which is actually iOS compatible
like Amazon Sugar Singh gives you 5
gigabytes of storage for free but the
best part is that for every friend who
signs up for sugar sing through referral
you made you get 500 megabytes of extra
storage to keep forever and there's no
maximum right now the promotion is only
offered until May 31st 2011 so now's the
time to start spamming your friends to
set up the cloud go to sugar sing calm
and hit try sugarsync free you'll see
several pricing options for now let's
get the five free gigabytes of storage
by scrolling down and hitting sign up
next to the fine print after that follow
the sign up and download instructions
and get sugar sync on your computer once
it's there open the sugar sync file
to add music to your cloud hit ad sync
folder and select all the folders you
want to sync if you have iTunes you can
choose to sync your entire iTunes
library if it fits now download the
sugar sync app on your iOS device once
you're signed in open the icon for your
computer you'll see all the files you
backed up to your cloud to stream your
music just open a folder and tap a song
if you're on slow connection it'll take
some time to buffer sugar sing supports
multi tasking so music will play even
when you exit from this player window
you can skip songs within the folder so
if you want to be able to skip through
all of your music make sure to put all
your files into one folder
unlike the Amazon mp3 app there's no
support for playlist creation or
shuffling but according to SugarSync
these features should be coming soon
remember you need to be connected to the
Internet to stream music from your cloud
but if you know you'll be offline cache
songs by tapping the arrow next to a
file and selecting sync to iPhone
SugarSync is my chosen alternative to
Amazon Cloud Player
but Dropbox can offer you a similar deal
the difference is that you only get two
gigabytes free and the app won't let you
skip songs in other words it's pointless
for media streaming but if you're stuck
on Dropbox you can download a $2.00 app
called boxy tunes it lets you skip songs
create playlists and cache your library
at this point sugarsync and Dropbox are
probably your best bet for streaming
music from the cloud but since the
Amazon mp3 app would directly compete
with iTunes and the fact that Apple is
rumored to be developing its own cloud
service it might be a while before we
see it an Amazon Cloud Player show up in
the App Store
if you have any how to request of your
own email them - how to at Zenit com4
CNET I'm Sharon Vaknin and I'll see you
on the interwebs
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