hey guys Jason Cipriani here a CNET
how-to contributor and today we're going
to take a quick look at a neat tip for
the podcast app on iOS Apple released
this a while back and some users loved
it some users hate it either way the tip
we're gonna cover today is pretty handy
and it's how to add any podcast to the
podcast app on iOS
now when you launch the app you don't
have anything subscribed to in here you
haven't synced its iTunes or you haven't
added anything it tells you you can
browser subscribe
to free episodes and the podcast catalog
or top stations now that means you
either go through the catalog or the
stop stations link here to browse
podcasts what it doesn't tell you is you
can actually subscribe to any podcast as
long as you have a direct link to that
podcast by using the search built here
so I've already copied a URL or a link
to a podcast to my clipboard I'm gonna
paste that in and as you can see it's
too seen it's Apple by the non iTunes
version and we're gonna go ahead and hit
search then be prompted to subscribe to
podcast so as you can see here it shows
me the direct link to that podcast make
sure I want to subscribe to it if I tap
it has a podcast for me now I added that
without going through iTunes as you saw
the link wasn't the iTunes link and this
will work for any podcast you have a
direct link to you just have to pull
down hit the search field enter the URL
search for it and subscribe once again
this is Jason Cipriani was seen at how
to and now is how to subscribe to any
podcast in the podcast app on iOS make
sure to visit us at how to see Netcom
for more great tech tips just like this
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