hey guys Jason Cipriani here
a CNN how-to contributor today we're
going to discuss how to manually start
an iCloud backup on iOS 5
whether it's your iPod touch your iPhone
or your iPad we're going to show you how
to begin the backup instead of waiting
for iCloud to automatically backup the
device when you plug it in at night to
charge it so let's take a look on how to
complete an iCloud backup on iOS 5 first
thing we'll do is we'll launch the
Settings app tap on iCloud and scroll
down to storage and backup scroll all
the way to the bottom again and you'll
see along the bottom it'll be loading
the last backup date I back mine up just
a few minutes ago
yours may show a few days ago or last
night now you could also note that power
a power source as well as your phone
being locked and connected to a Wi-Fi
network is required for iCloud so
automatically backup your phone or
device every night if for some reason
you're not hooked up to a Wi-Fi network
for a few days and you want to make a
fresh backup or you get ready to switch
devices or an iOS update have just been
launched and you want to backup make
sure you have a clean backup what you
would do is come to this place and then
tap on backup now you can scroll down
again after you tap on backup now and
you'll see a little progress bar as well
as the estimated time remaining
depending on which model you have as far
as storage goes as well as how much
content you have on your device will
determine how long the backup takes it
should take right around 5 to 10 minutes
again that also depends on your Wi-Fi
speed that's really they're all as to
forcing an iCloud backup on iOS 5 make
sure to join us over on how to see
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