Huawei Mate 20 Pro's triple cameras take on London
Huawei Mate 20 Pro's triple cameras take on London
so I've just got the qua weight mate 20
profe is the latest flagship for par way
and on the back you will see it has got
three cameras and a flash in this square
thing here now I want to see what these
cameras can do so I'm going to take this
out across London see what sort of shots
we can get now you may also notice that
I've covered it in horrible brown tape
so this phone looks like a piece of crap
right now that is my fault because we
need to make sure this is hidden from
view when we go walking around London
just so we don't get mobbed by Huawei
fans trying to take it from us okay want
this shot of this wide seen across
London and already actually I'm looking
that this phone uses the AI scene
detection mode that we've seen before
and so already it's showing me that it's
detected blue sky and it's boosting
those blue skies a bit and looks like
it's doing a bit of HDR stuff down here
on these buildings to bring up those
shadows I'm going to take that shot okay
because it at the moment is shooting in
standard mode and it gives just a nice
reasonably wide view at the scene but
there is an option to go even wider and
that brings in so much more of the scene
including the building that you'll see
on the right okay I think it's time to
hit the streets we've actually got here
multiple zoom mode you've got either the
super wide at naught point six times
which gets us this shot we've got the
regular view which will get us that shot
a three times zoom which gets us up
there and a five times which gets right
in on that underground side
now the AI mode has recognized that
there's a bicycle in this picture I
don't know why that matters I don't know
what settings you'd apply to a shop that
has a bicycle in it particularly one
that's stationary like that but hey ho
it's very clever that it's managed to do
that so one of the cool things that's
new in the video side is this selective
color mode so you can see that we've got
our guy here standing in the middle and
if you turn to a site you can see that
it will start tracking its face it knows
that there's a person there is really
handy but if we go into the different
scene modes as one called AI color and
when AI color is activated what it will
do is actually it recognizes it as a
person in the scene and it will pretty
much keep only them in color even if
they move the bar or if we move about it
will track them track their position the
background will stay in black and white
as we saw before this is a scene that is
packed with color so it's doing a really
good job of isolating him there in this
scene as he's walking around and I can
move the phone about keep him on one
side of the screen or in the other and
it still keeps him tracked and with an
exception of a few couple of little
blips it keeps everything in black and
white which yeah may not be affected
when I use all the time but it's pretty
cool when it works like this of course
when you do see a nice bright wall like
this you will probably want to take a
selfie in front of it now there is a 24
megapixel front facing camera and
there's plenty of effects that they put
into this like HDR modes and various
lighting effects kind of similar to what
we've seen on like the iPhone 10 so
let's give those a try see how they
I can take a shot at you working hard
so trying to get this shot with this
really really bright sky the sun's there
was a bright blue sky and obviously the
front of this building is falling to
shadow so I want to see how well things
like the HDR mode will help so bring up
those shadows of it now
the AI is detecting at the moment it's
gone from building to bicycle to blue
sky and now it's not giving me anything
at the moment I think there's so many
different things going on in the scene I
didn't really know what's best to lock
onto so I'll take a shot and see what
that looks like this is a very very
challenging scene for even a
professional camera to take so I'm not
expecting miracles from just a phone
nothing for pigeons
I was hoping for feathered rats getting
right up close on this leave it has
autumn leaves if you use the wide-angle
mode you can you can focus extremely
close as well up to about two two and a
half centimetres which I'm doing here
and when you do that you see a lot more
of the background as well so it really
puts that leaf in context but for me I
do prefer using the five times een to
really isolate the object from its
I prefer that shop here's one when I am
using the really super wide angle lens
to get close focus on this face but
still get all of the street going in the
way into the background which looks
really cool on a shot like this
okay definitely time for some food
photos now we finally got everything
that we want to eat we're gonna start on
this is this chicken it is chicken all
obviously they're telling me it's food
so it's worked that much out more food
and the bagel is food okay
and then top down and no longer knows
its food time to eat it
and of course no photoshoot around
London would be complete without one
shots of some beers in a dark pub so
here we go and that's also just try one
more selfie with the beer in lower light
conditions good beer brought our
wonderful model James in you're going to
take some photos of him now using
regular portrait mode if I can turn the
camera around so there we go
portrait detector the face there he is
again we can do Beauty level what do I
complete Beauty level 10 I think BT
level 10 much better that's a 10 great
and I think that brings us to a close
via time I think overall I'm pretty
pleased with what the mate 20 pro
managed to achieve on my little photo
tour the AI steen recognition does a
good job of helping boost colors and
saturation and contrast giving photos a
nice punchy look some of the lower light
indoor shots did look a little bit soft
so I'm keen to explore that further
particularly as the Huawei p20 Pro was
such a low light champ but for much more
on the huawei mate 20 and the mate 20
pro do make sure to keep your eye on
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