if you've recently bought a sensi Wi-Fi
programmable thermostat from Emerson
you're in luck we're going to walk you
through the physical installation so the
first thing you definitely want to do is
turn off power to your thermostat it may
not reflect that in display because like
mine it's battery-powered but definitely
make sure that your heat and a/c is shut
off and powered down so the first thing
you want to do is remove the faceplate
from your old thermostat this is the old
thermostat that came with my house so
I'm just going to snap off the faceplate
so that's done just set that aside the
next thing you want to do is to get a
picture of the layout of your wiring if
for some reason it doesn't work out with
your new thermostat compatibility and
you want to put the old one back on it's
really helpful as a handy guide just to
make sure you can find your way back so
after you've done that you'll want to
just unscrew and remove the existing
wires I already unscrewed them just for
simplicity sake but just take a little a
little screwdriver if you loosen those
the wires will come right out the next
step is to just remove the base the base
plate here so that's pretty
straightforward this this one comes out
really easily then we'll just unscrew
this one so something I sometimes
recommend if you're worried about your
wiring falling back into your wall just
wrap the wires around a pencil or
something it's a good place holder if
you're trying to do something in between
I need to take a break so I'm gonna grab
the base plate for my thermostat over
here alright so the next step is to just
feed the wires through the Scentsy base
plate line it up with the holes
conveniently mine lines up perfectly so
I don't need a power drill or anything
this kind of ID
really and then just add in your screws
here so I'm gonna screw this in and it
comes with a level which makes it really
nice another thing I want to think about
is you know like mine here you can see
the original paint that was behind the
old thermostat so you might have to do
some touching up along the way but it's
not - not too bad so the next step is to
just attach reattach the wires basically
this layout is a little different but
it's labeled so you want to put your RH
and the RH port screw that down same
with all the others you'll want to screw
those back in another thing if I didn't
mention it you'll want to go to sensei's
website and just check compatibility
there's a chance that your original
wiring isn't compatible with this one
but fortunately mine was so that makes
it really simple
the final step really is just to snap
the faceplate back on these usually just
kind of line them up the right way they
should pop on fairly easily
fortunately the the faceplate in this
case is larger than the baseplate so it
actually does cover up all that paint so
I don't really have to do anything but
that's it that's your kind of step by
step to installing the Emerson sensi
Wi-Fi programmable thorough set
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