Interview: Bryan Bishop has faith in those 'Avatar' sequels on Tomorrow Daily
Interview: Bryan Bishop has faith in those 'Avatar' sequels on Tomorrow Daily
welcome back to the show everybody long
time you to our daily might recognize
this safety is a new york times at
best-selling author book shrinkage he is
also an adam carolla sidekick and he is
on the film podcast film fault we're
excited to have brian bishop with us
brian all brian you may know where is
thank you my full name is i'm very
comforted to know having listened to you
for a long time than you are in fact
quality is not just a trick of region
not just an act every 1s tech gimmick to
get over on the public this is this is
my rear this is the real deal is the
real deal not not phony I live that life
I love that ball black blood life also
just for for our viewers who might have
missed you from our from our LA studio
when we were small where were you yeah
I'm not eating right um congrats you're
having a baby this yeah it's true I am
having a little baby girl I'm very
excited about do around the same time is
yeah baby boy our lives are changing I
know how about a play date soon let's do
it and well maybe we'll invite the kids
and the wives too okay i am be a lady
are you as terrified as I am I'm not
it's it's a weird thing I feel like
we've been trying for a while and it's
sort of like a long time coming so we're
excited we're marks I mean yes I'm
nervous for obvious reasons but I'm
overall were excited about you well I'm
definitely excited and two positive
feeling but I definitely like I don't
know if I'm prepared for the level of
change that my life is going to go
through yeah so when we turn to our
guest room into a baby room started to
turn the guest room into a nursery as
when I sort of said my first here my god
no more sleepovers yeah friends and
parents yeah and we're no more sleeping
bag parties no more pillow fights with
your guests I congratulate both of you
and I'm just gonna wait so everybody
else is having babies I'm like I'll just
see how that goes for all of you and
then I'll I'll think we'll send you a
report I have three very adorable dogs
you're a very busy person for our was
gonna have a child you or have lots of
stuff going on yeah but meet him amount
of stuff going on so let's talk about
first of all film vault don't you with
Anderson yep you also do with producer
Logan producer Logan does heck we allow
him to hang out you allow him to
all is the brains behind the operation
which is hair fire same here everyone
same uh you guys have some you guys have
been doing a really good job we want to
talk about summer movies with you okay
because it is summer movie season it's
the world we are on the precipice around
the price busters they are coming they
are coming today I think the
little-known film civil war captain
reservoir will be kicking off film
season that's like sure what that
obscure title is I wonder if ur gonna
hear much about that the marketing has
been extremely it's close to nothing
they're playing it close to the vest
really close the best I think they just
want people to be surprised about it
maybe get some word of mouth out there
Marvel you might have a head on your
hands let people know about it maybe
yeah um but it's a really big summer for
movies we thought last year would be a
big summer and it's turning out now I
think we're just going to start seeing
these insane temples every single year
just yeah just packed in to a very tight
like five months schedule right I I hate
I hate the people who are too cool for
school and hate on everything and are
hipsters about it but I feel like this
maybe we'll see this might be the summer
of sequels and remakes and reboots that
nobody asked for I don't know where
another teenage mutant ninja turtles
fits into my life the first one was a
little too much well you're not ten I
was ten when I first came out thus I
must have nostalgia for it I was ten
than the Transformers came out and I
dying for every transformer would be
like a gave me more GI Joe please Tina's
beating his Turtles not so much not so
much my nephew's excited is it okay that
you can okay maybe I'll sauna maybe I'll
see him there maybe you ought to see it
you're like hey kid are you excited
about this using yes and you're like me
he just kind of like mid take all the
joy out of his life don't sit next any
tenor okay I won't bring him down are we
allowed to talk about the fact you saw
Civil War is that oh yeah we can't
actually talk about it there's no I
don't want to spoil anything for you no
don't spoil anything just don't know
you're your impressions give me
your I walked occasional I will act out
my impressions in a dance that I've been
working and interpretive dance I please
for me it was more like like I mean it
was boasting it feared yes oh I saw that
I went to the premiere and it was really
fun bit of a humble brag it is no it's
not a humble notice I should just drop
that yeah Brad
I got to go to the premiere of Civil War
I SAT like like right down the road from
Nathan Fillion and that is also Bragg
and it was great uh the theater was
packed full of people who are just
really excited to see the movie which
I'm sure will be the case with you guys
when you go see it and it was it was
great are you on the Marvel train are
you excited about the Marvel slate I'm
excited about good movies so i will i
will give any good movie the proper
respect that deserves I feel like the
beginning of this year has been really
helpful because now we have a very
effective scale for rating we have the
Deadpool to Batman V Superman scale I
don't know where in the Deadpool to
batman be superman scale does civil war
fall it's it like oh its rules at the
top alright guy waiting for pretty great
baby right it's cuz dead pulls more of a
personal individual film but like if you
really look at i don't know it could
qualities qualities i would say it's i
would say right there wow there's a
certain character that shows up that
like I i'm not i'm not even gonna lie i
should have teared when that character
showed the way that character is all
right there's no it's just wonderful cuz
this is a bit they kind of blow it in
the trailer at least one of the trailers
i saw where spider-man shows i was in
you're talking about yeah okay alright
okay alright cuz i'm talking about if
it's in the trailer it's not a secret
right well but okay I'd be just I'm just
not particularly the people who are
going spoilers but the way they set it
up which you don't see in the trailers
makes it even better when he does show
up in that moment okay right I just
Wendy's handle to the whole movie is so
great and that kid is spider-man there's
never been a better spider-man real one
hundred percent never the best
spider-man Tobey Maguire best spider-man
movie of all time is called captain
america it is no tomorrow the best
spider-man movie is civil war but now
we're know where people are like I'm
angry about you guys talking about this
thing let's talk about more of the
movies you're excited about yeah what
what are you excited about this summer
rice what's what should you see I'm
cautiously optimistic for this
Ghostbusters reboot I was no badly to
want to like it and I'm a fan of most if
not all the principal people involved
Paul Feig generally does not make bad
movies a spy do you guess he spy I did
so spice should have been a very bad
movies by looked bad in the trailers
always Terran it didn't have a lot going
for it but then I saw the movie and it
was very very good nose like this this
is a good filmmaker who is
charge in mastery of his craft like he
is doing good things with maybe even
limited resources resources being the
material supply was great bridesmaids of
course was great to hear i was very good
you're also all terrible trailers yes I
would say all awful trailers so I have
hope about and ghostbusters because
they've all they were call awful
trailers when I saw the trailer for
bridesmaids I'm like this movie looks so
dumb and then I saw it and said what
happened this is a great movie like why
did the trailer turn me off to this I
feel so sad that I waited so long to see
it I had a similar reaction to the
trailer for the heat which was I know
where this is going it's a buddy film
and she's uptight and she is crazy and
I'm friends but it was so much more than
that it was such a better movie and
that's a sign of a director's really
like you know them at the top of his
game speaking of directors are at the
top of their game what do you think
about four more avatar movies yeah let's
discuss alright well well okay there's
mmm before you start what do you think
of the first avatar movie I would I
think that's gonna actually inform the
rest of the conversation avatar bows I
like avatar wasn't it wasn't terrible
you cannot say I've it always a bad
movie however he can I say after was a
great movie it's it I it was a b-minus
maybe I loved it I thought six times in
the theater oh I think when you bring in
the word unobtainium from a writing
perspective I get very upset I read that
but I will say it was very beautiful and
i liked the message the story sounds
very nice and i will see future avatar
me as well I listen you bring it back to
you mentioned you start as whole thing
off with the director how many bad
movies has James Cameron 8000 years ago
how sonata making that movie is a by any
script by any reasonable definition he
is a masterful filmmakers mix between
good and great films so avatar know by
your definition he makes between I and
grey okay fine above that I will say
it's above average mechanical way back I
also think the fact that he is
challenging himself to this level when
he doesn't have anything to prove he
doesn't have to do that you're not the
movie so on time no George Lucas honest
and just I'm just email whatever but
yeah you ever make another movie as long
as he lives and he would be fine but
making for movies at once is Herculean
yeah and I think that that shows how
much he cares about this property that
said I don't know if if i am to of all
the james cameron properties I don't
know if
Machar's the one that I want to see a
lot more of like I need I need more true
lies in my life I need more the abyss
like I need movies that sort of you know
never never had that life beyond you
know we have alien movies and we have
Terminator movies and they've gone in
different directions mostly down but I
need to see more of other stories that
said James Cameron good movie maker good
storyteller I'll see another avatar
movie fair enough uh so I'm curious
about I'm really curious about suicide
squad so I want to discuss the DC
Universe here because I think there have
been a lot of rumors if you have not
been paying attention Suicide Squad went
into reshoots supposedly there were
three weeks of reshoots because uncommon
that's a whole movie in sometimes three
weeks there are movies that is that is
typically a bad sign but there are
movies that have done well even thrived
because of the reshoots and when it
comes to mind is anchorman anchorman had
a whole nother subplot about something
get someone got abducted or they
abducted an animal from the zoo there
was something some weird thing where it
just didn't work they reach off the
whole thing I mean literally a third of
the movie and that was the part about
the the pan to giving birth right yeah
ended up being a much better movie so
they realized that this part wasn't
working they went around and fix it so
do not throw the baby out with the
bathwater with the reshoot part of it
that's a Harley out with that with the
fair enough so what do you think of what
you've seen thus far that's another one
run cautiously optimistic that's one
more where I'm I I'm guardedly
optimistic like I want so bad to love
this movie and I want it to be good and
I want it to be the superhero movie that
we all need a la Deadpool but I'm also
terrified that it might fall on its face
and fall victim to the pressure to be
funny or the exact the pressure to do
what Batman V Superman didn't do which
was just be so self serious and so grim
grim yeah it's been it's been beaten to
death pretty greedy grim dark instead of
Hungry Hungry Hippos that's what I refer
is a pretty room most depressing toy you
can get for kids that's very true
scowling Batman although I mean we've
talked about I thought Ben Affleck was
greatest Batman I'm the more skeptical
about that character and that was the
one that I walked away the most
impressed with
I I stand alone on an island is not
liking Ben Affleck in that movie I
thought he was one of the worst parts of
the movie really but you're you know
you're with everyone else everyone else
I live and that's like what's best part
of the movie was your favorite Batman
Wow well wait okay wait yeah pointing
like we're separating Bruce Wayne and
Batman because I'm gonna ask you next
who is the best Bruce Wayne okay uh read
the scene no no it's it's such an
obvious answer it has to be Christian
Bale he brought something to meet you
Peyton Bay me by between was a great
Bruce Wayne I think and so what look
Christian Bale is so great and he's mmm
he brought he brought a physicality to
the role whereas Michael Keaton ever
really but he's a little smaller guy I
never really bought him beating up and
threatening in blah blah whereas you
know the the part where Christian Bale
brings a physicality to the role and you
buy him as the Dark Knight the guy who
terrorizes and terrifies villains and
criminals you buy that because he's an
intimidating figure do you buy it though
on top of the fact that you've seen
Christian Bale and american psycho and
so there's like that duality to get
you've already seen it I give me a break
he's bringing full bail to the role did
your brain bail bail legacy you're
bringing Gail baggage into because
that's what it felt like why we liked it
so much was because we saw him play
american psycho and it was just like
that guy could be Bruce Wayne right like
quite a stir cove read was just a
vigilante instead of a serial killer
like you'd buy it Bilbo Baggins yeah I'm
predisposed to love him almost
everything Christian Bale does because
of American Psycho it didn't hurt but
you know what crediting the producers
for finding that guy who was so great as
that thing and making him a subtly
different version of that thing is your
favorite movie of all time I don't think
I could possibly narrow it down although
American psyche was probably in that top
35 range I was just thinking about
totally random but I was thinking about
how rare it is to see a movie now it
like current moving you're like that's
one of the all-time greats and that is
now in my top 10 a year 25 sure I saw
whiplash you know last year or a year
and a half ago now and that is in my top
25 all time and you think in top 25
that's not that it's all kind of a lot
no it's all that's not that many movies
that's a very small twist jealous if
you've seen a lot of movies yeah what
you do what I've seen the fair amount of
my think this is because we formulate
sort of who we are and what we love
at an earlier age and it's harder to
hold current stuff up to this it formed
your love of yes you have a nostalgic
crystallization in your mind you know
movies you love does it make a teenager
a young man and woman whatever it is
what uh what was your favorite movie
last year everybody last year the big
short was my favorite of the of the big
Oscar movies I was hoping that would win
I love the storytelling I love the way
it took a ver I held it in stark
contrast to spotlight in that they both
took very serious semi recent true
historical subjects and one was a batman
v superman style slog to the end where
nothing surprising happened and nothing
fun or joy I'm granted it's a very heavy
subjects every bite of the box are
difficult but the big short was also
about very serious heavy stuff where
people lost their jobs and may even love
its of levity they told the story in
such a unique interesting way and almost
there was a joy of filmmaking I'm
talking about like Juan hahaha I was
like you could tell there was bursting
at the seams with ideas we're excited
about what we're making yes I could have
done different things with spotlight and
thus a big sort was my favorite of the
Oscar movies and just answer your first
question my bear movie last year was
sicario Sakarya why really it was
brilliant I loved it I would agree with
you that big short brought a novel
approach to conveying the information I
just didn't think it worked I didn't
really because I didn't come away from
especially those bits where they stepped
down and spoke to the camera and I
didn't come away understanding the
concept like the hotel the gambling
scene which was I think a really
brilliant way to convey that idea I
still went wait a minute I don't
understand what the scene is actually
trying to tell me interesting so how
much gambling do you do a fair amount
okay said he has a problem on heroin
abroad with nothing but I don't know I
was good the metaphor I understand how
it worked in the context of a crap game
I should understand how that how that
related to to the real world to the
shorting fair enough nice we're gonna
have to have this is going to be a much
longer discussion because we all love
movies so we have to wrap everything up
but I'll be back tomorrow okay well fish
we don't have a show tomorrow but you
can come back anyway and talk over here
cameras are the cameras on a last
question what is the movie you think
everybody should see that they have not
seen uh oh what's that people should
absolutely see that they probably have
not not sure I could even holy smokes
I'd see change the clown just in the hip
pocket ready to play I didn't see that
my husband gave me that like you should
show me that movie years and years ago
and I'm like all right or i would say
death to smoochy is another ride like
it's terrible but i love it i didn't see
those coming um and uh when people ask
me if my favorite comedy of all time i
will often give the answer of Groundhog
Day it is really that brilliant I feel
like a lot of the viewers of the show
problem you've seen that movie to make
some young viewers oh it's ok you may be
how's the groundhog day it is it is a
transcendental Orient yeah it was a
brilliant brilliant comedy if you have
seen that yellow how about a different
movie viewers the film vault will
probably laugh at this because I bring
it up I used to bring up all the time I
brought up in a while but have you guys
seen the original Manchurian Candidate
oh yes it is really a movement red
hordes up referencing that right no no I
figure I know that is um that is a Frank
Sinatra Frank Sinatra's the lead Oh in
the Manchurian Candidate Angela Lansbury
and Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey it
is a brilliant movie holds up for a
movie of 1962 or whatever was it was de
facto banned for many years because it
was right before it was right before
Kennedy got assassinated about a
presidential assassination attempt
Kennedy assassinated the movies bearing
our decades and finally came around in
the late 80s and has not been seen by
enough people the black and white part
turns off a lot of people i think
special younger viewers just do it but
man oh man it'll it'll it'll grip you
and bonus don't watch the remake if you
if you watch it before you watch civil
war you'll get a reference into war it's
true Wow all right there is a Manchurian
Candidate references of war that is all
the time we have you can read brian's
book shrinkage New York Times bestseller
it's on the list yeah join the rest of
the world yeah you're the only one who
wasn't ready you haven't read it yet so
you should read that and then you can
also check out the film vault where and
then you can find him at Bob Bryan right
on Twitter I'm called Ryan the adam
carolla show on iTunes as well as a film
vault enjoy thanks for being here thanks
for having you guys will come back and
talk movies anytime yes we'll be right
back with the back of her Hackett and
are into it
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