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Introducing Jon Hamm, the hologram

allow me to introduce jon hamm the hologram I can hold in my hand or the hollow Ham 3d video company 8 I created the hollow ham to promote movie Margery Prime at Sundance showing off its mixed reality software in the process a tie digitized 'as real-life people and brings their Holograms to life through a mobile phone or a virtual reality headset in Margery Prime the movie actor Jon Hamm plays an artificially intelligent hologram I'll remember that now so 8 I made hollow ham exists in the real world at the movies premiere party that meant the real Jon Hamm could puppy or be good stick co-star Geena Davis between him and his hologram yep a ham sandwich oh if a Thais technology intrigues you you can look forward to seeing a holographic Buzz Aldrin later this year
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