hey guys don't go here and today I'm
telling tired
there are many reason but the most
obvious one is this thing right here is
heavy 30 pounds this is the first duel
by disaster-proof networks or device
from Iowa safe
it's called n2 now the ants who can
handle extreme heat up to fifteen
hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit
just so that you know how hard that is
the coffee you drink every day at most
is about 200 degrees this thing here can
swim in that hot liquid for hours no
and speaking of swimming it can also
handle water submersion for up to 10
feet depth and three days as I mentioned
earlier this is a dual based or device
how do we know that well this is another
good thing about the end to it I first
store device that also allows you to
change is internal drive on the front
here you see there to tamper proof screw
that cannot be undone with the right
tool but in the case of the end to this
heck driver right here is included now
the first door is out and if you can see
it looked just like that of a volt this
is a door that protect the internal
drive from extreme heat it actually very
heavy now on the inside here you see
there's another door that keep the
internal drive from water and voila
again up it goes and now as you can see
on inside there are one and two internal
drive the ends who can support any
standard SATA hard drive be it a desktop
drive like this one or a laptop are like
this one and that means the answer for
now can offer up to a terabyte of
storage of 4 terabytes a protected
storage space and that makes it the
first device that can protect your
information against disaster and also
mechanical failure of the hard drive and
in the extreme case that it doesn't I
will save says that it will pay you to
get your data back so what's the catch
or the m2 here cost about $600 with
start included about twice the price of
the ds2 13 but hey if you're looking for
something that really really really
protect your data no matter what it is
the best and the only choice and of
course the fact that is shockproof is an
obvious bonus
that's that make sure you check out the
full review centcom once again my name
is Domino and this has been the first
look at the first disaster proved worn
by Network start server the end to Ohio
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