Is Apple REALLY making the best possible products? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 78)
Is Apple REALLY making the best possible products? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 78)
from mid top of the CBS Interactive
building in San Francisco California
it's the Apple buy the extra country
podcast with your host mr. Brian Tom
whoo what's up everybody we are back man
you're Mike can we are you still there
crunch okay here we go welcome to the
show boys and girls ladies and gentlemen
children of all ages we are back in the
original studio things are a little
dusty if it gets crunchy we're gonna fix
that it's it's called the Apple byte
extra crunchy for a reason Steven what
is that sound
that what what is that that is a preamp
over here that you know we had like all
this construction on the sixth floor
first seven months yeah for seven months
and I covered this whole room in plastic
but still dust gets in places and
there's dust in this preamp behind me
and that's what's causing Brian's voice
and I think we're good now okay don't
jinx it okay yes anyways ladies and
gentlemen welcome to the show it's apple
pie extra crunchy episode 78 for those
of you joining us first time listeners
this is a complimentary piece to our
Apple bite show we're doing a little
early this week but guess what uh you
can't not talk about what happened with
the Galaxy s8 and how it stacks up of
maybe what we have now and what we've
seen we do want you to also be a part of
the show like you always are we have
people on YouTube livestream and
periscope watching live if you guys ever
want to check that out
you can check out my Twitter at Brian
Tong but to call us and be a part of the
show because it's all about you all
1-866 to 638 leave us your name where
you're from look if we even show you the
graphic right here yeah there it is it's
on the screen now so you guys have guys
and gals can call you message will work
on bringing back live calls we're easing
back into the old studio so let's talk
about it yesterday I was actually
off-site doing some cool stuff that
we'll be able to talk about later like
in a few weeks but the s8 dropped it was
everything we expected but when I look
at the whole entirety of that keynote
there is really nothing about the s8
that would tell me a large group of
people whether they're on a Google
pixal an iphone maybe a oneplus phone
there was nothing about the s8 that
would convince me that flocks of people
will draw it will jump ship and change
platform for the s8 I know there will be
some but just not a lot and for for
right off the bat before you think I'm
hating on the s8 that is the best screen
and the best design on a phone that we
have today but when you look at kind of
the other new features the Bixby virtual
assistant it's actually still half-baked
it's not completely there it's going to
be better the ability for it to pull up
general information questions that you
typically will ask Google or ask Siri
it's not as good at doing that and it's
really gonna be more about integrating
into the OS making access to your apps
easier being able to use that easier but
again it's still half-baked like when we
got our hands on there early versions it
wasn't working completely and so it's
gonna be take time first to see really
how good Bixby is I'm curious what you
guys and gals all think like was it was
Bixby even compelling enough because
right now as it stands the Google
assistant is still better than Bixby and
arguably Siri at this point in time it's
a little you know maybe flip a coin but
Siri might be actually better than Bixby
at this right now at this point in time
and you don't want to talk about that
when it's a new feature that you have
just launched you want it to be the best
well yesterday we were watching the
keynote and they they talked about Bixby
they barely talked about it it was just
like just like I mention oh we got this
new thing here it is what it looks like
that was it we didn't really even I
don't really recall a demo happening
either yeah it's it is there a I will
see how it flows you know comes together
but when we talk about the perspective
of the Apple you know Apple nation
because that's who this show is all
about you know I'm just wondering if you
all felt threatened about it do you
think how about this Steven do you think
the based on all these crazy rumors do
you think the iPhone will be better
looking than the galaxy s 8 which really
looks amazing with that screen it's
tough to say because I have seen every a
lot of people on Twitter
elsewhere saying the new Galaxy s8 is
amazing it looks beautiful
you know I've have seen that comment a
lot yeah we don't know what that bold
iPhones gonna look like but people are
saying it's gonna look like the for so
are people gonna just be like oh it
looks like a phone we've already seen
before you know it's hard to say how
people are gonna are gonna accept the
new iPhone I think either way right you
have a built-in built-in to man that is
already part of the platform of Apple it
has continued to show us that people are
willing to buy the next generation of
the iPhone whether you're on the
two-year cycle now even on a one-year
cycle with their Apple upgrade program I
just don't see any this number this
market share balance isn't going to
change I the last time I saw I believe
Apple was just like just slightly ahead
of Samsung you know with with shipments
from the last quarter of 2016 it was
like 79 percent versus like 17.6% Apple
/ Samsung yeah which is barely right you
have your the lines have been drawn now
we are integrated into we are committed
to these ecosystems we always talk about
that so we'll see I I did but I do got
to give them props that screen looks
amazing again is just a better looking
phone enough for you to switch over I
don't think so yeah another another
thing I kept seeing people make comments
about was just like all smart phones
look the same now I'll just the same
form factor like there's not much
difference in them they're black they
have a screen like you know what else
can you do people really feel that way
now you know this is a really mature
space and that it's just hard to say
that there's a significant you know
innovation but that infinity screen yeah
take me there look cool yeah
take me there Apple can take me there
I'll be happy about that
yeah well that was kind of like I
remember we had a voicemail last week
where a guy was talking about how
they're gonna extend the belt you know
the bezel is gonna disappear on the
iPhone it's gonna go out to the edge so
it could be look a lot similar to this
Galaxy s8 and I'm sorry I don't want to
hate on you know people that make these
videos but it's like the instant video
that comes up which is total BS is
Galaxy s8 versus iPhone
eat you idiots it's not even out it's
like I'm sorry there's things that are
being worked on in this building not I'm
not one of those that are like oh let's
talk about what how the new iPhone is
better than the I say I'm like the new
iPhone isn't even out all these are
unconfirmed rumored features that
literally are not even remotely official
and you're gonna make a video on that
yeah like that bothers me
I'm sorry as someone who cares about
this that bothers that's why people get
turned off by some of the stuff that
just in general is thrown out there yeah
yeah I'm you know in in their defense a
little bit the iPhone 7 when it came out
like every rumor that we heard was true
sort of right I mean like there's a lot
of rumors that came out that ended up
being happening so maybe people are just
kind of trusting in that you're you're
right but I guess I come from an
old-school world where I'll talk about
the rumors and completely treat them as
rumors but I'm not gonna headline
something that makes it sound like it's
facts yeah yeah and alternative facts
y'all it just bought it I'm sorry well I
saw that I saw that same argument when
the Nintendo switch came out because a
lot of people were reviewing it before
the actual ship version of the switch
came out so I saw a lot of
back-and-forth about that too it's
similar similar situation you know and
guess what the videos that come out
first the way that SEO and search works
they get the most views oh yeah right
it's it's it's a it's a run for clicks
and views and fine I'm just saying I
wish that we were a little smarter about
it I just wish but hey that's right or
was it early worm nope early bird really
bird worm fine get all the worms you
want and I'm criticizing us in house -
I'm not criticizing I'm everyone it's
everyone okay let's talk about um other
things right now we're gonna transition
a little bit over to iPad stuff but
sometimes people get all so sick about
iPhone this iPhone that we've got more
iPad stuff the new iPad nine point seven
inch is available for personal pick up
at stores and it's kind of funny because
I fix it who is known for basically
dismantling this stuff did a teardown of
the new I
again this is a new version okay how
about this let me let me remind and
explain this
we had the iPad air to this new iPad is
the same thickness as the original iPad
air it removes the error name it brings
in a faster a nine processor chip so I
fix it tore down and basically said this
looks just like the original iPad air in
the inside as it does on the outside so
what was the difference like just a chip
it's it's really a strategic market
thing where they're bringing in a nine
point seven inch tablet at 3:29 which
right when I said I'm like that is the
best value the best nine point seven
inch tablet you're going to find on the
market now it's not the best it's not
from a price standpoint it's the best
value I never said its feature wise the
best but it kind of bothered me when I
looked at this iPad teardown because
there it's like okay they are outright
saying this is exactly the iPad air with
just like a faster processor and then it
brings me back to how the philosophy is
Apple has completely changed because I
remember all the time and don't say
don't be that old dude talking about
Steve Jobs would always say we're making
the best possible products that was what
he said and damn that is what he did
right we had one iPhone we had one the
iPhone doesn't hire during his entire
reign okay we had one iPad join his
entire reign all right desktops laptops
that's a little different now when I see
this iPad which again is a great value
but to know the fact that there's an
iPad Mini there's an iPad there's an
iPad pro 9.7 there's an iPad pro 10.5
there's an iPad pro 12 point 9 Tim's
philosophy is when he says we're making
the best possible products I think this
is really what he's saying Tim Cook in
my mind is saying we're making the best
possible product at multiple price
points hmm and that guess what Apple is
raking in the cash they're making more
money than they ever had but don't
when he says oh we're making the best
product possible he's really saying
we're making the best product possible
at multiple price points but when you
really break that down that means you're
not making the best possible product
right yeah you know you've got five
iPads bro you know Steve Jobs just a
hard act to follow man
so Tim Cook is like doing everything he
can you know to keep Apple profitable
and keep them up on that higher echelon
that they are so you know I kind of get
it I kind of get it but I I get your
argument too there's like so much it's
becoming like like I remember in the
when Android first came out we're always
like oh it's what was the word we see
use all the time on it you know there's
just so many Android products just
started together
Oh fragmentation so that's kind of what
happened what's happening with Apple now
you know and and Steve Jobs is an
amazing salesman and Tim Cook doesn't
have that same kind of you know he
doesn't have that that it and that's a
good thing here's the thing that's okay
not to have that it okay no no I'm not
saying be Steve Jobs all I'm saying is
that don't say the same stuff he said
yeah it's not true yes right yeah like
that's you know when they're still
borrowing lines from the script but
thank you wholly different you know
sales it's and a whole marketing things
different you know when you when you
again so that's that's all I'm saying I
just want to use it as another example
of where it hit me and I'm just like man
this company has changed and yes they're
super profitable and fine investors be
happy and I still buy Lord knows how
much Apple stuff right like it's a you
know I'm the guy who buys the iPad
twelve point nine inch okay yeah I'm
that guy iPad pro but this dude in the
YouTube chat room he said uh SHhhh I'm
gonna slay his name I'm sorry AB he
Scheck vu Paula the Paula
he says Tim Cook is a Salesman Steve
Jobs was an innovator but I would argue
Steve Jobs was both a dative a
tyrannicide big time so again that that
whole iPad in just the fact that and
guess what as a supply chain guy you're
using older parts
that you have to sell a lower-cost
product which is just you know kind of
business 101 when you talk about
clearing inventory put damn the day that
I see Apple literally doing that like
actually doing that kind of hurts I mean
I know we have the iPhone se right now
people love that from Pete and that's
still popular form factor it's just a
different world and I'm still having a
problem dealing with it want to be
honest with you all and I know some of
you are I know some of you are there too
so whenever someone says oh they're not
innovative like it goes deeper than that
you know well another guy in the chat
room just said Tim Cook is afraid to
take risks that Steve wasn't I'm gonna
call BS on that too because they put out
the air pods I mean that's a huge risk
they took the boat the headphone jack
out of the phone I mean that's a giant
you can argue that's innovating but it
also like freaked everybody out the same
time w1 chip was the best innovation
from 2016 I've said that when it came
out I'll say that now I think it still
holds water the W the air pods are going
are like I said they're a really really
really really good product I will never
call them a great product cuz they don't
do everything yet but damn they're
really good and over time you'll like
them but again they still look fugly
yeah and they're still there's you know
it's not a company that's not the best
possible version of the air pods no like
I know this yeah I mean that they know
it too the design they could have
changed the design just a tiny bit man
I'm a little different than the air
earbuds yeah you know and I you know I
think they would might have even been a
little more popular you know like I was
hating on the air pods
I still hate on how they look you made a
whole music video about but if you those
who saw the video which is very well
well produced and mixed by my friend
over there Steve abrasion thank you you
know at the end we say we disclaimer it
like until they're in stock and I did
say positive things about the air pods
in the video for the record technology
you know but Apple was technology and
aesthetics they they did good on the
technology part yeah and everyone's
calling it me out for being cheap
because I don't want to buy air pause
seventy bucks come on 170 bucks it's a
lot of money for one who yeah one sixty
with tax one six two attacks all right
we'll we'll keep on moving around in the
show because I know you don't want us to
sit here forever talking about that
would the cup that could almost be every
show here that could be every show here
I'm not sure if y'all heard about this
maybe it did there was a laptop ban on
planes that came after a plot to put
explosives in iPads this recently just
happened a few days ago earlier this
week and Monday or something yeah the US
UK ban on selective like this is from
the Guardian this article that were
pulling from but the US UK ban on select
electronic devices from the passenger
cabins of flights from some countries in
North Africa and the Middle East
part was partly prompted by a previously
undisclosed plot involving explosives
hidden in a fake iPad according to a
security source so now the UK has a ban
on tablets laptops game consoles and
other devices larger than a mobile phone
that came into effect on last Saturday
it applies to inbound flights from six
countries Egypt Jordan Lebanon Saudi
Arabia Tunisia and Turkey now there's
also six UK airlines
that and eight foreign carriers that are
affected including British Airways
easyJet jet to monarch Thomas Cook and
more now it also follows a similar move
in the US which applies to flights from
10 airports in eight countries they do
say and of course at least with the u.s.
these are Middle Eastern countries
Jordan Egypt Turkey Saudi Arabia Morocco
Qatar Kuwait and Qatar Kuwait and United
Arab Emirates so the security sources
both said bans were not the result of a
specific incident but a combination of
factors so if you are traveling to and
from those areas and you're like um yeah
I'm not I'm not gonna give up my iPad
pro dude I'm they're gonna have to
wrestle that away from my cold dead like
that is my favorite gadget yeah you
can't take it that's such a bummer you
again taking on the plane and watch a
movie when I first heard that story and
my immediate thought was like oh some
Intelligence Agency
got a tip about some laptop exploding or
something so um you know better to be
safe than sorry
there also is a weird discrepancy about
this because see the reaction to this is
different from the UK and the US right
there's not all the countries are the
same on both the lists and it was kind
of what the article kind of dug into was
like they were suspect because they were
raised questions how did they arrive at
different conclusions if this was
something that they were both worried
about clearly these two organizations
share these two countries share more
than enough information between each
so why all of a sudden is like oh yeah
we're gonna have a few different
countries than you
you know the suspicion is that because
of you know the current administration
that runs the show here decided to maybe
throw in a few extra just cut room
travel man yeah yeah because we
obviously have a different I think we
meaning administration has a different
idea of what is which countries should
be on that list or not but it's just a
little reminder that there the article
also stated how terrorists are trying to
use more innovative ways just yeah and
explosives like remember there were
shoes there's the guy that got caught
for putting like an explosive like in
his underwear yeah what that was an
underwear bomb that's right and it was
like sitting in his seat and his
underwear were exploding but yes he
wasn't moving or any he was just kind of
sitting there waiting for it to happen
and someone was like that guy's on fire
over there so then that is terrifying if
you're on an airplane and some like
that's how many on that is terrifying
so just just be the lookout just want to
let you know there has been no
resolution to this but this is where the
kind of the ban on electronics larger
than a mobile phone from the UK and US
specific to certain countries is
happening at the moment just to also
follow up on more iPad news I know it's
like iPad all the time right now it's
kind of like the thing if you want to
listen to more iPhone talk just rewind
about 10 minutes ago you can listen to
um the ten point five inch iPad is
entering limited production but a spring
or WWDC or even a follow-on remains
unclear that's according to Forbes
magazine yeah there it doesn't mean that
it's not in the pipeline but again
the all rumors indicate that we have
some sort of an iPad announcement in
April we're pretty much getting to April
people said early April I there's plenty
of time I'm not gonna really hold Apple
to like oh it's gonna be an event this
now I do want to see the iPad at ten
point five inch come out I think in a
weird way if the screen is roughly the
same size as my twelve point nine inch
as long as I can see comics and the full
page proportions that they're meant to
be and that doesn't happen on the nine
point seven inch iPad I might have to
give that thing a look but honestly I'm
gonna stick with the twelve point nine
inch line I love that big screen um but
the article in the Forbes continued to
kind of add on the initial production is
limited but Apple's been known to do
fairly fast ramp ups in the past
it's also possible Apple could do a
limited launched initially adding
countries as volume allows nice so we're
down with that a low-cost iPad remember
that kind of talked about the nine point
seven inch we talked about earlier last
week we talked about how or a couple
weeks ago we were talking about how new
identifier z' for new iPads had been
discovered you know from some of this
data analytics with identifiers I
clearly point to this new family of
iPads the low-cost iPad that just came
out is now available to pick up in
stores was not one of those oh really
yeah that it was not part of the logs
that has been confirmed so there's
another one in the world yeah so this is
I mean this is exciting I whenever you
see these product identifier numbers pop
up in logs by developers and other
analytic websites it's always a good
so iPad seven one seven two seven three
and seven four were the ones that were
found in the logs which currently do not
exist at all
hmm pretty pretty dope so cool see how
that happens um in other new Apple
announcements we know this week
iOS ten point three TV OS ten point to
watch us three point two did you did you
update I haven't I haven't I've been
meaning to do it but every time I it
like pops into my head to do it I have
to do some
my phone so I I haven't done it yet I
want to know how many of you all updated
because I have always been a stickler on
this and I wait like I'll wait like two
or three days before I actually do it
knowing that you know historically there
typically are some big bugs that happen
but up to this point no major bugs have
been really talked about with the 10.3
update nice so for those of you that
want to play a little catch-up at least
with iOS 10.3 the big kind of two
features is find my air pods
that's gonna be part of it the new Apple
file system does that mean it's not my
voice this is your video yeah sorry no
it's okay I don't like hearing myself on
myself it just sounds weird it's weird
so we have like the find my ear pods
feature also Apple's new file system
that is optimized for modern usage we're
in the back of the day was made really
for like old floppy drives hard disk
drives we are now in solid state drive
so that in itself will help with
performance it's optimized for that it's
also a lot more secure and then a subtle
thing that has been overlooked is iOS
10.3 has reduced animations they've
actually shortened some of the
animations jumping from apps and from
different screens so according to
sources and maybe y'all can verify this
it uh you know could be snappier that's
good I actually turned off the
animations on my phone me too exactly
what a little faster and yeah I hated
that it took it took me way too long so
are the funny thing is yeah I wouldn't
even know if the animations were snappy
because I've turned off turn them off so
that it's a snappy it's that they can be
nice um I'm gonna talk about I works
are you is can you believe this along
with the up oh sorry you know let me let
me get it through TV OS 10.2 look out it
improves the scrolling it improves the
scrolling and TV OS 10.2 it also has to
do with navigating when you're typing in
letters and also we talked about last
week the ability to rent one time on one
iOS device and that rental movie now
showing on all of your devices as long
as you update TV OS 10.2 and also update
your iOS 10.3 you'll be able to watch a
rented movie across multiple device
is without having to rear-end it which
was the problem that happened before
that sounds silly watch OS 3.2 gets the
theater mode option it's basically
turned the sound and the screen off
while you're in a movie theater if you
need to see your screen you can double
tap the screen to turn on but that is
specific to the theater mode that's a
new feature and then also they've added
new Siri implementation that will allow
you to do things like say start workouts
send messages make payments book rides
it's that type of stuff is now coming to
your Apple watch so you can look even
more like awkward in public that's just
talking to your wrist like it's
threatened you don't have sometimes I
feel awkward talking to alexa in my own
house you know I'm like I wish I could
do something else to turn it on this way
I like when you might have a nice moment
and then you have to say Alexa turn off
what so not hot so not hot alright I
were to get a update and some of the
cool thing this is like you know keynote
Pages and Numbers I the only eye works
app that I use actually a lot is still
keynote oh yeah yeah I actually
legitimately use keynote I think it's
you and Brian Cooley like Brian Cooley's
like mr. keynote keynote his keynote is
a stellar app to me I don't care what
you all say actually there's no there's
no better-looking presentation I think
he note when you put it together yeah
that's that's why aesthetically so
they've added a new feature in this
update to the iWork suite most notably
the ability to unlock password-protected
documents using touch ID nice so people
that are working on it on their iPad and
their iPhones you can now have touch ID
locked Iwerks apps and then another
thing that was kind of cool these are
all subtle things but I didn't want to
mention them and show love to all y'all
that love I work I'm gonna see how many
people heart that right now I'm not
seeing any hearts right now for iWork
fans but you can also now embed an I
work a keynote presentation in a website
nice so you've had this ability to like
collaborate and share you know update
and edit a keynote but you can now take
your presentation that you made and
embed it directly into certain websites
that's kind of sick that is cuz it's it
looks good yeah it looks it looks really
good alright um in other news the WWDC
2017 lottery is open this week for those
of you that want to go I believe the
price to enter so this is the thing it's
a lottery system you're not guaranteed
to go in because there's such high
demand but you pay basically $15.99 I'm
sorry 1599 oh this is a big deal that
I'd see it to pay that for the lottery
well you gentle the lottery and then if
you win then obviously you get charged
okay so tickets are doled out using a
random selection process again it's been
implemented because it's been so crazy
the demand for it approximately 5,000
attendees are expected at the conference
so that's really you know when you think
about developers that's there's so many
people that want to get a piece of that
apple pie that 5000 is pretty limited
but again this is specific to developers
a thousand Apple engineers and
executives will be there as well the
lottery will end on Friday March the
31st at 10 a.m. Pacific time so if
you're listening to this and you didn't
even know you better get on that site
better get on it but tons of sessions
also I like the WWDC we typically see at
least some sort of hardware
announcements this is going to go down I
believe June 5th is when WWDC starts
through Friday June 8th and typically
there's a keynote on the first day so
we're also looking at that as a target
date if we don't see any iPads in April
which I hope we do will will most likely
see something in June from them and if
we don't see something in June then
that's really bad like what are you guys
actually doing over there it does the
lottery cost money to enter I know it's
not like the Hamilton lottery we tell
max it's absolutely yeah absolutely um
and then this kind of fun story before
we wrap up and go to our calls Apple has
been declared the most intimate brand in
a survey of 6,000 customers this was
held by what does that mean well I'll
tell you what it means my friend and
there's no Apple panties coming out
anytime soon although I did a search
online and they do exist Apple
oh yeah there's actually a funny sorry
this is my job to do research guys and
gals there's a Apple thong oh yeah and
there's a on the certain parts of the
thong there's a slide to unlock feature
yeah slide to unlock just look it up
when you're not at work and if you're at
work good luck so MB LM the company
behind the survey said that hard data
actually proves the rankings aren't just
fluff the top ranked intimate brands
continue to outperform the espy and
fortune 500 in revenue and profit over
the past 10 years these are the factors
that they measured it
they really measure the overall positive
feelings consumers have for each brand
so here's the factors number one
fulfillment exceeds expectations
delivering superior service quality and
efficacy to identity reflects an
aspirational image or admired values and
beliefs that resonate deeply 3 is I know
you're like wow people both those first
two make me laugh yeah I don't make
enhancement becoming better through use
of the brand smarter more capable and
more connected I'll give them that
ritual in graining a brand into daily
actions more than that is traditional
behavior the brand becomes a vitally
important part of the daily existence
true nostalgia I'll give them that
focuses on memories of the past and the
warm hmm poignant feelings associated
with them sure I guess the nostalgia for
me is deep that's why I'm still with the
damn brand indulgence creates a close
relationship centered around moments of
pampering and gratification that can be
either occasional or frequent Wow so
Apple rated number one Disney at -
Amazon at 3 Disney yeah Disney shoot
yeah what happened tell me I took my
kids to Goofy's kitchen it was like it
was last year like in December oh this
is still resonating it's still
resonating baby yeah really bad don't
character breakfast character breakfast
don't ever go everybody cuz because it
cost nine million dollars and my kid
like he it was just it was a night I
don't even want to get into it but my
kid like cut his hand on a piece of
furniture there and then the kitchen
didn't have band-aids and it was just
they told me had to go buy band-aids and
I'm like my son's here it was just
enough I don't even want to get into it
sorry sorry sorry
don't go
it is also nine million dollars but uh I
mean I can see how it's fun but yeah I'm
sorry they got to go through that
maybe maybe of Disney's listening
they'll they'll throw you a buy one get
one oh they'll it I've dude I went
through all the channels to complain and
they didn't they didn't help you out no
all right so Apple one Disney to Amazon
three I find Amazon s3 is very all about
the money you know the savings
harley-davidson number four that's
really cool that is ran like Harley
Davidson is that hi Netflix was five
Nintendo was six seven is Samsung Whole
Foods is eight BMW is ten and Toyota
is I'm sorry BMW is nine and Toyota's
ten I find it funny that Nintendo is six
because I know plenty of people that
love the Nintendo when I'm like yo
there's only one game that came out on
your system launched and I bought a
switch and I haven't even opened it up
yet really yeah you're all I'm sorry
y'all shop you know I've been trying to
find that for my kids know I get after
the whole debacle with the Nintendo mini
retro what was the classic classic and
no one could get one and I it's like
tried I tried I went to Best Buy at like
5:00 in the morning I tried I could not
get one I'm over it
I don't even want one I think that yeah
that I don't even want to switch either
again Apple declared the most intimate
brand nice in a survey of 6000 consumers
cool all right let's get to the call
shall we
calls call y'alls okay we have a first
call is from hey Brian this is James
from Washington State and I was calling
to find out
any rumors that the Apple earpods will
be updated this year - maybe a w-2 chip
I just want to get your thoughts on that
I'm thinking about buying a pair but I
want to wait if they're gonna update
them sometime this year thanks guys
love the show bye thanks for the call
based on the time you know the fact that
the air pods actually only started
becoming available in limited quantities
in December for them and even they
aren't even caught up to the supply and
I started the demand and it's what April
already so I don't expect us to see a
new one this year maybe we might get an
announcement but I don't I don't expect
to see in a year and the fact is that if
there is so much demand even after they
catch up with supply it they don't need
to rush out a new model so if people are
still waiting to get their their order
and Tim Cook likes to slow play Tim Cook
likes the slow play they're there they
just like to milk it take their time so
it's I don't think we see one this year
but if I'm wrong I'm wrong all right
next call hey guys what up is Jay man
from Brooklyn love your show been a fan
since the beginning generally I always
leave long messages so you guys never
play me that's right Beecham jonathan
mcintosh AKA
anyway Brian just wanted to know I'm in
the market to get a new iPad what should
I get the iPad quote 12-inch like you or
the new pro nine point seven or ten
point five or whatever it is at 349 for
32 gigs that's it love the show guys
keep it going Jay Mac you got in 30
one second we see Jamie um I don't think
I think you should wait for the new air
air pot I'm sorry
iPad announcements don't don't make a
decision then I do think the 10.5 is
really compelling if you want it to be a
little more portable but you still get a
bunch of screen real estate that's the
one that I'm most curious about but I
love my twelve point nine inch I'm gonna
be I'm twelve point nine for life you
know what I mean iPad iPad nice okay
next call I can do it
that's a new table on the cover in the
custom Apple TV stuff quick first the
Siri remote requirements that Brian
dislikes on the Apple TV with WestEd
last June so good Apple there but then
some improvements I'd like
behind-the-scenes Apple work with Luder
Amazon and Google Play to get actual
apps on the Apple TV so I don't have to
airplay and also get the TV app to work
with families sharing better because
right now it doesn't show family
purchases well or just take a lot of
extra steps thanks have a good day thank
you for all that that was that was super
helpful information so I think also the
other thing is everyone's running when
is theirs
it's been at least a year now where we
had heard that Amazon was actually going
to release an Amazon video app on the
Apple TV and it still hasn't happened
that's a bummer
so uh I don't know where the we still
don't know where the ketchup is
technically it should still be able to
live on Apple's platform I don't know if
Amazon decided oh we're just gonna hold
it back but I Amazon has typically been
very free and open about just making
their content available everywhere look
at what they did with the Kindle and you
know it's they put on every platform
possible but the Apple TV is the only
one where the Amazon app kind of the
Amazon video app isn't there so that's
what I want to see but thanks for the
call I'm still waiting for chromecast on
that on the Amazon app - yeah yeah yeah
they all hate each other all those
companies hate each other I mean they're
trying to protect themselves I get it
but whatever come on just make it
everywhere man exactly okay next call
hey Brian isn't any from Texas and I
just wanted to give you a call and about
the si si plus unveiling and when it to
ask if you could speak to someone that
may want to get my galaxy may already be
any Apple iPad iMac and some of those
other Apple devices I know for me being
able to text on all the different advice
different devices really handy how
pictures would work so if you could just
kind of think to someone who's in the
Apple ecosystem and considering getting
one of those features and how all that
might work from the middle of a tornado
yes that was windy but I think your
points are good and clear look with the
galaxy samsung I say you're right all
the way everyone that I known that has
switched at least off of Apple for
whatever reasons they miss a message
across all the vices yeah like come on
your computer to your tablet to your
phone your watch like it's ever it'll
pop up everywhere you will miss that I
look the advantages of the platform is
if you like Android and but you
specifically you have to like Samsung's
flavor of Android I prefer the the pure
Google pixel experience I think that's
the best Android experience I think most
people will tell you the same the Google
assistant is there so if I was if
someone was gonna jump over to Android
beyond just having a gorgeous looking
phone that only goes so far for me I
know the Google pixel isn't the best
looking phone in fact it looks like an
iPhone right like it you're talking
about yeah but to me that is the best
Android phone on the market right now
and just to know that that was their
first attempt and their second one it's
probably gonna be pretty ridiculous I
would just wait out and see what they do
before you make a decision but I know
there's plenty of people that you know
love Samsung's platform and I think it's
great it's just not the one that I like
yeah yeah but uh so you'll be missing
you know you will get the best damn
screen on planet earth that's for sure
um you know you won't have 3d touch I
don't know how many people really care
about it I think that's a polarizing
issue every time I say I kind of use it
but not really people get mad at me
really is it but I would say the
majority of users are I would say maybe
thirty thirty to forty percent of people
reaction I would say maybe thirty
percent of people really use it all the
time and care about it like that they
would defend it I think the rest of us
don't really use that much and might use
it once a blue moon or accidentally use
it I accidentally used it on Instagram
the other day
oh okay yeah try oh I could pick a pop
pick a pop now you know my parents have
Android phones and I have an iPhone so
like texting with them there's always
like this weird communication breakdown
you know like sometimes they don't get
pictures or videos and you know it's
just it's always kind of weird you know
and then and then when it comes down
there's like you end up using a
third-party app that yeah cover that but
it's not as integrated like you'll
always there's always ways to get around
it but you know it's look the ecosystem
has power no matter what side of the
coin you're on yeah yeah the Google
ecosystem has power as well totally you
know they just make it at least a little
easier to you know you can use you can't
use the Google assistant on an Apple
phone yeah I Paul Apple iPhone yet but
you at least still have access to Google
Voice and all of that it brings totally
so I would just wait it out I'm a pixel
boy if I have to go Android mm-hmm
all right last call hey Apple bike hey I
just want one more bad Apple about the
Apple TV not just the fact that it does
not in 4k but I set up my TV system I
wanted to get the fastest streaming
possible so I said of mine TV with my
router and one of the wire everything
Wow I wired my Playstation and then
wired my app my Apple TV right into my
my router thinking that that's going to
be the fastest but then I started
streaming some stuff and then I realized
it's lagging a little bit and lo and
behold the Apple TV this is the newest
model doesn't have a gigabit port on the
back it's only two 100 so my internet
because I got new internet was three
minutes after so I
what did I do I unplugged it now I'm
using using more Wi-Fi for my Apple TV
that six inches away from my router so
bad apple on then let's pour it on the
back of that because I mean why go
wireless if it's right next to it but
anyway good at great show love listen
you guys I'm all about that I am all
about that yeah yeah so alright Beach
that is that what we've got for the show
that's it man excellent back in the
studio I'm happy I'm still like what's
wrong yeah you're like re readjusting
back readjusting what old is new is old
is new sometimes old Albin you what's
old is new again I think right yes yeah
I got to work on that I'm gonna I'm
gonna work on that for you all next time
all right just remember again to be a
part of our show call us at
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