Is Apple going to disappoint again? The 3:59 Podcast with Roger Cheng & Ben Fox Rubin
Is Apple going to disappoint again? The 3:59 Podcast with Roger Cheng & Ben Fox Rubin
and we are live with the 359 podcast on
youtube with Roger Cheng and Ben Fox
Rubin happy Tuesday all oh thanks for
the intro nice and trim I'm taking a
note from Beecham's book oh there we go
okay each time that definitely avoids me
doing my awkward hello everybody hi guys
haiti we're on our tube uh yes so we're
gonna be talking about a couple things
today apples earnings are tonight there
tonight there later today or the
afternoon if you're the west coast okay
and big earnings day actually verizon
reporters will be talking a little bit
about that though we still care about
earnings a little bit just a bit um you
do the most earnings out of everybody I
you know do my share try to keep busy
try to keep busy uh and lastly we've got
a start-up Ava wait did you mention
verizon too yes I can't advise my bed
like literally 30 seconds ago right
before you met to the whole earnings
talk anyway shut up lastly we'll be
talking about Ava the startup that has a
product that helps couples conceive
right basically come on you can say the
which has always been the Fitbit for
fertility but I love really what it is
but it's it's better that is better than
light up that sounds better like than
the uber 4x like the uber for getting
pregnant that sounds like no that's
that's wayward that would be extremely
awkward that app is a development in SF
right now though I'm sure I'm sure OB Oh
verified I guess that's tindra right oh
never mind i guess thats Sarah or mine
alright and we're gonna heroically try
to get through that story without
getting extremely awkward yes are our
see that news interns met the roads
actually wrote the piece she is busy
occupied with a another assignment so
she couldn't jump on but we're gonna do
our best to try to talk about the story
without blushing right we'll see and as
you have any questions about any of the
topics today or anything general right
life whatever said about the comments
our producer Brian will shoot me over us
we'll do our best answer yeah and I will
say we had some really awesome questions
yesterday about yeah rise in yahoo
merger so keep them coming that was
definitely raising of water that we
drink but yeah it's else everybody yeah
shelter trying to class this place up
all right all right let's young it start
ready let's do it all right audio is
rolling and we are recording in three
two welcome to the 359 where we talk
about the top tech news of the day and
I'll get the crap we want to throw in
I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox ribbon so
later today apple reports its fiscal
third-quarter results and was supposed
to expect a gloom and doom already
posted its first ever drop in iphone
sales in april and we're expecting more
negative news today so then has Apple
already peaked yeah maybe but does that
really matter i mean like they still
make a ton of money like why are we
getting all down Z on Apple all of a
sudden you know Apple is a sort of a
broad indicator of how the market is
going right like if they're saying
declines in smartphone market you could
sort of look at that as an indication
that maybe people are just as we've said
many times people are just getting bored
with phones right I would I would agree
with that I'm gonna take the other
position on this to say that like Apple
is still going to be making a ridiculous
about amount of money for years to come
off of the iphones yeah maybe people
just need to relax a little I don't know
there are the companies who tend to rest
on the laurels you know they they get
cobbled up by more nimble competitors
down the line right Oh done I really
think that would happen with Apple no
but that's always that's always the
threat I mean look if you asked about
blackberry what six or seven years ago
that was an inconceivable thought right
they would nokia okay maybe I I will be
eating crow six or seven years for value
that is that isn't I will I will admit
that I cannot see the future that far in
advance why not that's what we paid
before so look at the other point here
samsung actually they already have
pretty strong profits right Galaxy s7
has been a certified hit and it's doing
really well kind of bucks the trend the
storyline that people are getting bored
with phones if people are snapping up
samsung phones what's going with apple
well they're giving I feel like with
Samsung they've decided to give the
customers what they want and you know
they brought back water resistant today
they let you tonight our memory yeah
they did a bunch of things that were
crowd pleasers I feel like Apple hasn't
really done that yet and I wouldn't be
too surprised if with its upcoming phone
in September it tries to do some of
those things because it doesn't have
like many innovations expected so why
don't we try to like make people happy
with these simple additions yeah we'll
see all right next up verizon reported
its second-quarter results that we know
now we might know now why did now that
Yahoo deal on Monday tracked us from the
poor results reported today yeah and
this is a continuation of what we were
talking about with phones right like you
know verizon didn't add that many more
customers well specifically it added
86,000 net new phone customers this
quarter that's less than half of what
sprint added just yesterday how that's
so painful that's pretty sad right if
thats thanks britains I didn't you yikes
actually I was pretty fun I was all the
conference call the verizon see account
threw some shade at sprint when a you
know sprint got those a he's got they've
got the you can hear can you hear me now
yeah they're pitch man their pitch man
and it basically he was throwing shade
of that ad can you see me now is the new
reality it's not can you hear me now you
know the whole idea of voice qualities a
little antiquated mmm saw some shade say
like if you've got to sell your product
at half off and maybe just something
wrong with your product okay little
gressive all right good for you low last
Ava a Swiss startup on Tuesday that's
today started shipping a almost two
hundred dollar bracelet that tracks a
woman's fertility cycle and yes I
realized this is two men talking about
this and helps her figure out the
optimal time to conceive my feeling on
this is is that if this thing went
through clinical trials this thing is
FDA approved this might be one of the
one of the new types of wearables that
is actually useful for something as
opposed to like
just like some trinket that you spend
too much money I do wonder what the
longevity of something like this is like
basically you where to get pregnant and
once you're pregnant why do you need a
way this thing again yes yeah maybe it
should convert into like a parenting
tips bracelet afterwards apparently it
works it does track enough data that it
could conceivably you'd be used for
other health monitoring services down
the line but they're really focusing on
the fertility thing and look it's it
it's definitely an issue that uh even
young couple deal with let me just took
us a while to ask like you me but my
wife and I have a little haha wow the to
make a baby but you know it this is
something that we might have looked into
it dragged on for long steep cost for
most people by the way 200 bucks yeah I
mean it continues to show that like
wearable market still needs to cut down
some of their costs no it's definitely
point y know more about these stories
check us out on cnet I'm Roger Cheng I'm
Ben Fox Rubin thanks for listening and
thanks everyone for joining us on
YouTube looking for your questions and
comments would anyone out there use the
Fitbit for fertility Ava bracelet the
ava bracelet like we used like a
low-tech version of that when we were
when we were doing it with that were so
what was your low tech version is the
pee on the stick thing yeah yeah she
mentioned that serve like the that's a
go-to method right now so I didn't
actually realize that there's a newer
version of pee on a stick there it is
which is they Sam mentions this in the
story it's the clearblue fertility
monitor which I'm going to read this
from the story requires women to urinate
on a stick which is linked to a handheld
device that records the data points okay
so awfully that stick is nowhere near
the smartphone you just can have the key
on the smartphone yeah well you know
what we do that with our baby we've got
at the motto thermostat or a thermometer
that hooks on door phone via the this is
audio jack is it a butt thermometer yeah
oh my god I would not use that about
that we've got a comes with an extra
long course you can sort like hold the
phone up here oh oh okay it's not like
yeah literally like it's not right up
against we had we definitely could have
had it
so that's very funny uh yeah I mean this
is luck we we already have three kids
and right we have surprise but you have
broken this product at all no but when
we were first trying to you know have
our first kid there's obviously a lot of
like uncertainty in trepidation oh yeah
yeah it's going to work whatever and so
we did the pee on the stick thing and I
really really don't think that we would
have coughed up two hundred dollars but
if if you're kind of like further along
in the process and you're ready to try
some some more things and you want to be
a little bit more aggressive about it I
can see some people might actually want
to try doing something like this so
here's the deal with the fertility
apparently according to Sam you know
every given month you've got a window of
about six days where you're fertile and
this bracelet is supposed to show the
five point three days they refer elect
eighty-nine percent accuracy that's
apparently the biggest window that
that's their claim that's a claim that a
Vegas window provided by any of these
products and there are a number of these
out there this is I think the first kind
of wearable but yeah it's so it's you
know if it promised use you a larger
window to make a baby then you know for
some folks who especially for folks who
have a lot of disposal income that might
be worth it yeah yeah let's swing the
conversation back over to Apple I'm not
yes right yeah I don't know we've got
we've got questions and comments of
course we got listeners and fans on both
sides of the fence regarding Apple but
yeah pacifically they're really curious
about the sales and how the iphone is
doing specifically and stemming from
that how much can we actually give away
about what's coming with the iphone 7
okay with the iphone 7 the expectation
is is that they're going to get rid of
the of the other phone the audio jack
which may make it more water resistant
yes so and that's really the only major
rumor that's why the charge it's a
wireless charging with scum thrown it
don't tell me it's a rumor that's always
thrown in the mix we look we don't know
what's coming the iphone 7 well the hell
yeah we have such a castle Apple hasn't
talked to us they don't talk to us
actually about especially about
especially about the iphone
like they're not gonna they're not gonna
go and like start leaking stuff about
their they only do that on yeah so yeah
it's expected to be pretty ho-hum
they're gonna go grab the head size I
think the changes are pretty superficial
or they're not superficial sorry there I
mean there's not a minor they're minor
yeah so yeah given the fact that it's
already kind of in a it's in decline
mode at this point I don't know if a new
iphone if an iphone 7 that's only
modestly improved will actually be able
to turn itself around maybe I don't know
I talked to the executives of the
carrier Verizon Sprint ATT and all of
them are very conservative about their
their projections for phone sales for
this year for this year they're not I
mean they wouldn't say specifically but
they're all kind of like hedging their
bets are not really sure if like this is
going to have the same kind of impact
that say the iphone 6 did two years back
when which was mr. which yet which was a
full redesign a full refresh of the
product so here's the thing there are
rumors that they're supposed to be some
really significant improvements 2017
next year's model and that's what
they're saving for for the 10th
anniversary iphone and they might even
not call it the iphone 7s maybe let the
iphone X or the iphone 10 or something
like that but I kind of i'm a little
skeptical about that because i'm kind of
like just wait until next year that's
that's I don't know which too far via
the quality of the publications out that
sort of reported on that rumor and are
fairly reliable sure hey I'm I'm willing
to bet that that's that's the case this
is his Apple come quietly setting
expectations or more modest level for
this year with hopes that things are
gonna get bigger next year that might be
if they're gonna make all the weight
they're gonna make people wait a whole
nother year it better be good well those
I thinks it would serve the reality of
what's going on in the component world
right like chip wise processor wise they
don't have the physical components ready
this year I think a lot of that it's
going to be ready for next year that's
why they're everyone's waiting for that
big push you know there's all that talk
about Moore's Law sort of collapse and
write pole I can't get away from trips
even if I wanted I know I know
happening with PCs right there there
isn't a significant refresh of a
processor this year so you're not seeing
a lot of new products like new laptops
or tablets that are significantly better
because the chip is a significant
differently better either I do you think
this is fair if you can wait another
year for your iphone you probably should
would you agree with that Ivan I've been
telling people that okay unless you're
like me you need to have the newest
thing no I'm gonna wait well I've got
one of those training programs i'm just
gonna trade mine in and i can look at
your phone there you go and i could
sprinkle water on it hopefully it is
water resistant I kind of like that I
like that idea kids are drop in the
toilet or something sure yeah all right
what else we got else you got Brent
Armando things that they are skipping
the s model for the iphone 7 because the
next iPhone is on the 10th anniversary
correct yes yeah yeah we just said that
yeah so nicely done Armando there you go
so its knowledge and that's kind of
about it more people arguing about
whether Apple is a good company or not
and apple bottom on Apple is I mean it's
a successful company it's a hugely
successful company well not according to
you on the podcast you're like they
could get snatched up and what number
eight years hey there's a now is
definitely still successful but you have
to look to the future right if it's true
he'll be that doesn't continue innovate
well start to die off well we'll see
competition I think we've been it's true
and we've been sitting during Apple days
being like what what did they just
announced like what was that innovation
they just called it the ipad pro plus
mini right it's just this the same
product as last year yeah with with a
pencil yeah you don't know I got me
you're basically taking existing
successful products and you're either
larger than or shrinking them I mean
that's not really innovation now Brian's
laughing what is so fine Brian because
loose Meister's pulling lines from Mad
Max notice me Ben witness me oh my god
that's a badass reference been no the
witness the witness me thing witness me
Dad member you have a fan although what
are those get the war boys the war boys
the war boys always chant that
what they're about to like when they see
anything in their face yes I had a goose
Meister hi goose Meister there you go oh
well because I said Armando's name
that's probably what happened my petty
every other circuit Ben can you say my
handle please who want the bed Fox Rubin
a blessing next uh creme wants to know
well he says that he heard a rumor that
the next iPhone will be the iphone 6s
and when the warrant of that that's not
gonna happen yeah that sounds kind of
sounds like a silly well me there's the
iphone SE right there's the small that
would kind of confuse people a little
too much yeah if if they did an iphone
6s I I don't think it's gonna be the
next one I imagine there'll be a refresh
of the SE which will be I'm also
terrible or like also whatever you I
don't spill it'll fill particular gap in
there in the proper folio look if they
don't call it the iphone 7 you're
basically signaling to everybody don't
buy this phone yeah so except for me
like I've got a plan where I try to my
phone every yeah yeah you're your tech
reporter or tech editor so you're very
specific customer I am what about uh do
you think the iphone 7 will be
waterproof I do think that that's very
realistic wait waterproof it would
wobble is it could be water resistant
but I don't have my gonna be waterproof
I mean though there were rumors that the
success was technically waterproof no no
actually really bothered attested by God
you got apple rumors but I know it was
early I was like no no no just like
rumors about Apple but very good I would
love to see a waterproof I mean even if
it's like slightly warmer than the
galaxy s7 is so why can't the iphone be
water which is it we're getting very
close to subtended already sealed off
there's no you don't you don't really
have to well that's the point of getting
rid of the headphone jack is fine no
dust yes whatever a fan but well what
about sizes do you think there will be a
256 gigabyte version okay ooh actually
that's interesting that that was
mentioned because I think there was a
rumor in the last week or two yeah that
they were gonna have a super duper sized
iphone yeah where it was going to be um
what the hell would they call that thing
what they call
with the call well what is it that it's
the like they would call it the plus pro
or something like that but I think they
were talking about actual gigs in the
phone but I think they were talking
about the idea as you would ever yeah
they would have an even bigger phablet
really iphone 7 I can't imagine that
happening I think it's an installer I
think it's gonna be the two standard
sizes that we have now okay but I do i I
can't easily see them offering a 256 gig
phone version it's but memories super
cheap now they make money hand over fist
with the with those up one of those
higher capacity phones because it
doesn't cost them that much but they're
jacking up the price fry today man
jalandhar boxes yeah it doesn't cost
them hundred dollars so it totally makes
sense I really want to see them just
drop the 16 gig totally I mean it's just
a complete ripoff at this point like for
anyone my brother accidentally bought
one of those why did you talk to me
first yeah yeah that's a big mistake
mm-hmm and I was stuck with it for two
years it's okay for my mom yeah yeah
that's but that's basically it but if
you use your phone like in any kind of
normal way 16 geeks is just it's just
not enough mm-hmm I have 16 I'm sorry oh
god Brian really do you just like you're
constantly delete photos of videos from
your phone I just don't have a lot on my
phone I don't use it for much more than
streaming podcast taking calls no all
right you don't take photos not many hmm
it doesn't have a lot of friends I'll
buy hangs out with us oh all my friends
and pokemons ago all right we should we
should definitely wrap the yeah we
should wrap it up those a good show I
loose my sir yeah hey goose nature there
you go right on goose let sooo good
Banda Andale thanks everybody thank you
thank you all for your time and your
questions love the feedback if you like
anything you saw heard here I can check
us out on cnet com I saw our podcast is
available on itunes google play music
soundcloud tune in and feedburner i got
it you got it dad we're not alike
congratulating me like 50 episodes to
figure that is d ok c Surrey 88 is all
right see you all tomorrow cool
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