
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Is Samsung Galaxy S8's secret weapon all that it's cracked up to be? (The 3:59, Ep. 171)

good morning on Tuesday january thirty first it's time for episode 171 of the 359 podcast with Roger Cheng and Alfred Inc morning guys what is up today morning good morning happy to be back on YouTube happy to have you back ya feel good fans can see our beautiful faces again oh let's not go so far with beautiful what's the size bit of art mediocre face there we go now our cooking mediocre that's what I'm shooting for on a daily basis thank you for tuning in we've got a good show for you will be talking about Samsung not Trump samsung's galaxy s 8 and the the qualcomm snapdragon chip powering it it's a it's gonna be exclusive for samsung at least for a little while and so will break down whether or not that's such a big deal i will also talk about super bowl and v are you excited bout that i will not be watching it in VR I will not either um I don't even know if I'll be watching the Super Bowl we'll see probably clean way I'd be cleaning poop we'll see it's a no better with those in question roger has a child yeah yeah not my own poop or somebody not another adult poop just to look kid that's like an another to monday party oh it's a it's definitely a party of a different sort not that fun lastly we'll be talking about walmart and its decision to kill shipping past shipping pass yeah it's a it's basically damron prime clone yeah yeah um and walmart taking a little digging amazon right throw a little shade but I little yeah little little or a lot yeah yeah a lot well which is funny cuz if I'm walmart I'm not throwing shade at amazon I'm I'm scared well yeah that that explains why they tried to clone it there you go and then it was just as much tangled thing they're like to yoga yep and they put out misery yes alright so as always you've any questions leave them in the comment section Brian given both we will try our best answer them and yeah well we'll enter them in four minutes or so or so or so trying to keep it in four minutes alright 59 let's get this recording underway and here we go in exactly three two one welcome to the 359 where we talk about the top tech news of the day and other crap we throw in I'm Roger Cheng I'm Alfar nang so samsung's galaxy 8 is still a few months away but there's already bustering about one critical feature the inclusion of Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 835 chip it's built with a smaller architecture so theoretically should run a lot faster and be more power efficient longer lasting a sharper smarter phone we're gonna see a bunch of these phones launched in another month or so at Mobile World Congress not the GSA but budgeted other phones LG what we're thinking about a role it's gonna have a phone nokia another blackberry all these phones will not have the latest chip there'll be sort of content to use last year's chip and so Samsung will get kind of this exclusive run do you think that's a big deal i think it i don't i'm not sure how big of an improvement it will be right no one knows yeah exactly i was at the Qualcomm's summit that they had really showed off all the features for the Snapdragon 835 and you know if all they're saying is true then yeah it's gonna be a major deal but the fact is you know as our colleague Jessica wrote in a story you know it's new chips aren't always the the the end all be all right they're not always as you know they're they're oftentimes the hype around these chips or don't meet reality and yes there are loads of features available in a 35 samsung may not use all of them you know to kind of keep costs down to make sure that it's you know it's still a reasonably affordable high-end phone they may not use all the different features whether it's you know quick charge 4k ultra HD premium video you know more batteries to facial recognition and particularly with a quick charge I have to imagine that Samsung is going to be easing off on something a quick charge stuff right you're gonna play a little bit safe when it comes to the battery I mean I they did pretty fine with quick charge a three-point Oh though this is just an update to that and that's the thing a lot of these features are basically it's an improved version of what it already had I think that's why all these companies that aren't Samsung are kind of content with using the old ship save a lot of money in the future yeah I mean that's a telling sign to me that you know these companies are saying we're just gonna stick with the old one yeah I talked to a couple these OEM who basically said you know there's still a lot of runway on the last year's chip we still haven't fully used at that the potential of these processors and so we'll see really for normal people you're not going to notice a difference right so next up the superbowl will be televised but it'll also be shown in virtual reality Terry Collins breaks down this deal that live like has struck with Fox Sports to offer pivotal moments from the big game in virtual reality you know it's just sort of the latest in this broad trend of everything going into VR what do you think I mean unless it's literally live like you you're gonna but it's saying it's you know showing the highlights yeah it's more highlights yeah so it's not gonna happen live and then I think by the time it's available you're not gonna be interested in any way I always feel like interest in super bowl goes you know then the game happens and then it's over and then said well yeah you know the results and that's it like what do you care how these highlights better be amazing for you to you know watch them and then think I gotta see this in VR well if you mean you're hardcore Falcons or pats fan you might watch at the stuff out otherwise yeah all right lastly Alfred what's going on walmart so Walmart had its um shipping pass uh you know basically killed off and if you're not familiar of shipping past it was basically amazon prime but you paid fifty dollars a month right for free two-day shipping they decided to get rid of that and instead basically if you order anything that's more than thirty-five dollars you get free shipping over that right and basically they're saying you know two-day shipping it's it's very hard to maintain which amazon has also had problems with right so there you know basically cutting it for for cheaper deal and if threw a little shade of at amazon basically saying you shouldn't charge a membership for two days shipping yeah so alright for more about these stories check us out on cnet i'm roger j I'm out for dang thanks for listening so who are we rooting for in the superbowl guys I can't say I'm waiting for the not Patriots I would yeah I would say the the Falcons I guess life by default I don't care about the Falcons at all but I don't want the pats to win I'm a huge fan of the United States not are not Patriots that's my favorite tea and all of the NFL are our own and remorse are the head of our copy desk is a hardcore Pats fan so yeah don't don't say that around I mean I'm really not all invested I just a joke uh I don't know just I'm even less interested less invested in this game than ever before well what about MDR no well I mean I'd like to experience that to be kind of neat I superficially by the way it's not like it's not like you're experiencing it you're not in on the field experiencing in VR I think you're just like your the sideline so I right yes I said box right there yeah like a nice woman on boxee so that's way up it's probably just like glorified like 360 video probably yeah no no totally as you turn around you can see the crowd chattering to the field some people give their right arm for that they never get that go to the selections I'm just bothered whenever somebody calls it like VR but it's just 360 video yeah yeah because to me like the threshold review our is a marketing gimmick you don't like interact with it and things like that kind of like the oh yes you have a much higher threshold grab everyone else in the industry image just 360 video like we could we have a 360 like like hammer don't we sure can we just say like all of it is in let all our like videos rvr now if we just record off of that I mean 360 is just not as sexy of a term yeah yeah but it just don't call it what it's not fair enough all right let's jump back into Samsung Antoine Antoine in the chat says I'm a note fan but these past years I've been I was not convinced about the phablet why the hell do they keep removing stuff from the note and not add new stuff to the old ones I'm a little confused Antoine could you maybe clarify that I think you're heading in the right direction to be a really good conversation point but we need a little push so what exactly are you angry about in terms with the elimination of features because as far as I know no problem the know today was they packed in so many features no note 7 then oh sorry the note 7 some of the note 8 I know I think he's he's gonna have to clarify yeah please aunt juanita I don't want to speak for him um yeah um so the the walmart 50 bucks a month are you kidding me when you're paying a hundred bucks a year for amazon that's another arrows 50 bucks a year oh i thought you said a month you don't it's basically okay so Lisa stop I'm its Jets have the price of amazon prime it's a guarantee two-day shipping but that's gone now yeah no one really cared no one really yeah it has like Walmart's offerings really its library isn't not as extensive as a mess right and the other and look years passing and a bed is broken this down the past like Walmart is does not they kind of kind of care about online sales but not really considered core sales are still getting next door so they traditionally have not really spent a lot of time and money investing in that business in making their online business as robust as being in the store they've changed I mean I think they're changing that now buying gedcom trying to trying to get themselves more modern but yeah I mean that there's it's not a surprise that this programs and then the other issue is is basically you know fifty dollars a year is not sustainable for two day shipping right for Walmart yeah yeah I mean one more I think walmart there was an aggressive introduction I really thought you said a month no and I would have been that that's crazy yeah that's crazy as wait that was that's like that it's funny Fresh Direct offers very similar thing now it's like a think my wife pays like hundred bucks and now she gets I think one or two day shipping you'd better get your ass or easier than one or two days yeah no but the whole point is like they're doing like a prime type member yeah they never did that before they do I thought okay guys it's new to me as he the American populace becomes less and less likely to leave their homes yeah I've still yet to do freshdirect i don't i don't like oh just wait till you have a kid I don't get that its client groceries like not at the store cuz like I like to see and touch the food again just wait till you have a kid they're like leaving your apartment takes like 45 minutes and it's not cool circling back on the sand sauna Cedric and the chat wants to know have they mentioned if it'll have a headphone jack for the essay yeah I would suspect that they will have a headphone jack I think it was a big selling point with the node 7 when that came out and it you know it's a chance for samsung to knock Apple which they never miss a chance to knock Apple touche and then there's also been a lot of like leaks I mean these are all rumors but right there there's been like phone cases that have been shown around before they you know s8 that does have the headphone jack in it so yeah I would imagine us pc though not not micro us now but yeah headphone jack yeah sidebar to this chris wants to know if anybody knows when the nougat update is coming to s6 edge+ in the UK we having a very specific added solely specific we have no idea no idea you'd have to ask samsung and the carrier at in UK because it's usually a mix of the two where is the fingerprint scanner on the essay is it on the back I imagine will be in the back here we have a few people in the chat are gonna be disappointed but very similar to i believe the actual LG phone the pixel an old HTC phone they all had the thing a princess er back I don't why you actually don't mind it cuz that you that seven is on the front though yeah but the remove if they're removing the home button everything ok I'm making the screen larger then that makes sense to remove all the physical buttons on the front put whatever whatever scanners in the back because you kind of hold it like that anyway like I've no it's not like with a pixel that I use it's pretty natural to just tap the back and unlock your phone Paul was ambitious and the chat and says they should put dual fingerprint scanners on the front and the back yeah yeah that makes no sense I mean it's a natural hold if you do that yeah exactly oh that's just why yes you can put it all the things you want but you know I caught one costs money takes up real estate those are factors you don't really want to mess with rice make it ten fingers yeah we're at it I mean yeah if you really want to i guess you could you could add one of the back and could turn the volume rocker into a fingerprint sensor you could you'd have one of the top and on the bottom just basically any way you touch it yeah the fingerprint scan was the entire body that would be kind of cool like the entire frame there's a finger printed palm scanner do we have an idea about price yet any ballparks i would imagine similar you know last year the year before six fifty seven hundred dollars yeah you've been on the ball of the the Price is Right styling with this stuff you guess the Nintendo switch yeah man I got it I gotta get on that show press is right I would kill input well that's not true it was anything tech related I'm yeah yeah it's like refrigerator of like uh refrigerator is tech now that's true member CES yeah you're right it's smarter than we are yes yes uh things are smarter than we are though Touche um let's see before we call the day let's put our bets down for the super bowl man we're talking about Super Bowl already should we should we make that bed before it's this weekend holy crap and we were in February yeah Wow no no no tomorrow's rocks anyway jeez you know what I thought we had another week of January left no why did I think that excerpt extra Jerry anybody in the chat care about the super bowl I know we're kind of uh localizing ourselves here no I mean I go I'll go falcons by two touchdowns ok I'm going 2821 Falcons Alfred I'm gonna go it's all field goals that's all oh my god Falcons like to such a terrible and it's all gangs marcelino and Carlos oh got the pats up for us what do you think guys score wise yeah actually I fear it'll be the pats if we're if we're going all cakes I I'd have to go max in the chat just stole my heart the Bears all right let's call it a day guys no great show thanks for your question guys and yo will steal tomorrow do you like anything you saw her here check us out on cnet our podcast is also available in itunes tune in stitcher SoundCloud feedburner and google play music all right see tomorrow see you tomorrow
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