Is Tim Cook really Steve Ballmer 2.0? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 62)
Is Tim Cook really Steve Ballmer 2.0? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 62)
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com / apple byte we are live from the
Giant Bomb studio in San Francisco
California see Applewhite extra crunchy
podcast with your host Bryan Tom what's
up everybody what is going on welcome
welcome to the show it is episode 62 on
this lovely friday afternoon and for
those you that will be listing this
podcast we will get we will get to you
ASAP but what we're gonna start off with
first of all is again this show is all
about you you make it happen we just
deliver the stories and talk about it
you can always call us at one eight
hundred 616 what is the number two 638
I'm looking at another phone number I'm
doing that's the same time c 1 800 188
61 62 63 8 so what we wanted to do here
is last week we teased about this really
great article about is Tim Cook and is
how is he doing with the company but
also his comparison to Steve Ballmer and
we have a special guest here today I
wanted to introduce you to Steve Blank
and he is the author of the article that
really sparked this conversation just
give you guys little background of him
steve was an entrepreneur turned
educator credited with launching the
Lean Startup movement this has really
changed how startups are built now
entrepreneurship is taught he also
teaches at stanford columbia berkeley
and nyu goes back and forth during the
semesters and created the National
Science Foundation innovation core now
the standard for science
commercialization in the US he's done a
whole bunch of other things more than I
can even just say in a few moments and
so Steve thank you so much for taking
the time to join us on the apple byte
extra crunchy thanks for having me now
Steve this article was really compelling
a lot of great stuff in here but I
wanted to know you've been observing
tech you come from a background if I
read correctly I mean you've been
involved in wet around
eight plus tech companies is that
correct I did it start ups are about 21
years before the time yeah you know just
just a start just just ate startup Steve
but I wanted to find out from you all if
I was any good I would have been a lot
of viewers like that true all you need
is one that the Steve what first of all
how did you get to this point where
you've seen how Apple's progress over
the past five years under tim constrain
what led you to this point to write this
story well you know this wasn't
particularly about Apple it was a you
know when the Holy Startup movement
started with just my experience as an
entrepreneur and realizing good you know
for the first quarter century investor's
that treated startups but like they were
smaller versions of large companies and
so the Lean Startup movement was a
observation as they were simply wrong as
startups two very different things
startups search for business models and
order companies execute models and we
had no tools for search and this is just
a sidebar that kind of back into
question so we developed a set of tools
me Eric Ries on Xander osterwalder and
now it's kind of understood that
startups can be more efficient with
their time and faces and methodology and
good the interest in apple is I've been
working with large corporations in the
US government to do the same thing how
do you do innovation in companies that
are now being disrupted continually
that's the big idea if I'm in the 20th
century companies average lifetime was
about 50 or 60 years now the average
life cycle of a large public company 15
years Wow not because they yeah not
because they've gotten stupider but the
whole environment to change all the
rules you learn does this fear executive
in the 20th century but the business
school in 20th century everything you
know is mihari obsolete it's putting
your company at risk because stand on
the internet you didn't have highly
being transparent we didn't have chinese
manufacturer we can we didn't have
globalization make the entire list and
all those challenges are facing large
corporations so I've been thinking about
and working with large corporations and
how do you do continuous innovation to
cope with this rapid change of pace and
Apple you know this Berkeley was kind of
a touchstone for in the period of seven
years Steve Jobs give is the company at
least three times creating major new
product lines from a company that was a
sin for your pc company with a narrow
niche and a specialized operating system
about Japan boys as customers yes I
think that's know most profitable
companies world and how do we include me
in the fanboy I've been a manager since
1985 I mean I bought the first wherever
the second the five told a man and my
wife fact that goes back even further
she was the second evangelist third
apple on the product manager for
something called a apple 2e oh yeah I
think we're gonna I think I've heard of
that so yeah we did a Mack I'm Mack
family for a long time but this wasn't
their observation about Tim and Ashley
was written before the latest we fired
our customers product announcement it
was an observation about what happens
when innovation CEOs die or get fired
etc and I thought the Tim Cook to Steve
Jobs example was probably the clearest
month and surprisingly the product
announcements about the macbooks just
unfortunately kind of solidified what
what I thought I observed now Steve uh
one of the things that you know people
because there's obviously been such a
history between Apple and Microsoft and
there's quite honestly in the tech space
in the tech world there are people that
align with each side differently that
have quite honestly very strong thoughts
about each side so when the top weight
article was titled why Tim Cook is Steve
Ballmer and why he still has a job at
apple that's the name of the actual you
know commentary piece you put out you
did touch upon you can find it I'm Steve
Blank com for your listeners you haven't
read the original one and I encourage
them to let read it because it's it's
some great stuff but one of the points
you talk about in this piece is how
Microsoft missed the boat and how Apple
is potentially missing the boat as well
can you for people that haven't read it
can you talk about some of those things
that Microsoft missed and how you kind
of see that branding over to what Apple
has been doing lately sure so you know a
realistic around the beginning of the
21st century it was watching these
companies Microsoft ended it entered the
21st century dominating the different
manufactures and markets there and when
Bill Gates retired he essentially handed
the keys to Steve Ballmer and said don't
screw it up and bummer didn't by the way
he executed the windows and office
franchise pristinely and after the only
thing that mattered was how much money
did you make then Steve Ballmer was on
the world's best EEOC doubled review
triple profit etc if you measure though
the value your CEO about the lion
activity of the dominance of the company
he failed miserably he missed search he
missed mobile a Miss girl media he
missed all these trends where the
desktop systems were going he in fact
extracted maximum revenue from an
existing franchise that still isn't
going away my office and windows will
print money for decades but Microsoft is
not thought of least wasn't until they
run into co2 usko innovative at all
known as a kind of a income extraction
company for attacks on your desktop okay
on the pc a new CEO is actually
unbundled you know cloud and mobile from
the office and windows lock and is doing
and the sad part is their new desktop
announcements were a lot more exciting
for creatives at least for on first
blush than the apple announcements but
the point was is that Microsoft
basically milk the franchise for the 12
years that bomber was CEO again if your
metric of the board of directors was how
much money did you make and the director
grew up he did a great job and then you
know he didn't cut Tim Cook has taken
the iphone franchise is a supply chain
guy and Phil Schiller as a manager has
done a world question of holding more
cash than any company in the history of
world apples is a third of a trillion
down the third of the trillion dunks I
mean unbelievable said of money
unfortunately most of it is parked
overseas but that's another conversation
for the green ooze
as a as a manager of a executing
existing business model that is C let's
figure out supplied to go petition
products maximize who are you know on
the spiritual our customer should be
have have incremental product releases
apples brilliant the question is whether
they're missing all the next generation
of innovations much like jobs did and
steve was never and neither was gates
was never shy about articulating the
futures to do for in that case the
future of music and the future of media
and a feature of the phone and what I
were all kind of waiting yeah and I fell
out what's interesting about that is you
know jobs and gates when if people go
back and look at some of their key notes
or how they presented they were telling
us what the future would look like and
and they were for the most part you know
based on some of some of the things that
they've traded and built quite on you
know obviously jobs is a
once-in-a-generation once-in-a-lifetime
type CEO and Bill Gates is as well they
showed us that quote unquote future but
when you talk about the platforms and
apples missing I mean everyone in the
tech space is feeling like look they're
they're missing when it comes they're
behind already when it comes to
artificial intelligence they're behind
when it comes to this whole virtual
reality augmented reality space they're
also behind when it comes to this whole
idea of autonomous car platform and sure
they're working on it but they don't
even have any you know vision or
direction with that it when you when you
hear and see those things does it feel a
little bit like deja vu mr. ennock and
again it's not it's not unexpected it's
a it was a conscious decision by the
Board of Directors and it's still a
conscious decision I mean Tim Cook works
for the board of directors who have a
set of choices about what they want the
company to be do you want to in fact
extract maximum revenue across and they
should determine this time return to the
years of not another decade or so
milking the franchise or can you get
some of the company I'm taking
innovation risks if you pick a ladder
you clear
the wrong video if you pick the former
you have the world s CEO so this isn't a
dish about you know Tim Cook is a bad
guy Tim Cook is actually the most
perfect guy to have for an execution
company extracting maximum dollars
improvements specifically what just
happened after will be Runkles Apple in
fact fired its developers with the mac
book pro announcements which was even I
think a little short-sighted because
unlike other platform companies that
have realized that the desktops are
diminishing the high end of the macbooks
were actually the platforms but iphone
app developers used yep and
unfortunately when you force people off
of that platform there's not some other
high-performance back platform to go on
here's a Linux platforms or the window
platforms and so you just forced what
might be a small segment of the three to
four million laptops being sold but you
just fired your developers and now the
party going to understand that it wasn't
like gee there was no path there was
obviously a path of if Intel wasn't
giving you fast enough processors the
Apple query has microprocessor design
teams now that could have actually made
that investment and said we're going to
build their own request or parallel
processors in America growth but
obviously somebody made the decision
that that investment is return on
investment on a spreadsheet was not
worthwhile I think they might have made
it if a long-term I just shot themselves
in the foot but my name is in shot their
iphone development business in the head
without quite understanding that I mean
they've already fired the creative
customers if you're doing video
development or audio development this is
no longer the leading platform to do so
it's it's embarrassing i know i was just
used after a macbook announcement it
click yeah and ordered this time this
time i just ordered a one terabyte SSD
upgrade the flight no four year old man
it's kind of sad yeah yeah i ever did
that and their kid now steve i do also
want to because you've outlined some of
you know the issues that Apple is now
facing and how they you know look like
Microsoft of the past Microsoft is
obviously has can
you need to evolve now and right in
people's minds it doesn't mean that
someone's going to go out and buy a
surface studio right now but you have to
build things like that that appeal to
not only the niche markets but also to a
consumer right everyone bottom line is
everyone got excited when they saw the
surface to do whether they were actually
going to buy it or not they recognized
it as an amazing piece of technology
with functionality that a they could use
or not but bottom line they were still
really excited about it now I'm just
curious the challenge here is what does
a board of directors do or what does the
company do when you lose a
once-in-a-lifetime type of CEO are there
what are some of the things that they
can do to mitigate that I mean really
the next turn around for Apple will most
likely be the next CEO but until then do
you have any ideas or at least best
practices of how companies should try to
find that innovator because we know
someone even like Steve Jobs he was the
visionary but I I all sometimes joke
that I'm bet you that the Apple
management team has more fun working
together like they're more at ease like
they're probably joking around there but
they don't have that hard visionary
that's driving them all to get to that
point something jobs that a long time
ago but I'm just paraphrase it if you
for not yelling at each other and you're
not uncomfortable you're not innovating
you know a collegial workforces is
usually a very happy and complacent
workforce and I don't mean he eats being
miserable but you know visionaries are
artists it's a big idea the closest
thing to a visionary debrief in a
founding team it's not a large company
is engineers anymore or MBAs or
executives and their artist to the sense
that these things that other people know
thank your thanks now they're closer to
composers of painters or sculptors or
something else in today in fact no bring
along a team that says here's here's
what I see here's where we're going you
know come with that's very different
let's have a board meeting will record
all the numbers but all the way back up
to the top you know companies have a
choice of and boards have a choice
what's the nature of the corporation
wants to prove this if the purpose is
just simply to maximize holder value and
generate revenue profits Apple's doing
exactly what is it good the purpose of
the corporation is to push the envelope
remember the thing different ads oh yeah
do something that other people haven't
done hurts point Apple was known for and
it's gone and by the way it doesn't
Amina Sanford is Apple is becoming nuts
as Microsoft but HP you know another
famous companies that kinda lost the
Mojo because people made other decisions
that all that's left is the brand there
really isn't anything there isn't it
there doesn't mean it has to be but that
has been a decision when you're aboard
with a visionary founder does you don't
have a choice do you go and find another
visionary or your exec staff who've all
been executors well obviously they
expect it's their turn now not quite
understanding that they were there in
execution support of a visionary people
that jobs tired as number two's for non
visionaries they were smart and work
last fall but if you look at the stinger
it's not what I did the end is the
Burton and promote one of them and they
did become CEOs of other companies
people would love to grab and now your
board of directors faced of not only
losing your number one but possible your
number to them three yeah so that's a
really tough choice and so again there's
no stupid move sir at all and there's no
high school school or customers making
some business decisions made these
consequences are finally being
understood Apple is managing by
spreadsheet and if you're a passionate
Mack committed user like I've been for
decades you just realize you've been
fired and that doesn't feel good it's
like you've been abandoned after all
your commitment and that's exactly what
happened yeah yeah I think that's the
feeling that's boo and that was the
reaction of the
I mean you can three minutes 17 to the
new back book without having done goal
so it looks like the you know the the
windows ad but Microsoft was Willow that
Apple so I think about the my grandpa
those cases versus package yeah I'm all
right I'm crying already inside I mean
I've been crying inside for a while
Steve so so so again I I just think the
only you know people suggested before
I'm not the first one again with the
desktop is a dying business for mac for
everybody else other other pc
manufacturers have said gee let's see
there so off for spin off our desktop
business and so we don't confuse the two
IBM did it with a think dad HP was
talking about it yeah good uh good
outcome might be Apple admits that we
just aren't giving this the restriction
or whatever we need only spin this out
when we covered as a standard gravities
its own money habits habits own IPO in
fact then could build powerful machines
that actually got attractive we were no
initial class of people that had
appealed to creatives and developers and
and everything else because I as I said
I think they missed in the spreadsheet
man the fact that they've just fired
their iphone developers yeah that's the
that's the part like use everybody
pointed out that there is no leather
plastic on if I stopped using a Mac yeah
that's a that's that's another great
point to bring up Steve so we just
wanted to say thank you so much for your
time in your discussion again can you
tell people where they can find more of
your work and follow you sure have a
website ww Steve Blank dot-com Steve
VLAN onward you find all kinds of
stuff about entrepreneurship innovation
and so compel awesome Steve thank you
again one more time and we appreciate it
we hope to talk to you down the road but
thanks again all right all right pumping
up thank you
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welcome back to the show we just want to
say thanks again for Steve blanks
commentary and interview that was some
great stuff to give you all a
perspective of what is happening and how
Apple is transitioning over time and
again I think people that get the
mistake that I hate Apple are completely
wrong like look at all my products but I
will tell you this i am from the heyday
I am from Apple's heyday where they
literally ruled the world for 10-15
years true and so and when you're part
of that and you see how different things
are and again as a fan of Technology why
was I a fan of apple for those 10 or 15
years because they had some of the best
technology you know what cool stuff it
looked cool it worked it was simple like
that's all my ipod the new ipod about
you like i need the ipod look most
people are Apple fans today because of
the iphone right that that's why it made
an a fan right exactly that hooked us
all that was a game changer as they say
so that's why when I you know throw bad
apples I'm also having fun because look
I use the products I do enjoy the
products but things are changing and
we've got to acknowledge that and we've
if you really do love technology you
should love it beyond a single company
and I have to say this like every four
or five months I know yes so people
think that there I go you hate up on my
know look at everything in my house okay
yeah you know I mean they're going
through a slump like any good sports
star go through a slump like any pro
golfer they'll have some off week and
off month maybe one off a year off five
years having a little off time right
but hopefully they're listening to
everyone online who's complaining about
dongle gate and all the problems that
are happening hopefully they're
listening and not just to like up their
own universe to hear what's going on
because you know it's clearly i look at
my friends are the hardest diehard Apple
fans even though even they know they're
that there are chinks in the armor as
they would say you know it's it's it's a
different company but again it when I
show love to other companies because the
technology is really good like quite
honestly the pixel phone is the best
android phone out there right now in my
mind it's all like ice I'm using it on
you know my iphone that people are
looking at like all your periscope is
out there it is my daily driver but when
i'm on the bus and stuff i'm using the
pixel in me to every other down time
because i enjoy it it's fine and you
should go you want you should want
someone to talk about tech stuff that
enjoys tech and isn't up someone's you
isn't just like all about one thing okay
I don't get that I just don't care no we
don't get teams like what's up with
teams you know yeah but yet the pixel
camera is superior Oh totally Vanessa
hand or Ileana made like a rhythm really
to two really great videos comparing the
cameras of the pixel like the still
photography and then the video camera on
the iPhone just kicks everyone's but I
just think it's funny because most
people that hate on any other tech is
because they've never actually tried it
I sure when someone hates on something
in tech it's cuz they's for the most
part they've never tried it and I'm like
have you tried it and then it's like
crickets right to be like how long you
bub a baby boo but babe you look like a
asian babe babe are you bleep I'm like
have you even tried it bro have you
don't knock it till you try it don't
knock it okay let's get to the stories
in the show again we had a great talk
with Steve Blank earlier for people that
missed out on it but you can always
listen to our podcast or you can rewind
or if you got here that means you
actually listened to the interview right
they they listened to it and now they're
here with us yeah so let's give the
stories we've got plenty more to bang
through here the Apple watch is my
favorite story of the week the Apple
watch is getting video chat Dick Tracy
style did you hear me did you hear me
but it's not it's not from Apple is this
what we're talking about it's like a
clip-on kind of it it's this is awesome
it's from a company called camera but
because it's the year 2016 they spelled
it cmra maybe why they want made me a
TRO up like camera camera camera
camera anyways it's basically a dual
camera inside the actual watch band one
faces you one faces outwards like the
Samsung gear watch had but this has dual
cameras and you can videoconference this
product is coming out into that in the
spring of 2017 it it's I think it's like
retailing for 249 it's a watchband
accessory but they're doing pre-orders
for 149 i pre-ordered one 149 that's
pretty chance on what well you know how
much i watch band is already James
bond-like phone cam an Apple watch band
like minimum is already like 50 60 bucks
I'm sorry I want I want a freaking video
chat on that thing it's going to use
this app called glide to do the video
chatting it'll sink and linked directly
to your phone's connection I want to see
this I just this is what I've asked for
since day one people are like why do you
want video conferencing on your on your
watch I guess what I'm not going to do
it every day and the answer is why not
yeah it's convenient why not let you
look at your watch like this anyway like
let's get it let's get site about tech
y'all let's get excited again okay look
that's exciting all right not exciting
earpods reportedly maybe potentially
delayed as far out as january of 2017
you know those air pods I can't believe
that that's sad that's like hole three
two months away that's also their whole
premise of why they took the headphone
jack out of the iphone bro oh yeah right
it was like we want you to use these
things wireless again this is a report
based on the supply chain we really
don't know if this a date all I'm saying
is if this is the date you're missing
the entire holiday season right where
these and you're also missing the fact
that these air pods were supposed to be
for the new iphone we've seen people in
this building wearing air pods because
they work for Apple which is in two
private floors that I can't get access
to you unless I climb through the air
ventilation systems like break like we
have to break through the glass I want
to do a little mission impossible
from some cables and just do it just
lets traverse down the back down all I
don't know if behind those doors they'll
just be a bunch of people in a circle
crying I'm not sure I I don't I don't
know but that that's the report no air
pods potentially until January 2017 but
in good news for the iPhone this this is
a number you don't see according to
investor business daily Apple's iPhone
grabbed 104 percent of smartphone
industry profits in the third quarter of
this year okay how is that possible like
you know when they say I want you to
give me 110% and then it's like but I
can't give you 110 percent I'm only
capable of giving you one hundred
percent okay Apple has the / again
Apple's grabbed a 104 percent of the
entire smartphone industry profits in
quarter three and why is that that's
because some companies and competitors
actually went negative oh ok so the
industry overall raise money they lost
money and Apple picked up the slack in
that spot when you compare it to the
year early period now quarter three of
last year Apple grabbed ninety percent
of smartphone profits part of this drop
was also contributed to our friends at a
this company called Samsung who also
recently recalled like 2.8 million uh
what is it washing machines did you hear
about that yeah they're washing machines
are exploding what are you gonna fire me
that's very sad batteries are very
dangerous guys dude I I don't know how a
company when now you're talking about
look Samsung is the pride and joy of
Korea oh I just can't reiterate that
enough as a company world stage they
have bring Korea on the world's day they
run like a longs drugs that is here in
the US is run by Samsung it's not called
Samsung like you know store but they
they own other like actual businesses
they're ingrained in the culture and so
when the note 7 blew up in their face
literally figuratively whatever that was
a huge statement now you're talking
about their washing machines like
another home consumer product that's a
big very explosion consumer proud
act so it's a it ain't looking good but
we just want to let you know at least
apples benefited from what what is
afflicting other companies and their
profits for q3 at least for the
smartphone industry up 104 percent I
think it's real like 103 point six
percent if you really want to be
accurate about that rounded up oh sorry
my bad that was that was that was me
that's my laptop I didn't hear it oh you
didn't the audios down okay don't worry
about it you're good this is a this is
also a story related to the iphone of
how the internet works okay sometimes
you hear rumors and you're like yeah
whatever they're just a rumor and
sometimes that rumors story three four
months later it gets posted on Facebook
and then everyone thinks it's like this
brand new story yes this is the story
the iphone 8 could have wireless
charging I think we stop talking about
this because it's been said like a
billion times yeah and I looked and I
rarely use Facebook beat just cuz and at
one time i looked at the feet on the
side you know they have trending topics
i'm like why is the iphone 8 there why
is it a trending topic it was like
1,000,000 you know uh-huh and it was
because the headline was iphone 8 might
have wireless charging I'm like who was
the source on that article who posted it
I don't know exactly the I multiple
articles showed up right you know how
it's really over that they're all fake
book is like in it undated with fake
news so just so everyone knows
especially during election season again
while it has been previously reported
the Nikkei asian review reports that the
Fox context context knowledge group one
of the people that's part one of apples
main manufacturing partners they're
making wireless charging modules okay
like pieces that aren't even finalized
potentially for the 2017 iphone i swear
this literally this app this story was
like six months old at lease and it blew
up that's funny just for the record do
do you guys know Apple does actually
have a product that wirelessly charges
if you could think about off the top
your head you know what it is I don't
know is
Apple watch yes sir okay yeah I just
wanted a quiz you see you just one major
point I by nation I listen to ya you use
one major points of that by nation beach
hey Apple by nation beaches song beach
and tall taking over yeah I do recall
them saying the Apple watch charges
wirelessly next to you the dent night
time table or whatever you that you
would actually send a more like an asian
kung-fu master than a Jonathan I John I
cold right now so raga length you're
doing no you're just like di the Apple
watch has wireless charging I'm like are
you sound you sound like you my kungfu
apologize to all of Asia but even though
you're trying to do Johnny I've asked
about the one of us the iphone has an
unbelievable wireless charging port for
the Apple watch okay enough of that
because it's good and bad depending on
which word I say here's a good one all
just to talk about the latest with the
macbook pros let's just follow up on
what's going on there Apple has dropped
the USBC adapter prices okay they have
they gots to remember the event free
macbook pros come with only four USB c /
thunderbolt three ports so because of
pushback and everyone getting mad and
anger about this apple will temporarily
it doesn't say that its temper going to
be official it from what i read it's
going through december the 31st they
will drop the price of us bc adapters by
six dollars across the board nineteen
dollars to nine dollars or depending on
it so this depending on what you're
looking at so somehow i'm looking at us
bc to USB adapter my bed yeah there are
some like for example a USBC to
lightning adapter right because you need
something to charge your phone if you
want to plug it into your laptop in case
you do that i know people not everyone
does everyone always gives me crap about
it dude i don't i just wireless Lee sink
and I'm like dude you use your laptop
when it's plugged in to charge it don't
don't even pretend like you don't why
not third $35 to twenty nine dollars a
USBC to lightning a 21 millimeter $25
219 a lot of these prices are going to
be fluctuating and changing but again
they're discounting them by a skosh
for December the 31st cool and is that
that's a direct that's a direct into
dongle gate yeah pretty much right yeah
okay thanks apple and by the way stick
with us at the end of the show because
Steven Beecham will give us his
rendition of let's get ready to dungal
you also time him to beat 34.6 to
anything it was don't look I told him
don't look at me cuz you're gonna you're
gonna laugh and when you laugh it kills
it I I lost an edge because I laughed
now we also talked about the new macbook
pros and people are complaining because
they don't have the raw processing power
or GPU power that other laptops have but
there is one thing that these do these
new macbook pros do lead in and that is
the fastest solid-state drive
performance on the market and that does
matter so computer world yeah they test
it out with their own black magic
software on first of all a 2015 okay
this is a previous model of a 13-inch
MacBook Pro and their results yielded
that there's solid state drive red 1.4
gigabits for writing and 1.3 gigabits
for reading speed okay now they have the
2016 13 inch macbook pro with write
speeds of 3.1 gigabit so that's the
literally more than double and 2.1
gigabits per second for read that's
that's pretty boss yeah in and sorry or
for ya for writing sorry 3.14 reading
2.1 for writing ok then the new 15-inch
MacBook Pros up that speed to a 2.2
writing and the same 3.1 gigabits per
second read rate so these are not only
fast or what Apple decided to do from a
choice of drives to use they decided to
use the fastest solid-state drives on
the market it's the new pcie solid-state
drives with a non-volatile memory
interface that is pretty much across the
industry no one is really using these
yet this specific mall there are a few
but we're talking about brands that are
using this across their product line as
a stock option for their laptops
Apple is the only one doing it and the
expectation is that by the end of 2017
other manufacturers will be using this
widespread but until then Apple does
have the lead in that respect and that's
really going to pay off for people that
are using super large files like video
editors photographers even people that
are compiling large stuff that is where
you're gonna see that benefit so I just
want to speak positively about the
macbook pro because some people think I
don't like it that's a technology when
you're when you're at the top of your
game in any type of tech feature aspect
i'm going to show love much like the
pixel has the best artificial
intelligence assistant on any phone and
the best still camera on any phone i'm
gonna show love show love baby she'll
love ya and then they are trying to push
a lot of new technologies forward with
the macbook pro you know USBC although
it's not new new it is to actually build
one that is just just USB seaports
they're looking down the road again
right now to pain in the ass and I want
to get a macbook pro new one and then
add dongles on it and then just see like
just look at it from a top and just kind
of like come up with what type of
creatures like animals it looks like
it's going to look it's gonna look like
something oh for sure yeah gonna look
like something just just just so so our
audience knows we got a lot of calls
about dongles about problems and uncles
yeah there's a lot of there's a lot of
dongle pains so um we will get to that
another thing another aspect is pros
aren't they happiest about some of the
changes that happen but what happened is
that phil schiller commented recently on
why there is no 32 gig ram version of
the macbook pro right 16 gigs at the top
a lot of people like come on give me a
32 gig there's a i think the dell XPS 15
is a laptop that can run with 32 gigs
stia sorry Phil Schiller yes bsp are
always always like the high end it's
like it's like they're bad boys so Phil
Schiller commented on it it kind of been
passing an interview saying that 32 gigs
wouldn't be power efficient enough for
the notebook but kind of left it at that
and so people like what are you talking
about like come on you can do three
two gigs but what happened is the place
where things typically get explained
which is reddit a post basically said
apples decision and because of the
timing of Intel's processors they're
using skylake in these new MacBook Pros
skylake not only doesn't support the
low-power ddr4 ram so a lot of people
are criticizing that hey you're only
using ddr3 RAM well skylake the actual
intel chipset doesn't support DDR for
low-power ram cabbie lake is expected to
include support that's kind of this next
generation which is kind of like a mini
evolution of sky lake so because of that
if Apple wanted to bump up to 32 gigs of
RAM they would actually have to use
desktop ram and not low-power d drm and
what would that mean it would take up a
lot more power on the laptop they slim
down their laptop the batteries are
thinner and smaller and rough estimates
where if they were to say okay let's
just put in 32 gigs around use desktop
ram that consumes more power that the
battery life of the laptop would range
somewhere maybe more around five to six
hours so what's worse five to six hour
battery life I'm just saying when you
throw it out there what would you have
been more mad about definitely 16 gigs
of RAM or five to six hours of battery
life I think battery life for sure I
think the general consumer would be like
wait yeah how did you lose so much
battery life so you know although Phil
Schiller didn't really go into depth and
explain it that's that's really the
reasoning behind it so got it I found
that interesting I wanted to explain I
don't need to explain I don't need to be
an explainer on behalf of Apple but it's
it's factual it's something to know
about lots of other um macbook pro steps
the quick blurb phil schiller also
claims that the macbook pro has more
orders from Apple than any other macbook
pro model ever I don't I don't online
leave that I maybe it's true but I I
think it might okay here's the thing it
Apple always likes to twist it if it is
indeed true more than anything is just
because of a lot of been pent up demand
yeah and it's been so long since the
last one in addition you can't buy the
touch bar macbook pros which are really
the ones that most people going to
you can only buy them online like
they're not even available in stores
right now I see so when he's taught you
know so to me when there's basically a
four-year man to man yeah before your
demand and these are not even available
in stores yet and people are still
pre-ordering for two to three weeks
they're probably going to build up a lot
of workers yeah it sounds very political
that it's just one of those like that
hey before we get to our phone calls you
want to talk really quickly there is
actually some apple TV news cool if you
own a fourth generation Apple TV Apple
has finally activated the single sign-on
ability capability in the settings for
your apple TV single sign-on allows you
to type in basically depending on your
cable provider your username and
password so i use xfinity and i'm going
to tell you my i'm not going to tell you
my password but all you have to do is
enter it in one time and then whenever
you want to launch or add different
channels wraps if you are a pain cable
subscriber you won't have to lock in
your credentials for every channel app
that you have that's awesome God dig
that go through that with the comcast
it's a pain it's a pain it's a pain so
that that's available it's also
available for iOS beta testers cool so
if you have an iPhone or an iPad and
you're using the beta the latest beta
you'll be able to try that out again
that's not official but for the Apple TV
it is officially good it's it's it's
there the other thing though that I do
want to point out for Apple TV users and
this is I mean this is bad apple as it
gets to me according to multiple reports
2nd gen and 3rd gen apple TV models are
at least have in the past few days
experienced issues of not working in
fact cut some customers are seen
basically almost all of their apps
completely disappear from the menu and
they're getting like no netflix no hulu
no other apt EV channels these are
getting music computers and settings
like it's almost like the apple TV of
earlier generations become a dumb box so
is that just like an update that they
have to do or some no i think it's a
server issue i think i think they're
there it hasn't been exactly explained
yet but apple's support staff have said
that that fix was in the works with a
software updating your future but
things happening where those earlier
generation apple tvs are pinging the
server and it's not showing everything
and then it's just like oh my gosh
that's a big that's a big problem okay
how about this restarting the apple TV
resetting a router and resetting the
apple TV doesn't seem to work someone
said a region change offers a temporary
solution you how many people are going
to do that and go into that but again
challenging kannada cannot a Apple TV
products if there you go uh channels a
disappearing for many users um but again
will will will find out hopefully this
gets resolved by the next show I think
that'd be a good yeah and if in a few
tubes listening can you fix the app on
YouTube now also know that I can't get
to my channels that have subscribed to
on the app really that's kind of a
similar problem with away from that top
row you can't yeah like this there used
to be like this little arrow go look at
all your tip I can't I can't anymore so
hey Beecham is the YouTube biters the
Apple why I'm turning it into the
youtube I 30 seconds it's just so I can
complain to YouTube is there you
listening since we complain about Apple
TV I mean it's a YouTube bite extra
crunchy don't you know it's not why
y'all came here google is just bite that
is i throw that out there that is what
yeah you know what it air your
grievances this is the this is the
platform to do it anything you want to
complain about like people hear us
complain all the time yeah all right um
do you want to check out what we've gone
on the phone lines we have some phone
calls again it's all for calling 1-800 i
think i said 888 earlier i actually met
1-800 61 62 63 I do need to scold some
of you all because we have like three or
four calls i wear over a minute thirty
like a minute there i'm like i can't do
that for you but we will get to call
then i'll address a few things that
multiple people ask that we didn't play
their calls cuz there's so many of them
so all right let's go call number one
call number one it's not playing why i
don't know i do i put the wrong fader up
sorry you're the master so i don't even
care play point it this is jason from
hey gentlemen love the show thanks so
much for doing it this is jason from
aurora illinois giving you some thoughts
on the new mac so
I'm a teacher and I just wanted to furl
out there that non going myself to death
when I'm going from classroom to
classroom with the new macbook pro is
not an option I decided to upgrade my
2010 macbook pro yeah super ancient with
the 2015 macbook pro because it's more
usable as a teacher I'd also love to see
maybe would have pushed me into the
market for the new one would be a touch
bar that was integrated with Google
stuff Google Drive Docs sheets etc we
use it so much in education and the fact
that that will not be functional for
that that's a no thanks anyway guys love
the show thanks so much for doing what
you do yeah I think that's a great point
of how many honestly how many my mom my
dad and sister all teachers okay so a
I've got nothing but love for teachers
be how many teachers like they use those
tools every day every day every day and
we use google drive here every day all
my time oh yeah yeah that's that's a
problem if educators are having a
problem they don't want to upgrade I
know Apple wants to be big into
education and stuff that you know they
definitely got a look at them you know
it's getting baked into education
Chromebooks Chromebooks Chromebook
serves getting arguing big in education
honestly yeah so okay well let's go the
next call hey this is Louise from
Missouri House calling in regards of the
last podcast about the whole until modem
chip in the quantum Park Quang modem
chip I was just curious what is the
steps we are taking order to get our
phones luck and if you guys don't mind
talking about that cuz i have the same
problem thank you blow the practice
thanks love you too um I I wanted to
respond to that and I've been so busy
this past week that I haven't had a
chance to address it from a standpoint
of I'm gonna try and walk through the
process I've talked to people that I've
been able to successfully get it swapped
out and people that have not been in
fact some one of my friends the genius
rep didn't even know about the issue
looked it up and then was like oh my
gosh this really is an issue so i think
it's going to depend on hey who you
talked to right which sometimes it
always does
and B also I've tended to find out that
when you buy applecare on your products
which I do all the time which is their
extended warranty they tend to be more
willing to help you and when they don't
I use it as a way to make them feel
guilty about it I'm like do I seriously
beach i've been like at a warranty one
time you know I was like dude i buy
applecare on all my products look at my
record like you need to help me out here
like I literally by you I'm all we all
know how many people actually use
applecare like once they pay those 250
bucks for ya you guys make it a ton a
lot of money off of that yeah so and
sometimes it can be luck of the draw I
mean if the guys in a bad mood when take
ya to be super nice to them just be like
do anything you know so whether it's
over the phone or in person I would say
best of luck I'm going to walk through
the process try and keep you all updated
of how it goes next week but also be a
nice human like don't be a jerk about it
yeah don't what's gonna be like we're
phones messed up man you gotta fix it
yet don't don't don't be that guy I've
seen that I've dealt with those people
so many times you just from a retail
size want them to be out of the building
as fast as possible I'll do anything to
get them out of my face because they
don't deserve it's like customer service
how about respect first bro yeah so
exactly we all know how that is you know
that goes okay next call hey this is
Blair in West Hollywood just about the
macbook pro with the USBC and all this
panic about us bc dongles and all that
no adapters are available and they're
really cheap they're like six dollars
and ninety cents for two on amazon for a
bunch of different things you can just
buy those and keep them attached to all
your USB and camera card devices and all
that and it's faster to transfer from
your camera with a cord directly into
the USBC than it is to transfer from a
digital card okay take care yeah i mean
i'm talking about having the dongle just
hanging from his devices all the time is
that how we bought our it was that like
when we bought our
devices that will we envision no no
cables hanging from the moment we wanted
just to put him out there because just
cuz we we may not a hundred percent
agree with what callers say all the time
but I think it's important to show what
people are talking about right you know
I'm yeah I'm just like no I'm not gonna
buy it there's already been reports of
like these cheapy lightning accessories
that you can buy on Amazon that are fake
that like and they break that that break
and also can screw up your I've seen it
plenty of times like I've actually put
my fake crap it just sucks it does suck
it doesn't last and sometimes does even
work and I'm not even saying that Apple
cables don't fry either oh they pray
every one of my cables is prayed every
one of them I've shrink tube back yeah
cables I don't but they do break and a
lot of times when you use those other
random cables when you plug them in your
phone will say this is not a supported
thinks you have to see that pop up every
time I'm on your phone this is not a
supported Apple even though it works but
you know okay okay okay okay okay last
call hi sista on a college student in
Bridgeport I wanted to know which laptop
will be better in regards to the new
macbook pro or 13 inch 2015 model with
the i7 processor 15 games 256 processor
be better than the good news 2015 2016
macbook pro that doesn't even get an i7
processor hi sorry so I'm gonna put I'm
gonna put this out in two different ways
like I think it's going to come down to
look the solid state drive on the third
see the thing is that I think if you're
on a 15 inch it's actually a little
trickier because they're a little more
closer spec wise but when you're talking
about the 13-inch I don't even know the
two off the top of my head what the
pricing difference is I think what you
have to decide for yourself is our UK
with the port versus the design and
ultimately on a 13 inch machine it's not
going to be the fastest powerhouse
machine anyways it's still going to be
more than capable I think these tough
decisions come down to for you is just
more about form factor and if you want
the newest piece if
it didn't did she say no touch bar or
she said touch bar actually I think she
said touch bar yeah she's talking about
the new ones um I maybe the touch bar is
compelling to you again if it's just for
school and education quite honestly I
would stick with the earlier generation
yeah i was thinking she's like the 2015
is more than ample you don't need to
spend more money there's a lot i got my
parents they got a they were want ready
to upgrade to a new macbook pro and then
when the new macbook pros came in i'm
like don't get the new ones gather 2015
1 and we got him a 2015 refurb and now
they don't even have 15 inch 2015
refurbs on sale anymore on the apple
website oh they probably sold out there
they put all the ones that were around
like fourteen hundred dollars like with
a 256 drive sold out so now you can only
if you want to buy a 2016 edition sorry
a 2015 edition macbook pro that's refurb
they're all going to be two thousand
dollars or higher i'm like i'm not gonna
spend that much money for my parents you
have to go on ebay now ya know you
really do but so i would say i'm leaning
towards just getting a 2015 model
definitely especially she's in college I
mean money is everything when you're in
school you gotta you know save your
bucks a lot of people that are upgrading
it comes down to what you do if you're
if you need the most power available and
you're talking 15 inch even if you don't
like the touch bar I did some price
comparisons with one of my buddies for
like a 2015 edition macbook pro vs a new
one it was only like about one hundred
fifty dollars difference of how we
wanted to configure it i might get the
new one whether you use the touch bar or
not yeah so don't use your student loan
to pay for it either please cuz you'll
be paying for that forever and then one
clifty years old oh yeah and then one
quick note a lot of people asked about
imax we are potentially expecting to see
imax upgraded by the first half of the
year it looks like it's more like the
first quarter maybe around the March
April time period but until then we
don't expect to see anything from the
imax and don't expect to see anything as
crazy and cool as a surface to do no
touchscreen on the imac you don't think
no no way I'm gonna do that I mean yeah
we got a lot of calls but then like
people like are they gonna make a
keyboard with a touch bar on it they
might I mean it would be smart for them
to because they need again if you're
going to create a new technology and a
new way to interact you need to do it
board on all of your devices like when
3d touch first came out it was like for
example 3d touch needs to be on the iPad
to me totally totally to get people to
use it more you'd scrap to have it on
all your devices but we'll see well I
think that's it Brian is that all call
it a day let's go it's three o'clock do
we need a call today it's trey o'clock
trace sorry about that wait wait wait
wait wait wait no no before we go before
we go give me your phone I'm gonna use
it as a timer get it all set up for
walking last week at the end of the show
we had let's get ready to dongle I hit
the benchmark of 30 4.6 seconds we're
gonna do a countdown 3 2 1 and then I'm
going to hit it so I'm not gonna do on
one beach k ok 3 i'm gonna do three two
one and then i'm gonna and then i'm
gonna tap it ok ok let me get my my
diaphragm yeah sit up straight that's
the problem you can't be lazy about this
ok you might beat me man i got it like i
gotta get in a mindset so I'm saying
this is no joke this is a meditation as
a let's get rid of dongle Steven Beecham
first try ok ok are you ready yeah ok
here we go in 3 2 1 let's get ready to
Oh 2352 wow I blame that on my cold you
beat me by over 10 seconds Holy Smoke
dude that was pretty you know what the
funny thing is you can tell when it's
getting weak cuz you hear the like you
said the demonic voices funny ok I think
I could do better we should like do
another challenge and although I will do
will do will do will do another every
time whenever there's a dongle story
what will will reopen it I feel like I
could you though man I've you did it I
don't know I feel I feel like I could do
it longer too I mean that's what they
also that's what every guy says alright
thanks so much for hanging out with us
everybody we will be back next week with
more of the Applewhite extra crunchy
before we leave we've got a little
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haha Bruce
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