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Is the iPad dead?

is the ipad dead is it finished that's what we're here to discuss with me is rich Trenholm i'm lee west away okay rich you think that the ipad is finished and we shouldn't bother with it anymore why the ipad is it's over it's dead it's done it's peaked its past its prime it's people are still buying it certainly but that's just the last gasp of a bloated rotting corpse okay Cara hurtling downhill with the brakes car it struck me that maybe apart from the smartphone it's the most influential piece of technology in the last 10 years so is that not true is that not true it totally is true but the thing is so well the reason the iPad was important was because we needed an intermediate between your phone which was portable but didn't do very much and your laptop which was kind of portable but did everything but you couldn't really carry it around when you take its bed and all that kind of thing we needed something in the middle and that's what we got with the iPad the big screen it was also so at the big screen and it was powerful just like a laptop but if you carry it around with you could slip it in a bag even in a pocket you could take its bed with you all that kind of thing you can sit on the sofa with it you didn't have to wait to turn it on all that kind of stuff we needed that but now smartphones they're so powerful you've got the power of a tablet in a device that's always in your pocket and that you can always carry around with you so you now have the portability of a smart phone and the power of a laptop in a smart phone you don't need an iPad anymore I don't agree people point to phablets and bigger phones and say like we don't need an iPad or a tablet now because these are so massive but I think that the use for them are completely different because some babbler ultimately is your phone and finally something you have to carry around with you and the battery dies and has to make calls and all the usual things a tablet is a more peaceful like take a step back kind of product it's just sort of chilling out in your house on your sofa you look at the smart smartphone sales and they're like up and up and up year a new year in year and and that's that's fair enough because people always need smartphones they using them everyday they kind of work a day things and they break and you lose them and things like that but the tablet is is different like I don't think people use tablets in the same way that they use a smartphone I think people reach for the tablet when they want to do something that they don't want to do with a smartphone something that is a bit more like okay now I'm taking a minute out cuz on your phone you've got like emails and texts and everything like in like a smartphone to me is just like the thing that I have to have to be alive in the world and functioning where's the tablet is it's more peaceful it's like it's a Zen product is it okay I think it will occupy long term the same sort of technological space as like a CD player or something like that it's going to be a relaxation gadget it's not going away well I'm not saying that the tablet is necessarily going away what I'm saying is that no one's gonna be buying them anymore the other thing of there the difference between tablets and phones is that you swap it you change your phone much more often you you have the pressure from a network or to buy a new one every year so you can get an upgrade every year so you're much more likely to change the phone on a more regular basis also you have the fact that phones are much more innovative they innovate much much faster whereas tablets they're not changing people don't change them that often because there's really no point they look at the difference between a new iPad and the previous year's iPad there's nothing different they might have a slightly better camera they might be a tiny bit thinner how much thinner can a tablet really get they might have a fingerprint scanner on them well whoop-dee-do but the thing is there's not really a huge amount of innovation between the first iPad and now and look at how much phones have changed over the last five years it sounds incredible so people already have tablets and then it's not going to buy anymore so why was you know it why would you buy another tablet it's like it's like fridges no one's gonna be changing their fridge every year so I think what you've done is you've mistaken slowing sales for a sign that something's completely on the way out and you're right people do out great their phones all the time a lot more than they would buy a tablet but that doesn't mean that tablets aren't being used it just means that when we look at the graphs it looks like tablets are dying because phones are like going like up and tablets like like a meteorite or something but that's because everyone is at home using the tablets and like and I think also that something with tablets it's easier to sort of like shift them around the family you can use some secondhand you can sell them things like that I think it's easier to trade tablets than it is with a smartphone which has all your sort of personal stuff on it and and they go out of date so quickly it's the other thing tablets last better they have better longevity so I mean I'm not surprised that we're seeing you know when when when the iPad came out everyone bought one because everyone wanted to own one and now that they own one obviously you see sort of sales sort of like you know just fall a little little bit little chunk to me it says like slippery slope start of a spiral everyone is not the start of a spiral spiral Pleasant Plateau it's like being on the top of a really nice mountain or something that has like a field of Heather that's where the iPad is accessible gently and settle gently into that no it's plunging into the abyss that's what's happening I mean I don't think it's any coincidence that sales of the iPad peaked and then start to fall at the same time as Apple released a larger phone the iPhone 6 plus sold at some sold absolutely in their Millions they're at the 6 and the 6 bus and I think it's because of that because that you can now get this bigger screen option you don't need an iPad anymore and let's say people who've got them they they keep them forever they pass them on that kind of thing well so that means that means is it's on the way out it doesn't mean it's on the way out it mean so it means that you just have to buy them more slowly like we're talking in this sort of smartphone timeframe where we look at sales from just the last few years and we're like it's not selling like millions and millions every month we don't expect that of other things like you know like music equipment or like I don't know kitchen technology or any other part of technology it's like smartphones are an anomaly in sort of house or rocket II take off their sales figures are and I think people look at tablets and go that looks a bit like a smartphone so they think that sort of like if it also isn't succeeding then you know it would those same sort of figures then it's failure but I don't think it is I think you know the the the the iPad and other tablets can quite comfortably you just sort of sell a pleasant amount every year you know enough money for Apple to keep making them just keep ticking over well so much to make them probably I think it's just like spider webs in a bit of metal tears yeah a new quantity is well the thing is I mean I've got one word for your iPod right everybody had an iPod for ages and then it went away because the smartphone took over it I'm glad you brought up the iPod rich you've just activated my trap people and into it yeah okay so the art the iPod actually is perfect because I'm not saying the iPad is going to be around literally forever last year in me but look at the iPods longevity so that was launched I believe in in 2001 and it was only recently sort of retired after like after over my the iPod Touch has been like a shambling corpse of the iPod like that's that I know but that's the point at which they retire it the point where they're like actually isn't there's no point in us making that anymore and Apple being a sort of capitalist bastion that it is would only stop doing that if it didn't think it was making money anymore so using the iPod as a perfect example which continued for many years successfully after the iPhone came out I think the iPad clearly has more than a decade left yeah but look at the gimmickry they had to resort to with the iPod they every year they change it they bring up the Nano and the mini all that kind of thing and they change it from being Square to being rectangular tubing square again to being round to being like bow shaped or whatever well you were just saying that there was no innovation in the iPad and that oh basically the same so wouldn't you rather see them in some different colors that would be great but it's not going to happen you can't show you can't mess with the tablet that much why well when they stop being humming a tablet you could make it into like a cylinder that's one that's one in one example that's one million-dollar idea right right on that Apple yeah I'll just call em definitely okay you might be right you may have some good points all right well I believe that the iPad can exist quite comfortably alongside smart phones rich well you've heard what rich has to say involved the world hobbled or something like that wasn't very pleasant yeah gambling courses yeah yeah well let us know what you think in the comments and stay tuned to see net
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