Is the iPhone 7 getting a flexible OLED screen? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 21)
Is the iPhone 7 getting a flexible OLED screen? (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 21)
from the CBS interactive studios in san
francisco california it's the apple byte
extra crunchy podcast with your host
Bryan tom yes sir yes sir welcome to the
show everybody episode 20 of the apple
byte extra crunchy going strong
throughout the end of you wet 2015 2015
2015 you know what today is it's today
officially the force awakens day or was
that yesterday tada today a message
ollie they swim they did it yesterday so
it's especially the 18th soft launch
yesterday is that what they call you saw
the movie last night I did I'm not we
were like dead silent in the beginning
of the entire prep of the show Rock I
don't want to talk to him about anything
and therefore you guys won't hear
anything about it either no which is a
good thing we're gonna let you all watch
it I'm gonna go see it tonight at
midnight with my bro so I'm pretty fired
up for it we'll see what happens I'm not
sided for you that's all we're not gonna
be jerks that's all we're gonna talk
about star wars force awakens go see it
I heard it might be good everyone's
gonna be see I think that if you don't
see it in the next three days you're
pretty much gonna get everything spoiled
your some you're screwed I tried so hard
not to get spoiled and somehow I got
spoiled lots of hearts on periscope for
what we're time out we're gonna we're
gonna be good to you we aren't gonna say
anything if anyone writes anything in
the comments I will literally seek you
out and kill you oh I'm being I will
find you young people I will find you
and I will kill you I'm not even kidding
so let's talk about all the stuff in the
Apple world this week we've got a lot of
cool stuff going on I always love things
like this we start off the show with a
report from Bloomberg talking about
apples secret lab well it's not really
secret anymore when they've revealed
this secret lab so the story in the
report from Bloomberg talks about how
Apple opened up production laboratory in
northern taiwan where they have
engineers working on developing new
display technologies according to the
report so can you hear oh that thing oh
yeah I just kind of put it up a little
bit just you know I've some ambience oh
just to give some ambien guy talks news
ambience so this facility is located in
the Science Park area somewhere in
Taiwan engineers on site are developing
LCD and OLED technologies for the actual
apple devices no one knows exactly what
they're trying to do other than make
these screens thinner brighter more
energy efficient but the actual reporter
walked right into the lobby yeah there
is no signage or I solve this with
Charlie Rose footage and he's just
walking through with Johnny I well
that's something different that's 60
minutes that's something different did
you just want to go to the last story
the show should we descend the show
right now I got confused this isn't that
another story it's a different story
another secret oh my god they have
secret lives everyone then I was totally
gonna be like at the end of the show
basically segue that that's two secrets
that Apple can't keep because apples not
gonna keep meeting us but you spoiled
that oh man good thing it wasn't star
you didn't leave the room no no do not
leave the room we cannot do the show if
he's not here this show is broke man the
show was broken so that that lab was
revealed and I do appreciate it we
talked about on the actual apple byte
video podcast my hope and dreams or that
Apple actually has another secret lab
that we don't know about that is
dedicated to battery technology because
we saw what they've been cooking already
and it ain't Freddie yeah it's
disgusting man I wish you still had a
picture of that from yesterday it's the
worst case ever it is it's ugly it is so
I you know I think I don't know people
need to tell us how they feel about that
case meeting I'm sure it's helpful but I
guarantee you a lot of people that
bought that case invest in it have never
purchased a battery type case before and
that's why they like it more yeah you
don't I mean it also has the apple logo
on it that's the apple logo so my humps
my humps my humps my lovely lady humps
looking at six yeah she's got me spit
apples got me spanning buddy buddy
that's what it's all about it's all
about that cheddar other stories coming
from digit times out of the same kind of
piggybacking on that Apple Taiwan lab
there'd also on site according to these
stories and their sources they're
developing flexible OLED technology
which makes me think that let's see
we've we've seen Apple make a larger
screen phone Allah Samsung yeah now
they're working on curved OLED tech
allah samsung come on oh yeah I don't
want to see the iphone 6s edge iphone
galaxy success they're gonna call it
something I was thinking it let's let's
let's um it'll be the iphone 7 curve oh
man it's gonna be something crazy like
that anyways the curved TVs actually
don't get very good reviews either I
don't think they're good yeah they give
you bad reflection if you sit at one
angle too then you kind of you're
looking at a weird curvature of your
screen I don't I don't like the idea of
a curved screen at all no just give me a
big do we do curved screens in a movie
theater no big so that why am I gonna do
it at my home it it looks really sexy in
your home if you have like a home that's
designed from the future plus if I put
my phone down and it's like rocking on
my table I'm gonna go insane yeah
someone on periscope just said I need to
fire my barber I just saw it flash up
real quick I saw that you can I'm gonna
if I can block them I would block them
all right we'll keep on talking about
more Apple gear we're going strong here
also in addition to these stories about
apple screen technology apple is
expected to debut a scalable 3d touch
tek for ipad sized screens which is
awesome right it we haven't seen the
ipad air three we have the ipad pro I'm
a big fan of 3d touch I think it's going
to be a huge subtle thing that over time
is going to get better better we already
have heard rumors that Samsung
themselves is also developing a pressure
sensitive screen tech but here we go
this 3d touch tek for these ipad sized
screens are expected to come after the
ipad air three and are expected to come
after the iphone 7 based on these rumors
ports there's a couple sources that are
talking about this which means we're at
least a year away till we see 3d touch
in any way shape or form on an iPad
that's a long time that is a long time
and one of the things is that they
actually can't take that same 3d touch
tek that's in an iphone 6s right now
it's not scalable so that's why they're
developing their own similar tech that
can serve that same purpose for larger
screens like an ipad or an ipad pro yeah
because if you're scaling up pictures on
the ipad which is going to look like
crap right also you know that i've got
to imagine the maybe the thickness of
the tech or being able to make it on a
larger dimension and having those
sensors work as accurately as some of
the stuff that they're coming across so
we aren't going to see any 3d touch tek
anytime soon in any ipad models we're
kind of expecting the ipad air three in
the first half of next year so other
than a faster touch ID maybe a slightly
better screen and a faster processor the
ipad air is just going to be a mediocre
upgrade quite honestly yeah it sounds
like and i actually really hope apple
doesn't does not put a better camera in
it because the last thing we need is a
better camera on a big-ass ipad i
haven't seen someone using ipad pro at a
concert yet i have i've seen it I've
seen that happen no not an iPad pro ok
just a large I've oh yeah yeah large
ipad for sure ipad pro haven't seen
that's so that's um you know that's very
fragile to to take to a concert i've
i've taken the ipad pro everywhere it's
nice as a consumption device I don't do
anything else on it it is lacking
compared to a surface people like beat
me up to throw you stop innovation
because you chose to get an ipad instead
of a surface pro I'm sorry I'd be the
first to admit the surface pro is a
superior product hands down but I don't
have three thousand dollars to buy one
in one right now I know I buy my own
gear not all reviewers do and they
always have to send those back to
allegedly allegedly I'm not gonna get
into it too much here okay let's talk
you know what there's some good things
as some interest
things happening around Apple music it's
a it's a long time you know coming but
Apple music has been estimated according
to a report by our friends from media
research they expect apple music will
have nearly 8 million subscriptions at
the end of 2015 in just a short amount
of months app I think around four months
Apple hit around 6.8 million
subscriptions they're already push them
up I believe they said number two or
number three overall out of all music
services the estimate here now is that 8
million by the end of the year and 20
million by the end of 2016 which would
definitively put it at number two
slightly behind Spotify based on the
estimates of the Apple music service
rolling out more and based on their
percentage of conversion that's kind of
crazy to me yeah i'm actually not
surprised because they have so many you
know they have a captive audience
already here's all on itunes and you
know they have a huge library of music
so i'm not i'm not really surprised but
that that's pretty impressive 8 million
in how many months has it been out 6 mar
6 months 6 months pretty dang good yeah
that is good so the estimates according
to media research is that they'll hit 20
million by the end of next year we will
see if that is true or not that sounds a
little high to me I didn't renew my sets
I tried it out I didn't renew yeah
neither did I that does seem like a high
number I mean but you know they always
shoot they always shoot for high number
shoot for the stars I'm good things if
your sonos user sonos really one of the
first companies to really brand that
whole multi speaker room ecosystem
finally you'll be able to use Apple
music on a sonos music system they're
using it you'll be able to get access
through it through a beta program that
you'll sign up for it's used in their
connector app and there's an option to
use Apple music so that you can play get
access to your music library and your
playlist and use it on multiple speaker
devices playing multiple speakers in
your home so that was probably the
number one number one thing a lot of
people complain to me about it like
where's the so no support hmm it's in
beta they're not saying it's gonna work
flawlessly yet yeah that's always a good
you know because it's in beta but i
think that's that's cool for sonos fans
system has been out for a while it's
super popular yeah it's usually pop yeah
super popular I've never put down the
coin for it yet no neither by right it's
like oh my house is cuz like each of
those speakers are like 200 bucks yeah
it's kind of for rich people yeah right
I don't know anyone that has a sonos
system casually let's just put it down
the only one I know of is Baba Booey
from the Howard Stern Show and he talks
about it all the time talked about his
solos always suck it he buy it or did he
get you up I don't know the only
question i mighta got it I'm just saying
you might have been given it given 24
you know add support I'm not even hating
on that but a lot of times you come
across people that like devices more and
then I ask them to do buy it they say no
I'm like old yeah of course you're gonna
like it more also if you're an apple
retail employee good news for you Apple
is also gifting you a nine month
subscription to the Apple music service
so that's for the retail employees they
recently also gifted all them a pair of
your beats headphones or kind of like
the earbuds from beats by dre I curious
if you're a seasonal apple retail
employee could you just like work there
for the Christmas season get hooked up
and I get out of there yeah that's
pretty good man I would be stoked I
would allocate those too I would be
super stoked people that done not so
much on the headphones but the music
subscription I would that would actually
like I'd be like that's pretty good yeah
it's like what is it is it ten bucks a
month for so it's uh even from a dollar
standpoint what's like a $80 thing you
get head bud earbuds head buds who has
head buds what are those so that's
pretty cool as well and then really the
thing that caps us all together Apple
music known for exclusives they've had
tracks from a variety of artists
Pharrell mmm uh denied Inch Nails put
out an exclusive track for them for a
little while I think he'll like thank
you later did ya feel like it as well
but over over time if you have a
favorite artist that puts out a single
exclusive track on I to on Apple music
you're probably gonna want to check it
out so this is really important very
important once you tell them sure yeah
Taylor Swift what has announced that she
will have an apple exclusive video of
her 1989 world
who were t-swizzle t-swizzle what yes
God look at her so this is a backstage
behind-the-scenes film exclusively
available on the 20th uh on Apple music
only I'm already in trance it's worth
just to watch it cuz she's so hot teach
their own Steven I'm gonna I'm gonna let
you roll on that one I'm a whole back
I'll pass but uh yeah if you're an apple
subscriber you can watch her for free
your iTunes account oh she got Fetty WAP
she got she got all country is more said
gonna talk to whizz whizz Mary J she's
like I'm gonna get every awesome artist
known to man to make me even more
awesome yeah alright people can like
start calling this the tailor bite I
already know we've been called the
Bieber bite when we call the tailor bite
I prefer the Bieber bite I do did you
hear the album yet no I slept me album I
know I've heard two songs okay yeah yeah
yeah I'll check out the album all right
so there you go just some cool
developments in Apple music we're also
going to transition over to it's the end
of the year there's a lot of top lists
that get released by different companies
so we wanted to check out google's top
list oh yeah right this is their year in
search and they put out a list for a
consumer tech right there's a variety of
topics let me actually while we're doing
this I'm gonna pull up this this other
link and just tell you about some of the
biggest moments right you have some of
the tragic stuff like Paris under attack
star wars had 155 million searches if we
compare that to somewhere like the Paris
attacks 897 million plus google searches
which is pretty pretty insane but
obviously very significant um but in
consumer tech let me see if I can pull
this up right now all right here we go
in consumer tech what do you think do
you look at this list don't look at this
is I don't want you to look at this list
I already saw it you did I saw it hahaha
what did you what did you think the
number one product I'm gonna let people
on a YouTube and yeah let her skull
answer tell us what they think what was
the number one consumer tech product
that showed up in the google trends
based on the year in search will give
you guys a couple seconds to just spit
it out yeah one two I see a periscope
people saying Apple watch Adele hahaha
chromecast the answer is the iphone 6s
oh yeah number one perfect for the Apple
ID number two samsung galaxy s6 wait did
I called iphone essex iphone 6s success
samsung galaxy s6 Apple watches 3 iPad
pro is for LG g4 was 5 to show you how
much of an apple loser I am I own three
of the top five google search products
that's pretty good so if anyone doubts
that i actually use or care about Apple
products I do I don't think anyone
doubts there's people that are like this
guy hates up why are you due to show any
more to love hate it's a love-hate
you've got to keep it real also if we
transition over to Twitter hashtag the
trending topics that captured their
attention this year um this is what I
was actually very happy about if you
look around I'm just going off the cuff
right now sorry Steven the section that
says stars like celebrities yeah can you
see that right now I'm yeah I'm looking
look what name doesn't appear on that
list that you thought would almost
indefinitely beyond that i'm almost
definitely be on that list under stars
for twitter searches oh definitely um
what's her name adèle oh really i
thought kim kardashian cuz all our
dashing crap would show up on the list I
almost feel validated that the people of
the world and Twitter there are other
hashtags like ariana grande number one
dulce maria pity I don't even know who
paid ET demi lovato there there are so
many other names and Kardashian to make
the list I'm so happy about this it
gives me hope that we as a society are
moving forward and are starting to
recognize more talent yeah although
she's got the business side down I'm not
gonna hate on that I'm shocked Bieber's
not on there yeah he's not on there
either okay tech let's talk tech guys
what do you think the number one thing
was for the list of tech on Twitter I'm
gonna give we're gonna give you guys a
few moments to think about this i wish i
had some thinking music ding ding ding
ding ding ding ding I can't stop it okay
people we want to keep people here
number one tech item on Twitter's a
trending topics hashtag iPad Wow hash
tag iPad we have something appropriate
for that later the show number two
hashtag soundcloud that surprised it
doesn't surprise me is because a lot of
people promote their soundcloud will
just share their music yeah and it puts
in a default soundcloud hashtag that's
actually okay that makes it yeah that's
good uh number three hashtag android
number for hashtag periscope periscope
is big this year man we gotta love Leah
you know we got what we had we had
earlier 550 we have 450 people hanging
out with us on periscope nice if you
like that I want you heart that and then
people on YouTube say stop timeout
periscope youtubers we got nothing but
love for you live streamers we got
nothing but love for you go down the
list number for periscope number five I
phone number six amazon seven is you now
what's unit it's a I think that's
another video network actually really
yeah there's actually like you now stars
um apple hash tag apple is eight number
nine startup and number ten Twitter hmm
so we've got some interesting things
there so yeah those are kind of the
searches and the trends for the year um
the last story that I was gonna talk
about that Steven Beecham spoiled was
the fact that you know Apple has their
secret lab in Taiwan now Apple is
showing their secret secret design
studio 0 to 60 minutes to Charlie Rose
he's gonna go inside the labs
underground with Johnny I I look I was
putting his fingers together he's going
it used to be this big but now we made
it this big the tolerance of the iphone
6s to the iphone 7 ism is so impressive
what we've been able to do he's also
I want to see what that secret lab look
like cuz I want to see the dumbo that
made the stupid smart battery case in
that stupid secret lab yeah I can't get
over that show me that guy I can't get
over that lab it's horrible no but this
is this looks great i love 60 minutes
and this is gonna be this is gonna be
interesting we have to watch this
absolutely ok guys and gals ladies and
gentlemen listen the show i forgot to
promote it the begin of the show it's my
mad our phone callers right we've got to
make sure you guys keep calling us it's
a holiday season the number is 1 800 61
62 63 8 leave your name tell us where
you're from put out your comment or your
question but I actually want to
challenge you guys we're gonna do a
wrap-up show of the end of the year
predictions and what we think I want to
hear some of your predictions I want to
hear what you guys think just give me
one don't give me 10 give me one thing
that you think we'll see in 2016 from
Apple good or bad I want to hear it
we'll talk about it on the show the
number again 1 800 61 62 63 8 yeah all
right you all let's listen to some
voicemails so here's the number one
voicemail i'm not sure who it's from but
we will guys um I was wondering um for
my mom whether to get her an iPad pro or
maybe a macbook air for a desktop
replacement but something on the go to
maybe dock with the computer I was
wondering if you guys thought that ipad
pro could be be use his full desktop
replacement for someone that needs to do
basic work on the go but also plug into
a full display tell me you guys think
love the show all right that he said one
word he's asking about the macbook and
an ipad pro he said one word desktop
blacksmith replacement don't get the
ipad pro no don't it's not even close it
has nothing equivalent to any type of
desktop replacement you could get her
the ipad pro of all she's going to do is
maybe email and word processing web
browse yeah like on a basic level that's
kind of what he what he was said in the
message that she was just gonna use it
for very basic stuff so if you want to
drag yeah it might work
no but I'd recommend getting something a
lot cheaper yeah like a macbook air yeah
a macbook would be cheaper than an ipad
pro hundreds of dollars to you can even
get a Chromebook yeah for sure you know
what I mean they could do a lot of
different things so anytime you say
desktop and ipad pro yeah that those
things just don't it doesn't work that
way no no all right next call all right
hey guys this is eric from Los Angeles I
want to let you know that the banksy
film banksy documentary that you guys
were talking about on your show last
time it's called exit through the gift
shop and it is available on netflix very
good documentary very good tax minaret
highly recommend it highly recommend as
well we were trying to you know what the
stupid thing about it is I actually
there's so many things going on the show
like while we're talking we're looking
up stuff for I actually pulled it up and
then completely forgot to tell people
what it was oh really so that's why we
have callers like you reminding us that
hey Dumbo's its exit through the gift
shop I think I said like exit through
the front doors like I think that's what
I said it was a last week so thank you
for that killer film worth it and he
said it's on netflix so it's basically
free for you oh yeah that's free have
you seen it a beat oh I've seen this one
I haven't seen that one but there's
another one on HBO called Banksy does
New York okay and you got to see that
one too really it's all we do yeah that
well he goes around New York and he does
like a piece of day and then he puts it
on social media then all the people go
and like you know all these people who
are banking hunters they'll see it like
posted on Instagram and then they go try
to find it based on the coordinates on
Instagram and it's it's really funny
that's like a treasure hunt totally and
then they get there and people are
always like stealing it or yeah we're
like just like at a girl like tag right
next to retire over it so it's pretty
crazy but that one's a good one too it's
on HBO all right I'm digging it yeah and
we have one more call today while we're
gonna go all we get a lot of calls guys
actually our voicemail was full so we
had to let's be real our voicemail
system was so full like because we
haven't basically unloaded it since the
beginning right beginning yeah so
there's Lily probably hundreds of calls
with 300 calls and we forgot to delete
those 200 yeah so
that's why you guys weren't able to
leave messages so I cleared it out so
now you can just leave messages it's our
bad it's our bad my bad it's our bad no
I take what happens that what happens I
take responsibility for you you take
responsibility for me so if I like say
something horribly offensive then I'm
gonna put on you that's all good okay
last call hi this is Patrick in
Nashville one of the show and I don't
listen to it alive they should come
across much better as a comment a week
ago but Brian you really should not put
your name with your Apple watch if he
put it on sale because everyone will
know that you looked it he's got a good
point he's got a point there that might
make it worth more money though no I'm
not there's no there's no like hey on
ebay hey this is she nuts Brian told
Apple watch is Bryant I'm not gonna
write back crap that is just stupid it's
funny but I will I do have a fun little
follow-up story and people don't believe
me I mentioned in the show the actual
video show so I was in Vancouver Airport
ok I was eating lunch and I left the
table and I literally didn't know but my
Apple watch allegedly like unbuckled
slipped off my wrist as I got off the
table oh my god i left about 20 minutes
later this guy came up to me who said he
watches the show saw that my watch fell
off and found me at my gate Wow his name
is Kyle he's from Houston Texas and he
returned my freaking Apple watch that's
amazing Kyle you should be commended
and I wanted to take a picture with
him so I could tell him thanks and so
people like this is the man and he
didn't want to so that is my way of
thanking him i was wearing kind of this
uh whatever i know on top of this nike
this nike tech fleece jumpsuit i look
off no look alike oh yeah whatever want
to be athlete guy right it's like though
you know those people that were the full
sweat suit it's like I'll tapered and
stuff yeah so I was wearing that and
maybe that's why I didn't feel it
because it's the way that it's around my
wrist it just slipped right off Wow but
he tracked me the thing is he tracked me
down that in his southern hospitality at
his Vancouver he's from Houston he's
from Houston
Sorry Sorry Sorry I tell he was getting
confused the i will tell you though why
this is good karma before i sat down at
that table there's a family of five that
wanted to sit next to me but they only
had one table and I like had all my food
situated and I saw them and I said here
let me move over one so you guys can
have both of these tables nice so to me
that's like that's the whole karma thing
really good to people do good or sure so
yeah move tables to make an extra chair
for someone and you might get an Apple
watch it's kind of crazy though to think
about it but it's crazy cuz like i was
just symp easily put it in this pocket
and the thing is the battery was dead on
it you know how we talk about my
battery's always then I'll watch so
wasn't like he could verify whose it was
it was just like I think he said that's
why I think this Jersey happen to be an
apple biter that's oh wow that is cool
so that's what's crazy so Kyle if you're
out there got nothing but love for you
man that's all I'm gonna say okay uh we
do want to wrap things up with the show
with something at the end we're gonna I
guess we just sign off and then or how
do we do that should we talk about it
and then play it yeah sure just okay set
it up and I'll play it okay well you
said how about you set up cuz I want to
hear from your perspective just how we
okay let's together I think it's good so
mr. brian Tong he's a very talented
singer what many of you may not know
that yogurt you could sing I've seen him
sing with what did you sing with uh
hello Cool J that's true haha oh yeah
that's right what did your uh yeah when
I when I don't have to like emulate a
song I actually feel like I can sing
better right cuz we're trying to emulate
these songs anyway sorry so anyway we
make these music parodies music video
parodies and we did what was the first
one iphone 6 iphone 65 on it 15 on
iphone 5 iphone 5 95 on it and they uh
color me badd i wanted iphone thank you
yeah yeah we did that one and now we
have produced the weekend and what's
totally fun about these is that we're
trying to recreate the song and try to
make it sound as much you know as close
to the song as possible so we kind of go
in and we like break down every vocal
part like just really pick it apart and
then recreate it so this is brian Tong
ipad feel your face feel my face ipad
feel my face i know i don't know the
name but wait before you go to the video
and i know we're like drawing this out I
have to make people understand like
Steven Beecham who is an audio engineer
expert professionally works on the side
mixes legitimate recording like albums
for legitimate recording artists so he
makes this work like without him it's
gonna sound like I recorded on my iPhone
so i need to give credit where credit is
due to him uh dude you know how much you
know how i got so much love for you know
what I mean um and so I have to thank
you for sure and then also the cnet
video team where yeah we took this idea
we wanted to emulate the video in a
silly way and we just went crazy with it
so for people that are listening this is
ipad feel my face you can stop when you
want to but for people watching you can
seek it out on youtube or if you
subscribe to the Apple by video podcast
it's all there oh for sure and it we had
fun doing it so yeah it's a blast okay
so we're gonna sell my sign-off say
goodbye we will have one more episode
before the break that'll be our
predictions episode again call us 1 800
61 62 63 8 name where you're from and
your prediction for the year we'll see
you next week and we're gonna show you
off with a little bit of ipad feel my
and I know you'll be the death of me my
friends think that I'm toe toe point
nine inches a pad screen the
thought just makes me know it's the only
advice I know that will reject my palm
I've been from justice
you know my face when I'm with you know
you'll be the death of me my friends big
a fun little speakers is a trans
dinner date for one hour with your best
to be your last me all night long
Penza 169 a keyboard case that's gone
just the same
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