Is the new MacBook Air really worth it? (The 3:59, Ep. 486)
Is the new MacBook Air really worth it? (The 3:59, Ep. 486)
welcome to the 359 I'm Roger Chang I'm
Alfred hang Dan Ackerman apple just
released its or Apple's MacBook Air is
going on sale today and we've got Dan
Ackerman on to talk about his review
break it down for us is the new MacBook
Air worth it it's very different from
the old MacBook Air which both of you
guys have that's a design that has not
changed a lot in the last basically
eight to ten years it was just really
getting old I mean they're just not I
still remember when it was cool but that
was god oh yeah there's a almost a
techadon saying I went to look up the
original 2008 was when this was
announced that's when Steve Jobs I think
famously took it out of a manila which
by the way he liked fake that it was it
couldn't actually fit in a manila extra
large they'd like gotten extra large
there's no way that original MacBook Air
could fit in anyways so I went back and
said oh let's look at the original
review from ten years ago I was like I
wonder I looked at the review it said oh
who wrote this turns out it was me I had
no memory of this whatsoever but if you
want to see me with giant sideburns you
can see the video for that that weari
published back in January for the actual
10th anniversary so this is the first
really really really substantial
redesigned in many years on this and you
know what it looks and feels like the
12-inch MacBook and the 13-inch MacBook
Pro it's right in that family now it is
it's got the same butterfly keyboard
which is a very shallow keyboard that
giant touchpad the Retina display with
the much smaller bezels they're still
Windows laptops with less bezel than
this which is the little border between
where the display ends and the lid ends
but MacBook pretty good can we talk
about the ports supports common Oy me
there's only the two that's always it
isn't it that's that's number one
question if it's a new MacBook it's
gonna have USB sea ports they call them
Thunderbolt three ports but they're
really USB so just for its kind of using
two people in it technically the shape
right then you can do power through this
video data really anything just like on
the current MacBook Pros and frankly a
lot of high-end Windows laptops are USB
see only now also so it's not that crazy
the USB see
I'm not I don't have a huge issue with
because I know a lot of companies are
kind moving to that and that's sort of
where the features going it's the fact
that there's only two on one side well
they couldn't do one on one they
couldn't even figure out and a regular
USA we should answer the question that
that's the title of his podcast though
is it worth it is it worth the higher
price test there we go
everything about this air is new and
improved for the most part much faster
processor better trackpad
keyboard you could equivocate on screen
much much better lighter so everything
pretty much changed unfortunately also
changed is the price the air was
famously $9.99 for many many many years
you could say oh I'm gonna save up for a
couple months I get a MacBook Air good
for college students it's a bit of a
reach but you could do it now the
starting price is 1199 which is frankly
a 20% jump that's a big jump and and
it's no it's no longer the automatic
recommendation for let's say a college
student or a writer or design or
something because it's that much more
expensive and for $100 more you could
get either the 12-inch MacBook which is
less powerful but more portable and I
actually like it a lot or the base model
13-inch Pro which is less portable but
so power also what do you think is this
worth it
I think if you want a MacBook Air but
you didn't want this old one yes overall
it's a fantastic laptop if it was $9.99
I'd go out and buy one myself right this
second 1099 still pretty good 1/8 1199
then it's then it's less of a of a blow
out alright so let's talk about privacy
alfred you've got a fascinating story on
how restaurants are collecting our data
through these wait lists atoms what's
going on here so if you've ever been to
a restaurant and it's kind of packed and
they say you know give us your phone
number and we'll send you a text when a
table is ready you can go go walk around
the mall or something like that while
you're waiting for your table if they're
using an app to automatically send you a
text there's a good chance that there
are some privacy implications that come
with that so certain apps will keep your
phone number for a certain amount of
days that restaurants can take a look at
other apps they're able to share it with
third-party marketers one for example
opentable is owned by kayak which means
that they're able to share it with all
their different web sites
so that's one example Yelp owns one
called no way and they say that they
don't really do any marketing with your
number but they do keep it if you're
using their app oh what restaurants and
malls are you going to um all the nicest
ones all the fanciest ones in New York
you know I live a very we do have malls
here they're rare but there are malls in
Brooklyn in Manhattan Kings Plaza I
guess you can call it a mall yeah
there's a mall in Herald Square okay
yeah yeah the famous famous leave almost
always empty Manhattan mall exactly but
yeah so I mean is this something that
people should be worried about um it
depends I mean if you really don't care
about you know your privacy and you
really just want the convenience of it
there's they're doing this so it's much
more convenient for you so that the next
time you go to this restaurant they'll
know oh this guy likes a seat by the
window or something a lot of it is you
know done for the restaurants sake as
well so they know you know when they're
peak hours are how long people are
waiting how long they should keep people
waiting for without them wanting to
leave or anything like so it is
beneficial for restaurants but you do
also have to be mindful of your privacy
right do you want to be a part of that
experience right it's just another
example of how we're slowly giving away
all of our information you need a
restaurant app burner number could do
that I get a companion app that'll give
you a 60 minute phone number and you can
give them that all right so we're way
over time for more on this chicken sound
scene and Roger Chang I'm Alfred Inge
dad Ackerman thanks listening
oh yeah that's always just pausing
there's something cathartic to coming
back to the old theme song isn't it it's
there's a nostalgia factor to it you
know like two years old oh yeah right
three somehow crammed in almost 500
episodes I know thanks everybody for
joining us for the recording of the
audio podcast you can subscribe to that
in the links in the description below
now it's time to jump into the chat take
your questions and comments about the
topics at hand I'm gonna fish those out
but in the meantime Alfred it the way
you put this and how they're they're
gathering the data I mean once upon a
time I remember going to a restaurant
regularly and you just learn the
waitstaff they learn you and then you
can you'd say something like oh give me
the usual have we destroyed that magic
bond yeah because now it's just done
through an app they'll still know the
usual but now that you don't have to go
there like 80 times but instead of doris
the waitress is restaurant at ron 9 yeah
how many restaurants to go to where they
like know you by your first name and
know your preferences when you grow up
in a tiny little town state like have a
mall where you have a mall and the fancy
sing in the mall is the Chili's TGI
Fridays because I went to college in
Buffalo which is near where Brian grew
up now there was some there was some
chain Applebee's no was not a wild we
went to maybe had a bee in it Buffalo
Wild Wings yeah gosh I can't remember
Burger King yes alright let's let's stop
mocking up stating we're not when I have
a restaurant issue I I just go in and
say I I'm with Roger Chang and they give
me a table now yeah they would kick you
out immediately but on the mall question
I'd have enough time to answer this
during the process but that actually did
happen to me in Las Vegas like it was I
was there for Def Con yeah
and I don't know if you'd call it a mall
but it's like one of those like massive
like promenades by right okay I'll tell
ya there was a restaurant there and they
asked for my phone number and I just
walked around the casino until it was
right they use an app there or was it
just written down it's it's so hard to
tell is the thing like there's texture
yeah they did have an iPad though that
they put the number in so that makes me
think that it probably is yeah was it
usually yeah usually if it's a
restaurant that just takes like that I
see them physically I write it down and
like that's when you kind of know
they're just yeah I mean looking through
all this though I would still say that
that I like knowing all this a part of
me is still struggling to deal with the
fact like I would probably still give up
my phone number anyway right the
convenience yes I used to give things at
the buzzer yeah so that was part of the
marketing language for one of these apps
where they basically said like these
mothers get lost they're expensive to
maintain and like you okay the
restaurant yeah yeah why would you want
to buy these buzzers and you can use all
right people people but yeah I hate
waiting for restaurants when like I hate
waiting for a table so I really
appreciated that ability to just like
walk around and yeah yeah hang out and
like grab a beer or something and then
go back when they send out to your cell
sir this is great I feel like in the
casinos they make sure you can get a
signal so that you don't feel like you
have to leave the casino like no that's
true yeah so what restaurant was offered
waiting for with a Joel Robuchon oh you
mean this story or the one in Vegas this
one in Vegas it was like a some Irish
place at Matalan oh I forgot the name of
it something so snobbish I go to fancy
places is that like I think it is
indicative of how pervasive this is
because it's not just a really fancy
restaurants do yes the place that I
mentioned in my story is like in my
local neighborhood which is not very
good yeah yeah and they had it and it
was just like really weird to me he's
not just a change yeah basically I mean
yeah Chili's was probably the first one
to use no wait this is before Yelp
bought them okay and Chili's had a
contract of no wait where they
integrated it into their app and that
way so this is the thing like no wait
says they don't like allow for promotion
or like more
or anything like that but because it's
within Chile's app they can do that they
like are allowed to like hey like we
noticed you've been here four times this
month who the hell goes to a chili four
times a month
would you like ten percent off for your
fifth time kind of thing let's see if we
can make it an even half-dozen yeah when
I was researching this before you guys
got in here looking for some b-roll to
display and like demoing some of the
apps one thing that got me excited is oh
shoot which one was I using first it was
uh no way I was looking in no way and I
saw in there that Martha's country
bakery is listed on there and that's
near me I'm out in Queens and they got a
couple around like there's one flushing
and one in Brooklyn now I think but yeah
Martha's country bakery outstanding
amazing place cute little mom-and-pop
shop always a line around the corner so
this is great I am going to abuse the
crap out of this I will say this I don't
blame anybody that wants to just use
these apps or use this future it is
extremely convenient and you know for
the privacy parts that like you to be
losing it's not like somebody's gonna
show up at your door and say hey how
come you haven't been in my restaurant
in two days but that's version 2.0 yeah
it really just depends on like how much
like you value your privacy like - yeah
I mean I think it's good that people are
at least aware yeah this is happening
right that this is data you are a
permission you are giving them yeah I
have not even thought of that
yeah good points all around let's go
ahead and jump into the chat and take
some real questions Mary Ann says the
companion app idea is gold sign me up
from our friend Timothy do why don't you
use Google Voice it gives out a phone
number to reach your real phone number
that's a smart point I actually do use
Google Voice for something like that
specifically as a burner number that is
my signal number which is on my Twitter
bio yeah and I only use it for that but
the thing is I don't get calls on that
because I have it registered with a
unused Android device that I have like
just in a drawer somewhere okay so I
don't get any calls on that but it is
great as a number to get signal with the
encrypted messaging app not like signal
signal right that is a good idea though
like that you can get burner numbers
specifically for something like that
there you go which is early before the
evening rush starts
yeah go figure questions about MacBook
Air all right let's start off in Mike
Shaw he says I feel like the specs for
the MacBook 13 are way more than good
enough to get that instead of the new
air work the extra hundred bucks lee loy
asks Dan Ackerman recommend one the
12-inch MacBook or 13-inch MacBook Air
is the extra point 75 pounds worth it
for what you get
Oh or is he next reportability that a
really great question I love that
12-inch because it is so light and so
portable and frankly you know that's
enough that one only has the one port it
only has one pool it really very very
very rarely bothers me it's it's not
super powerful but it's fine for
everyday use I think people get way too
worked up about it that said this air is
a much more mainstream if you do if
you're not physically lugging around all
day every day you know I would I would
consider trading up or trading down by a
hundred bucks and and and getting the
and getting the air it's definitely more
universally useful because of the bigger
screen the keyboard is frankly better
and you get the two ports the MacBook is
more expensive the 12-inch MacBook is
$100 more but it's got a slower
processor but it's ass much smaller more
compact paint endless design and it's
already oh it's a pre-existing product
right right it was not priced in
relation to this sure this was not a
price in relation to that gotcha all
right moving on from Timothy do is
someone as indecisive buying the MacBook
Air or the new iPad pro 12.9 what is the
deciding factor to buy one or the other
you want a computer or do you want to
yeah do you do work on your Mac or
whatever device you're gonna buy cuz if
you're gonna do work you probably want a
Mac even with the keyboard the the the
iPad pro is not a is not a laptop
especially cuz you don't have that
pointer on the screen you can move
around with the touchpad well there's no
touchpad on the right like keyboard yeah
that's right yeah
so that's always the deciding factor for
years ever since the iPad first came out
I've been trying to use it as a laptop
I've never really had a lot of luck with
Scott you know Scott's gun Scott Stein I
almost reviewer I mean he has he
definitely he brings it to events where
everyone else busts out a laptop he's
got his iPad so it's doable minutes you
kinda have to make a lot of adjust it
doesn't do everything you wanted to do
for sure I mean we've definitely well
established in the reviews of
the past couple of days that is more
than comparable for email and
communication and social networking love
to spend $1200 on that the keyboard to
sort products but as far as anything
with a little more heavy lifting such as
as we brought up time and time again
video editing etc not so much up that
caliber but that's neither here nor
one more from Timothy does the higher
price correlate with inflation
everything correlates with inflation I
mean a little bit okay coffee instead of
inflation no they call it the Apple tax
well there's that I mean I imagine
I sound like Apple would ever say but
imagine that the tariffs have the the
prospect of terror interesting might
play a role in it we don't really know
that's I mean but traditionally what the
company has done is kept the price on
product lines the same yeah while
improving the parts inside his new parts
become available right so you always
felt like you were getting a little bit
more even though you're paying the same
year for year for the same product but
over the last couple of years models
change definitely seeing prices across
you know up moving to higher prices and
that's their whole model now to sell you
were more expensive we saw that in last
week's earnings report where they said
that they stopped telling us how many
units of devices they're selling and
really just focus on revenue because if
the prices are higher they can still
generate revenue growth even if they're
selling less devices and this went from
$9.99 to 1199 a Mac Mini went from $4.99
to $7.99 for its entry-level model so
even if there's a dip in sales there
they could still technically make more
money because it's just a more expensive
device so yeat Apple for being able to
make more money sucks for us make more
money well alright switching gears
expected to stay here and work at Apple
at the same time without telling anybody
no stop just stop go on can I can I go
this time
yes switching gears back into the the
restaurant reservation apps mark dybul
asks is there an incognito mode for
cellular calls does anybody remember
once upon a time what was it like
star-69 or some
like that I mean that was just private
number I started sixth I like a callback
number no you did that and then you put
your number in and then and then you
drank your friend ID no right right then
you prank well there is no there's no
incognito mode yeah you can't hide from
the NSA on that yeah sorry you can't
hide from your cellular networks as they
manage the traffic oh well sounds like
something spammers would abuse oh yeah
oh yeah that sucks it could have been
fun Mike Shaw says will the MacBook
12-inch new Air and MacBook 13-inch all
survive or will one disappear that's a
good question now they've got a 12 and
13 a coupler yeah they have a 12 they
have two 13s and one 15 they used to
have an 11 they used to have a 17 that
12-inch seems like the most niche
product out of them so if anything went
away I guess would be that but I also
think it's a really good product that
has a smaller but very cultish following
all right it serves a it serves a need
because this frankly even this at 2.7
pounds and thinner than it was I think
it's like 15 millimeters were just
frankly not that thin for a 13-inch
laptop this is still too heavy for me to
carry around every day if I was like a
frequent traveler a lap Tom Walker
around her I would find this too heavy
III go nuts for the just the lightest
thing possible which I would not be an
iPad pro it would be the Acer Swift 7
gets down to 10 like 9.8 millimeters a
few of them get down weight-wise to
close to 2 pounds okay so now the iPad 4
I was wrong I know the iPad pro reads
when you throw in the keyboard and
everything but it doesn't work for like
if you want to if you're like let's say
a novelist or something and you're going
to the coffee shop or the library every
day he's just I don't know silly I don't
know if it really works for that
although some people I'm sure write
books on iPads it doesn't work for me
doesn't work for a lot of people so on
that note before we close out let's just
kind of highlight some of the things
that we really felt that Apple maybe
missed out on opportunity wise in the
development of the the latest products
since we're inherent pessimists here
right alfrid
what are the things that like it's about
to take a night job sweeping up an Apple
store not so much not so much wishlist
but like this should have been common
sense this should have happened on this
product why didn't a more ports more
port more ports I you know what I I get
that I get that instinctually but having
using different laptops every day for
the last 13 years I find I don't need a
lot of ports yeah but that you're not
the normal user ah you know what I try
to put myself in a lot of different
units I'm not really an hour user I
don't do anything weird I guess
when does a normal user need a port hard
drives normal users have external hard
drives most tower take the stickers off
the front of the laptop that tell you
how big the hard drive external modems
or motives or monitors external monitors
I would say it's not regular more
fortunate would have been nicer like
charge let multiple devices on open I
mean I still take photos I would love an
SD card slot yeah when I travel you take
photos on that uses an SD card my SLR
okay but that's not that's not well
instead of a modem everyone just tethers
to their phone hmm I'm just saying I
find very flattering to your phone like
you would need more ports for that
unless you're doing like Wireless
Heather well that would work well if you
had an iPhone and an Android phone it's
less convenient or is it
I think the tethering is varias up isn't
there far less regulations to charge my
phone the other thing is a normal use
case either everyone I know when they go
to some place because free Wi-Fi is
really on the decline and like coffee
shops and stuff or they normal people
don't do that cuz the data plans are
just yeah I don't know if writing I
think hot spotting is definitely
reserved for their power users it's my
10 gigs I've never were five speaking
I've never gone over I mean I've hotspot
at all through CES as I've never gone
over you know whatever my small mo was
back then now I have a higher one I
found a thing I wrote in September 5
ways Apple can make the next MacBooks
better than ever this was my wish list
which I forgotten
out let's see bring the latest keyboard
fixed to everyone so this has the
keyboard that has the rubber membranes
under it so they don't get us a keyboard
everyone hates is the key word everyone
hates but it's a version that doesn't
get stuck as much and you know what
so everyone hates it doesn't break so
there's that get flexible on ports they
didn't do that banished low res screens
and giant bezels they did do that
getting embrace the $9.99 consumer
didn't do that now
take the plunge on touch didn't do that
so there you go I mean the Taichi thing
was never gonna happen yes
I disagree that it's totally out of the
realm of possibility because the MacBook
Pros have secondary touch screens on
them that touch bar is an oled touch
display that's all it is
yeah but it is a secondary computer
display that is touch on a MacBook which
I forgot to have during the show how's
this oh yeah I've even used one
fingerprint it's great that's the best
thing about the touch bar and they
shoved it in here so if you spend $100
more and gets the 13-inch very basic
MacBook Pro you don't get this
fingerprint reader and you don't get it
on the 12 either it's great everyone use
anti logging into your Gmail or wipes
I'm gonna lock it right camera yeah
point your screen of the camera let's
see where do we have a camera here you
gotta you got a front face or right down
the barrel there add an up higher higher
facing camera I don't know yeah they're
way there you go my finger will work now
I got angle my finger around
hey where's look at that right that
touch ID crazy concept they should put
that in phones
hmm all right we're almost out of time
coming down the pipeline
more ports starting storage on the 10s
should be 128 gigabytes and no
expandable storage on the iPad even with
USB see non-illuminated Apple logo that
never even occurred to me but yeah what
am I supposed to do now if all these
stickers that I have of Iron Man or
whatever like it was the light in the
middle hey you know you don't have your
thing covered with Cena occurs well now
it doesn't write up
well this one doesn't no wait that does
light up that's just extremely I think
is just broken yeah it's like I've
worked here 13 years no one has ever
given me a sticker
I feel very left out yeah sorry about
that I don't know where the sticker box
is it's actually in Brian's office oh
all you ever got to do was ask
yeah branding so yeah let's point out
hot spot is not tethering tethering is
only the USB or Bluetooth ports more
ports more ports Mary Anne is asking if
there is such thing as a USB to USB C
adapter for the external hard drive that
we all have and you can get tons a
little every use on basics you can get a
little hub that has any kind of port you
need that goes into the USB you can
embrace the dongle life I just would
like to have one on each side I know you
know that and if you buy the whatever
1899 13 inch MacBook Pro you get two on
this side and two on this side you got a
common sense basically like why would
they release it for the MacBook Pro but
not for is it's not just yeah pay a lot
more money yeah isn't that apples like
slogan you got to pay up for common
sense it's it's the line from Goodfellas
that I can't mention but you know what I
mean you guys are using MacBook Airs I
see the MacBook Air everywhere at every
coffee shop I go to every place where
people are hanging out with laptops it's
a universal laptop finally redone I know
I some doubt it's $200 more but I'm sure
everyone will get it - would you say
this is still a universal laptop or it
is less universally useful for two
reasons number one a lot of the PT a lot
of the PC competition has caught up in
terms of usable thin 13 inch laptops and
number two there's a big psychological
difference between $9.99 at 11:19 there
is so that that's the only two reasons
why it's not but it's still it's great
and of all the versions of the butterfly
keyboard I've tried this one feels the
best because with that rubber membrane
underneath you get a really nice
responsive thunk
okay well said and on that note we are
out of time so we'll see you folks back
here tomorrow same bat-time same
Roger yeah
see you net pot 359 podcast is available
in iTunes tune in stitcher Bieber Google
Play Music Google podcast and of course
Amazon alec's up we'll see y'all
vile take care
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