lay off lay off hey what's up everybody
my name is Jeff Bakalar and we're gonna
be playing a game called no man's sky
porridge I've been referring to it for
the last 48 hours the man
I'm joined by a couple of onlookers
mostly mark visalia hello mark he's
gonna be taking your questions live but
there's something you would like to talk
about or ask about this game please by
all means ask away as you can see I'm
having a little bit of trouble getting
off this planet
I'm gonna fix that right now so all
people want to know what this game is
and I'm getting lit up right now I need
to find my ship oh here we go okay so a
lot of people want to know what this
game is no man sky is a space
exploration slash crafting survival game
actually a lot of it is survival and a
lot of it is spent crafting items
upgrading ships and doing that kind of
thing so this is only a couple hours I'm
not enough you see like all the time
you'll be spending in the menu adding
fuel to things and upgrading things some
of that gets a little boring but once
you take off things kind of get a little
cooler so right now I'm being told I
need to visit a an abandoned where a
some sort of manufacturing plant place
so this will be the first time that I
take off from this planet so let's do it
oh we're fine but I thought we lost the
feed okay so now I'm taking off and
we've entered the atmosphere either
atmosphere - pretty cool you can turn
around and sort of see the planet you
just came from that is neat that looks
really cool does it not so again a lot
of this game is moving from star system
to star system gathering resources
putting them all together to give
yourself more units which is the
currency of the game and giving yourself
more upgrades to your suit your ship etc
markt we have any questions just yet
nothing of value oh that's helpful okay
well no I feel like nobody asked them
what's that so it's weird there's a lot
of asking about upgrades there's not
there's stuffs out there you get more
impressive range with the way you can
mine elements the little laser you
started shooting before that mines
elements yeah so that's we're going to
do right now this one which is called
languor ba mhm nine seven five we're
gonna go to that right now now I'm
traveling pretty quickly but it's
telling me it's still gonna take about
what four minutes to get there so the
beauty of this is you can enter warp
pulse drive and get there a little
quicker which is a lot of fun this part
this is the fun part because you only
have so II asked why can't I do that all
time because you only have a finite
amount of pulse drive Buell
right so the more asteroids alright the
more asteroids you destroy in space the
more you hoard the element you need to
power your pulse Drive alright so I'm
making I'm coming in hot pretty hot to
this manufacturing facility there's a
planet I've never been to and the game
uses its logic to sort of you know kind
of create this on the fly using a set of
algorithms so I'm landing right here
this is a this is a novelty planet it's
very scary there's a lot of strange
growth it's a lifeless planet the
weather isn't I like that we're pretty
mellow here on this lifeless time so
yeah yeah we can so we can name this
planet so maybe I'll do that right now
I'll show you guys how that works
so the planet I'm on right now is this
guy right we saw with the 975 so I'm
gonna rename it and we're just gonna
call this planet I think something what
it's gonna call this planet something
that hits kind of close to home we're
just gonna call it gonna call it been
box will do bed fogs and Rubin cuz he's
a good guy and now he's got a planet
named after not bad so the next time
someone discovers this which would
probably be never they'll know it was
named after a great great man a great
journalist Ben Fox Rubin you
I got a planet named after me
there's a lot of controversy about
people running into each other in this
game if you know anything about
probabilities it's pretty much
impossible so if we're not gonna spend a
lot of time with that but you know so
again like you see right there inventory
for a lot of this game is moving stuff
that you have in your exosuit backpack
into the starship that you're travelling
in and that's not a whole lot of fun
games that do force you to spend a lot
of time in menus I kind of struggle with
there's fun stuff like leaving that
planet was fun but having to move
aluminum back and forth it's not maybe
the best use of my time all right so I'm
gonna check out this way point and the
bottom right usually gives you a good
idea of what your next objective is so
I'm just gotta find an entrance to this
little joint here okay oh I see what's
gonna happen here all right so now I'm
gonna be in a little bit of trouble
because the second you start kind of
screwing with some of the technology on
the planet these drones that are around
they get upset and they start asking
questions and that's when you have to
defend yourself so let's just start
blasting this the hell right now and
we'll see what happens there you go the
sentinel reinforcement situation is
happening that's going to be annoying
me right or at least until like I kill
all of them which they come and wave so
the enemies come in waves and you kind
of yeah they won't stop until you either
kill them all where they can't call each
other for backup like this guy's hiding
around and now I feel like he's getting
have enough time to call for backup
it's kind of stuff except if he is
calling for backup yeah hopefully that
all right let's go back to shooting this
come on come on come on come on come on
come on come on oh great
reload and the door is that way so the
usually in these you find marketplace
access you find blueprints to build new
things a lot of the game has you
building warp drives which allows you to
travel through star systems you can work
the next star system when you do that
you need a war fuel cell which are
costly but now a part of making a fuel
cell is this thing called a piece of ant
antimatter you need antimatter to create
a warp drive and now I'm learning how to
build a piece of antimatter which as you
can read from the text there with this
knowledge I can now create warp drives
but I needed an electron vapor who's got
one of those I don't know we got to find
one of those so let's look at my
inventory maybe I can craft an electron
vapor I can but I need suspension fluid
so it's like this wild goose chase on
the hunt to find all of these like
trickle down elements that are all used
to create the thing you actually need if
it comes off like I don't like this game
that's not entirely true I do like this
game it's just the monotony of this kind
of stuff after a while gets a little
kind of repetitive mark has a question
what's up yeah I got it you could buy a
lot of the stuff you need to let's say
that yeah which I'll do right now
no no none of that none of that no I
would might be useful that would
probably be a cool element marks talking
about like leaving like little
breadcrumbs for people to follow but
that's not what this game is or what
this games trying to be I think like the
social you know elements of this game
have kind of been blown out of
proportion but look I got being focused
Sigma so this is an upgrade to my laser
that allows for faster mining so this is
quicker mining I like the sound of that
I'm gonna go into my multi-tool menu
here but I don't have an extra slot oh
wait maybe I do okay oh maybe it's
already installed yeah it looks like any
of that installed well that's good but
if I wanted to add a new piece of tech I
couldn't do it I like that it just has
been fox proven that's very odd yeah so
I need another slot here see if there's
no slot there is a room but I haven't
unlocked that upgrade to open up a slot
so you get what we're dealing with here
okay now I need to craft antimatter
Oh life support systems another survival
mechanic kicking in you're spinning a
lot of plates I'm going to load up my
life support with some Carboni and there
you go now I'm back up to a hundred
Oh goal this is person I've ever got
goal that's cool
the objective is to stay alive keep
searching and eventually you you the
game really is encouraging you to get to
the center of the galaxy or universe I
believe the galactic core is what they
call it again my inventory is full so I
have the ability to move some of these
resources to my ship now I just put that
gold into my ship and there it is so is
there a zero comment mark
feel free if it's you know not the worst
thing you've ever read nothing of value
which is fine
yeah I mean like look I have I seen
planets that look a little bit like this
yeah I have that doesn't mean like this
isn't technically unique it is no you
can only mine certain things so if you
scan certain little icons will pop up
and let you know what kind of elements
you're dealing with so the lightning
bolt there is some sort of like fuel
based element these icons will give you
okay that's a piece of new technology
that's pretty rad so I get the blueprint
for that and I could kind of just you
know maybe access something like that
when I finally have enough slots
I just got a gret whatever that thing is
yeah you want to fly around that's fine
no no that's fine I feel like I wanted
to remember oh I need to craft
antimatter all right we can do that I
just want to create this thing I need I
need right all I need to buy suspension
fluid now let's just make sure there
wasn't a market place inside because a
lot of the game like I said is based off
trading and selling and so let's see
doesn't seem to be any kind of store
neither is that so yeah I'm gonna have
to fly around and look for a place that
I can buy some of the elements I need to
make to be able to get
you could take you forever
we need more fuel you need to be able to
travel at a very quick pace better ship
better better technology to get there
right now I do not have the technology I
do have enough to get off this little
spot now there's really no expert you
know there's really no sort of you know
place marker or Waypoint that says oh
here's where you can get yes yes so that
was that's where I was going to find the
blueprints of how to make the antimatter
you remember how I collected that yeah
but now I need to find a place where I
can either buy suspension fluid or find
the necessary ingredients for it which
as we're learning is one electron vapor
which is made up of one thing of
suspension tracking home
I have not noticed different gravity
that's a very good question I have not
noticed different obviously different
weather different it's been a lot of
different you know animals oh here's a
here's something yeah
planet that only had acid rain does and
you have to constantly sort of balance
the exosuit you know sort of ability to
fight that stuff law so this doesn't
necessarily look like a marketplace it
does look like I can get some cool stuff
out of here alright so I got some more
blueprints let's check out what's in
here okay
some multi-tool tech on the discovering
again and these things are scattered
everywhere like you fly long enough
you'll find it
I don't know this thing it always just
sort of rewards you with units beginning
yeah pretty much I need to find
they'll respond accordingly some of the
animals you run into our super stupid
and they kind of just like look the
other way and they won't fit in care if
you do anything to them others will be
like what's that
you shot me with your laser although
we're about to fight
that's pretty terrifying
I don't know so these pop up they're
just basically achievements this says
says I traveled 7500 youth which is like
my second unit of measurement is this
thing though I want whatever this
thing's got
yeah I mean you can you know you can fly
around endlessly you can you know log
animals like there's no we discovered
there's no life on this planet so we're
not gonna run into any animals this yes
this is her idiom it's a good element I
found it useful before but you know for
our media purposes I don't need it but
gold I've never had so I'm gonna collect
well eventually you can like yeah I
don't know I haven't in my other save I
haven't reached far enough where I can
interact with them of any sort of okay
so here it says base ingredient
suspension fluid can be bought from the
galactic trade terminals oh that's you
know we gotta find a galactic crater
what I'm trying to do back not in this
sieve I have been to one of my other
save and there's just sort of these like
it look like Airport waiting room and
you get in there and you you never see
people other people playing the game you
see aliens no you see alien looking sort
of things Oh what's this dad thing what
do you think should I go there it looks
like it could be something landing is
great like it's super easy
and games easy to play there's just a
lot to unpack all right
again this doesn't look like it's a
marketplace keep going
weird is just like a plant Oh what was
that I want to interact with this chair
whoa look at that the future is weird I
love other like oh you know we need in
this game
a freaking rotating chair that there's
literally nothing that's all right
look I mean I think that's kind of like
the the draw to this game is like oh
there really isn't a lot of stuff that
you've seen before the crafting and all
that stuff is is unique but like the
notion of like hey every single planet
you visit is going to be unique in some
way I think that for me is enough of a
draw to entice the sort of average gamer
it's really I mean you can't deny like
the notion guy that is pretty cool
alright thrusters are filled let's find
a galactic trade station
well there wasn't he sure as hell it
wasn't gonna be any fluid in there and
he that fluid man here's another
question mark yeah all right
all right peace out boring has been fun
to release laughing whoa oh man
see now we've done it now we done did it
now we done did it cuz now there's
hostile activity detected I'm just gonna
have to warp you want me to fight with
oh boy now I've killed them before come
on come on line up
let's go oh yeah eat it what I
overheated oh boy
done shield down we gotta boogie
we gotta boogie warp oh I can't warp
once I've gotten into a yeah we're in
trouble here guys
I just need I can't warp once you're in
a dog fight and that's that
and then they give you like a Stephen
Hawking quote to somehow make it all
better so now this is weird so now
okay so what's so what's interesting is
you can revisit your gravesite so you
see that thing right there that's my
grave site on a planet I kind of need to
go to there to collect all the stuff
then I think because everything's gone
I have my elements but all my gadget
tree and all that junk is gone so should
I go get it no start fresh now we'll all
get it eventually but it'll be there
yeah I don't know if I feel like if I
die again I'm kind of screwed dude I am
not messing I already discovered Ben Fox
agree with what a great screen grab that
is let's let's just grab that alright
soo about this planet you already
discovered this what about you what
about you undiscovered guess what we're
going to Trapper John bagel
that's the weird going pulse engine off
what did that sing oh I gotta get out of
the way this space
so now if I was moving at this speed it
would take me an hour and 28 minutes to
get there oh no I'm sorry
eight seconds I don't know eight minutes
it would take but who's nobody got time
for that
we're gonna pulse right in there and
it'll take us thirty five
this part just reminds me of like
Spaceballs ludicrous speed go it is but
you can only mine stuff in space you
can't mind like you can't fly around I
don't think you can fly around a planet
and just like shoot stuff it doesn't
and we're about to break through the
atmosphere here on Trapper John bagel no
oh so here's a really interesting
looking planet purple and green I don't
know what the hell is going on here oh
this is kind of cool
all right this is a interesting looking
place oh yeah that's the first thing we
should do so I'm gonna just fly around
until I see a spot that looks like it's
worth landing on
usually a question mark will pop up man
this is a weird looking planning on guys
it's not like you can can't really
choose that
there we go
all right hopefully this is something
the lactic played in this
they are totally you totally can
I wouldn't recommend doing that but
again like you can do whatever the hell
you want all right
no cannot change the point okay we're
gonna save here just in case I die again
Oh Oh getting shot
this place is toxic as
alright this isn't really doing anything
for us that's a weird floating rock Jew
to kill the rock wow look at the plant
life on this plate pretty pretty wacky
that's weird
I will take all of the copper from you
this is never seen something like this
though like a big old sky
alright I'm done shooting that you want
me to shoot mushrooms they're probably
just carving mushrooms like I can't take
it what is that what is this this thing
arrived in 20 seconds
this could be good kids this could be a
place where I can buy something no it's
the same thing
okay I'm gonna let's get back to the
ship and uh the first like almost fully
water planet I came across was pretty
bad yeah you know what you can't go in
the water I just wanna see if I could
shoot this not see you can't mine
anything off those floats this floating
a typical typical planet bagel
man but this is a crazy-looking planet
let's see anything up another question
mark hopefully this will let me do stuff
I mean flying around like a lunatic
there's a little more promising
yeah I think we might be okay here kid
is minding me from this looks like it
better be a market place on you
somewhere right looks like a Costco yeah
all right starting to rain a little bit
they got my space um alright find that
antimatter thing I'm gonna shoot this
they're gonna come back there they're
pissed yeah to the bully
no I think we learn from the last time
that the second you kind of get in there
they just bail or just run into that
wall for a second there we go
yeah there's variations of the robots
though there are you know sort of like
Walker's that's a big part of the game
what is this
okay see so there's some of this
sometimes you kind of have to like pick
one of these and hope for the best
I'm gonna say drop pod okay but didn't
like that I choose one of the others or
no oh no I'm screwed
I can't
oh yeah maybe some movie more chairs
the only thing I've noticed is that they
are their aggressiveness varies
drastically yeah they'll carry different
stuff yeah it was I didn't realize that
oh yeah like you'll drop a lot of
artifacts the big problem right now is I
can't freaking find a place to trade or
buy I think that's really hindering my
ability to create you know a sort of
okay well I feel like we're pretty close
to being done here yeah me too yeah I
think maybe that's what we'll call it
quits right yeah we're done
oh I hope you enjoyed watching no man's
sky oh hey hold on we'll fight you want
to see you guys yeah let's get babies
it's got a guy and let's see what this
freaking thing like oh here's a I don't
even know what does that even look like
scanning that was a city car se-jin yeah
no one's ever seen this no no there is
in this that dog pig fish river it is it
is kind of cool but yeah that's that's
the takeaway this is a new thing too oh
look at this whoa get away crabby face
holy he is not happy
I guess so right yeah okay scan them
yeah I gotta kill them up sorry all
right there you go there's a crash
course no pun intended of no man's sky I
hope you dug it thank you so much for
we've got more questions about the game
hit me up on Twitter and
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