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Jibo robot wants to be your family's best friend

hey gee Bo do you think I'm pretty I may not know everything but I do know that you're great for looking at it's not every day you meet such a charming smart home assistant this is G Bo a social robot that wants to be your family's new best friend packed with witty banter bubbly animations and a body that swivels and dances this companion robot was designed to see more alive and connect to its human owners in a more natural way G bo is able to learn the voices and faces of up to 16 people his cameras and microphones detect which family member is talking to him and he'll turn to face whoever's talking and respond to the key words hey G Bo hey G Bo what's your favorite dance you can ask g bo for the news the weather sports scores putting a hand over his head will silence him he can act as a photo booth at a party and center himself to get every face in the shot he can set alarms and control some smart home devices through IFFT commands are there any monsters in here he'll also fetch answers to plenty of quirky questions G bo is also proactive sometimes jumping in to say hello or give a fun fact when an owner comes by but here's what's not so cute he costs $900 and cannot do many things you may expect from a basic assistant he does not play music take video or do calls or set reminders at least not yet the g bo team says they did not design it to compete with the smart speakers from Amazon and Google although it holds the potential to do the same stuff instead the boston-based robotics team spent three years fine-tuning his personality animation and interaction with people the G bow team says it will continue to push out new skills and outside developers will also be able to teach him new tricks but for now he's more of a cute pet than a personal assistant hey G Bo goodbye goodbye Bridget
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