smart watches like the Apple watch have
heart rate sensors but not medically
approved ones kardia banned by a live
core is the first fda-approved heartrate
EKG device for Apple watch and it
signals where more medically accurate
wearables might go next the $200 kardia
band has a battery-powered sensor in its
band that connects via bluetooth and
completes an electric circuit for
30-second EKG readings just apply your
thumb or your finger car DEA's mobile
app uses the Apple watch heart rate
sensor in addition to take continuous
readings throughout the day and note
moments where it might be good to take a
spot reading cardi band promises to send
possible atrial fibrillation and heart
arrhythmia you can record your feelings
during a reading via voice memo that
gets tanked the results can be saved
were shared with a doctor the live core
makers of cardia band also have a
service to have doctors analyze your
results on the fly for an additional fee
a future Carl smart rhythm uses AI
throughout the day the spot where your
heart rate and activity range should be
and spots moments where an additional
EKG reading might be a good idea taking
a reading means being seated and still
and it takes 30 seconds of course with
all of this you should also be seeing a
doctor Apple Fitbit and Samsung are
working on having their own onboard
heart rate measurements eventually be
good enough to sense atrial fibrillation
as well but for now these types of
fda-approved accessories might bridge
the gap we haven't tested cardio band
for more than a day and we haven't
compared it to other EKGs but kardea ban
aims to enhance all-day heart rate
measurements with more accurate spot
measuring as needed fitness trackers may
not all be medical devices now but that
may change soon
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