the secret to a happy healthy rumba
maintenance all that nasty dirt dust and
fur can really slow your robot down and
overtime kill its performance to show
you a few tips today I'm using the 700
series unit but these tips really apply
to all models let's get started every
time your Roomba cleans up empty out
this dustbin it's easy takes a minute
and will keep your vacuum running in
tip-top performance just remove the bin
and dump out the contents then remove
the filters and tap out any obvious
debris you should replace these filters
every month or so but if you want to
delay that a little bit to scrap some
compressed air and blow out any debris
once a week conduct level 2 maintenance
that means removing all of the brushes
and their bearings
then use a comb or one of these iRobot
tools to pull out hair and fur that
could be slowing the robot down and
don't forget to clean out those bearings
the front wheel also needs attention
just give it a tug to pull it out and
use a dust cloth or compressed air to
clean out the wheel housing and get rid
of any hair and finally use a microfiber
cloth to clean off those clip sensors
all around the unit notice that we're
not using any sort of spray or damp
cloth to clean the Roomba that's because
if any of its parts come in contact with
water or those parts don't completely
dry before the vacuum starts running you
could ruin it so stick with things like
compressed air dust cloths and
microfiber cloths these last couple tips
do require a little disassembly but
that's ok because you only have to do
this every couple months grab a
screwdriver and remove this screw that
secures the spiral brush put the screw
somewhere safe and remove the brush
there's a bunch of hair and fur in there
that needs to be cleaned out before you
put that back remove the main screws
that secure the cover to the unit on
rumba they're labeled with these arrows
to where the battery is and to buy the
wheels when they're out you should be
able to remove the cover and immediately
you'll see that the Roombas inner parts
are filled with dust like before used
compressed air or a dust cloth to clean
it out then just replace the cover and
all the screws and that spiral brush
even though it's your rumbas job to do
the cleaning it's up to you to keep it
clean if you have any questions along
the way
hit me up on Twitter and check out how
to for the written guide to
this tutorial for I'm Sharon
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