Kepler telescope finds 10 new Earth-like planets (CNET News)
Kepler telescope finds 10 new Earth-like planets (CNET News)
this morning NASA announced 219 new
planet candidates ten of which are
earth-like in both size and distance
from their home star occupying what is
known as the habitable zone where water
could pool on the rocky surface the
announcement was made at a coupler media
briefing which took place at the NASA
Ames Research Center in California's
Silicon Valley the planet-hunting Kepler
satellite was launched in spring of 2009
with the sole purpose of detecting
earth-sized planets using the transit
method by measuring the tiny amount of
dimming starlight as a planet passes in
front of its host star to date Kepler
has detected 4034 planet candidates in
2335 have been verified as exoplanets it
has also discovered 50 near-earth sized
habitable zone candidates of which more
than 30 have also been verified by NASA
scientists the Kepler catalog of
candidate planets is supposed to serve
as a foundation for more discovery to
determine the prevalence and
demographics of planets in the galaxy
this new result presented today have
implications for understanding the
frequency of different types of planets
in our galaxy and helped us to advance
our knowledge how planets are form read
more details about the Kepler findings
in Amanda Custer's article on CNET com
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