Keurig Kold is obscenely expensive and could taste better
Keurig Kold is obscenely expensive and could taste better
is reaching into your fridge for the
next soda too much of a hassle
well Keurig thinks it has the answer
this is the Keurig Kold machine and it
takes pods adds tap water and creates
soft drinks right into your glass made
fresh but without the hassle of a co2
cartridge now I have to warn you the
pods are not quite as easy to use as the
regular k-cup pods for instance you have
to pull off a safety seal which is a
little foil cover that covers the bottom
of the pod if you don't do that with a
soft ring pod essentially you're gonna
waste the pod and that can be a very
expensive mistake especially if you do
it a lot it's really big
it weighs over 25 pounds not including
the water and it's just very hard to
find a spot on your kitchen counter for
this thing don't expect it to be exactly
the same as far as taste and carbonation
is concerned to the brands and
sufferings that you like to buy at the
store we did a blind taste test
in the office and everyone can tell the
difference between what was made from a
pod and what came out of a can or a
bottle that wood bought in the stores
making a Keurig Kold saw Frank also
takes a little longer than you might
expect especially if you're used to
making cake cups compared to a k-cup
which takes about 30 seconds this takes
about 90 seconds which might be a little
longer than you want to wait
Keurig Kold may be worth your while if
you're nowhere near a fridge and you're
in your office or a cubicle or someplace
where you don't have access to a
refrigerator but for most of us you can
just use a fridge a mini-fridge or
whatever and stock it with your favorite
soft drink of choice and that makes a
lot more sense be sure to read the full
review at I'm Brian Bennett for
CNET appliances
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