
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Kimbra makes music with awesome gadgets

hi my name's Kimbra and today I'm gonna show you my rig I started learning guitar around talks around the age of 15 I borrowed a boss eight-track from the high school music room I wasn't taking music at school but I was really fascinated with you know gadgets and that became the first tool for me as a producer you know to learn about what I could do with the voice as an instrument after that I invested in like the boss RC xx which has started my journey with looping and then I guess I got into Pro Tools you know on the rest is history so once you're on computers it's kind of hard to go back live we use Ableton them I think a Ville turn has definitely improved itself to be like the best tool for live setups because it's just such a good connector in terms of like being the master of all the different you know gadgets on stage and its ability to be quite easy to map you know a lot of these controllers are talking to Ableton and instead of having what I used to use which was a role in this before for for all of my effects we now have a much higher quality effects unit because it's running straight from the computer and I'm able to manipulate everything on stage I guess this is the first piece of gear that I owned the TC Helicon just kind of became a bit of a like poster girl for that because I was using it so much and they actually even helped ask me to help develop the you know the second unit which is this ones I remember the big thing I wanted them to integrate was MIDI sync at that time it didn't talk to MIDI so if you were doing looping you just have to be doing it free time nowadays you can sync the voice live to many and that gives you the ability of course to you know keep better time with the rest of your band I don't rely on it for looping as much as I used to the chaos units have now become kind of exciting for me as voters as well so I've integrated them and you may ask why I have to which is a little bit ridiculous but basically they do different things you know the surprise is my name's rate so I can use my finger to control my delays life I find that this has the nicest sounding delay unfortunately that preset didn't come with this kb3 so you have to build you know you can't quite replicate the very same thing so this one I find is better for for looping and for sampling things so get used to what this can do which is about five different kind of effects you can apply it on samples but you know like every one you get kind of tired of doing those things all the time so the chaos gave me this new instrument and new range of effects that I can now apply to the sample right The Voice life can do similar things of course filter anything I do here it can be effective privacy but I kind of think that's built into this you know so it's not yeah anyone can build a rig of a fix with Ableton and you just kind of choose the effects that you might like I kind of like to do by the intros and that's exactly what this is about is every night is different you know as I hit yes and if I hit this we're gonna get the whole track in repose which is a whole other thing to know to know using it up up to them so you know depending on your mood you can decide to sing the song with a certain effect so it's I mean this is just all about like staying playful with it you know I think the moment that I become too over rehearsed or used to what I'm doing it becomes less fun and then I'm listen gauged emotionally you know as all of these things help me to feel connected to to the music so now I'm pretty happy I feel like I got a good little space you're going on and it's just all about keeping it exciting and keeping up with where technology is going you know those things are moving so fast and I think it's up to artists to kind of stay in the loop with that you know and kind of push the boundaries of all of these various instruments I think that's also how the developers learn to improve their shape as well is when they see people using them on having limitations with them you know I love that dialogue between people in the tech world and artists I think it's really important I'm Kimbra thanks for tuning in check out my new album it's called primal hot follow me online keep in touch while I'm doing hope to see you at a show in the future
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