
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

LG Display's exclusive showroom and the world's first rollable TV

look when you want to come to the show not everyone's gonna be able to get in this room we're here at LG Display and don't get this confused with actually LG LG display separate from LG LG display provides for a lot of manufacturers beyond just LG with their screens and I'm here with Lucy with LG Display and what we're gonna do here is if you kind of just roughly look around with me we're going to actually give you a tour of all of their cool videos really TV display technologies and how they're using them in different ways so trust me stick with us you're gonna see some really cool stuff and we will get to the rollable 65 inch world's first display here as well but we wanted to kind of show you some of the cool things so Luxio we did see the wallpaper TV released last year and we're showing it here again can you kind of talk about at least how this display how you're presenting it here for us today outstanding feature coordinate design we are able to show you replicate all the great paintings perfectly you can still see all the brushstrokes as well so this means when the TV is off we could use it as an interior factor to further upgrade our living space so if you're balling and you you know instead of just having a TV it can be almost like a nice art piece in your home yeah and I think so I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to but if you find an angle you can actually see just again how small there's a thin ribbon cable that's going from here into the wall and you can showcase it because this is three panes of glass again you know we sometimes get desensitized by how amazing this technology is like the wallpaper TV was amazing last year it's still amazing but then you know they got they have a rollable TV here to show us to just the amazing stuff from LG Display we're gonna keep on moving down this way and I kind of affectionately like to call this TV here the show the triple H it's the 8k OLED 88 inch TVs display here from LG and maybe Lucy P can kind of talk a little bit about as well as we show it off first ako LED for it's showing resolution 4 times higher than 4k and for OLED since each individual pixels can illuminate itself yes showing 33 millimeters are in the individually so we can show more fine and detailed information and pictures as well yeah I mean you go up to it if you've we've obviously are we've seen so much 4k but every little like pixel and subtlety is shown here I even like the demo that you guys have of the girl's face I mean you could see like the PW could see like the peach fuzz on her face right like you can't see the peach fuzz on here but you have some you know great great imagery here of horse here but this is the 8k OLED 88 inch and you have it right resting on a piece of glass did we talked about it earlier I know nothing is official but it is this TV expect to be available sometime within the next year or so possibly next one or two years kind of amazing kind of amazing okay let's uh kind of go over here we'll we'll come back to this one because people are using it but um we're gonna go check out here just more kind of different unique sizes and shapes of displays that we're showing off here I like this one I totally can see this at like a retail spot but this is what you guys call the 88 stretch and is it actually like two displays put together or two sides of displays put together but it's the same size as having two 4900 okay so our customers don't need two 49 inch you can just have one eighty eight inch and one great thing about this products and we can fit an extra size of the model so they don't have to be squeezed in oh yeah I like for example is this the TV or is this just me and the TV can you tell it's just fit if it's if it's the whole body right okay and then we have this one over here there is the sub zero point six millimeter so we can minimize the gap between the panels so we can't is one big screen effect you also talked about the the lighting on this how you guys have really worked hard for the corners to get a more consistent image quality across the board can you talk about that a little bit Tony information we cannot help but yeah yeah so we were able to have the panel edge corners here the brightness uniformity would be the same for all the three or four panels put together having a more immersive one big screen okay this is this is awesome stuff again we are inside of LG Display I'll tell you right now it this is not a place that you can just walk up and go into you have to have an appointment you kind of have to I guess you kind of have to be a big deal to come here this is all right are you saying that I'm a big deal yeah okay I thought that that question fell flat well we're will revisit that okay um let's come back over here this is what we all came to see the world's first 65 inch rollable television um could you show some of that magic with the remote here sound effects please oh now this is really cool what a lot of people haven't seen here is how it can be used in three different modes it lifted initially for just like weather and information here's a 21 by 9 aspect ratio so let's talk about like you know maybe cinema mode to watch your movies and then if you want to watch it full screen 16 by 9 for full TV viewing this has the ability to do this what also is really unique here if we get kind of like right here on the side again this is a roll this rollable display we won't be able to see the mechanics but we were told by LD display let's say if you rolled this display really tightly you know how big would it really be and they said about a 50 millimeter radius so here let me let me try and visualize this while I hold the mic that's about this big it's like about almost as big as my head that's how this screen rolls up into this box and you can also imagine using AI right we're talking at our television sets more and more LG has shown that in other manufacturers telling your television set like let's check out the weather it goes up that high let's check out a movie it changes and adjusts on the fly and this is just a beautiful thing that we're gonna see the concept is here in living color it's only going to get better but I just kind of one of the fascinating things that you come out to see yes 2018 this is what you want to come out and see so we're gonna also move down over here check out check out our Crystal sound OLED and Lucy if you could kind of talk about this one as well we have our panel acting as a diaphragm Turner OLED panel into a speaker so so this is actually the screen itself is vibrating to produce this sound correct so the image and the sound is synchronized providing much more immersive cinema like vide experience so like you guys said like right if you stand here you like feel the sound right now oh yeah feel it baby feel a baby I hope I hope people at home can feel that cuz I can feel it very cool so get a lot of like really cool technologies here LG Display we're gonna go check out one more back over here because we you know there's a lot of action going on in this room this is kind of really cool for future point-of-sale displays retail experiences and this is their in touch 86 inch ultra HD display can you talk a little bit about this and you know what what is the advantage for for how this would be used in touch we have the touch sensors all embedded in our display so it means more accurate touch and high picture quality since there won't be any touchable touch patterns visible so for those will be great for our interactive whiteboard or for product search in the retail shops so they showed me this demo I'm gonna try and do my best to recreate this but here we have a model here we have a variety of different colors that we can select here and we also have the different aspects of you know maybe you want to do a little makeup looking good and we can can actually click on these different areas right so for example let's start off with lipstick lipstick is selected I'm gonna roll down over here I want to kind of bring that funk let's go with some little Pantone 240 C and I could just write right on her lips you like that mm-hmm you like that mm-hmm okay let's go check out maybe some powder blush I'm gonna I'm gonna try and mix this up a little bit we want some contrast colors you wanna bring out bring out her little cheeky cheeks right here and again right we're interacting with this we're touching the display this is all happening in real time and there you go this I don't know I I mean I I she looks good right okay so let's hit this we're gonna hit by now right and once we hit by there's a complimentary display over here this is in touch signage that has the layout of what we selected what we can buy here on display like this is an in-store experience and if we just here hit this buy now tells me to confirm the purchase for that powder blush and I'm just gonna sign this is gonna be a valuable screen right here money to change so what I also was told is that this larger in touch display has a higher sensitivity level because there's more interactivity more details how we were like filling in all her lips and our cheeks where's here still an interactive touch display maybe not doesn't have to be as sensitive just because we're doing really more of a final purchase point but you know again Lucy thank you so much for all this this is great she's like the pro here in the house and just amazing stuff that you can find only here with seen it at CES 2018 at the LG display booth we're gonna be spending more time make sure to watch and follow up with our first looks our in-depth articles about everything you saw here we're gonna keep on bringing you more so we'll take a break we'll be back to the stage more press conferences and more goodies here from CES 2018
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