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LG takes on Apple Airpods with Tone Free headset

LG has gone completely wireless with its new tone free headset and they're going head to head with Apple's air Potts at first glance they look a lot like LG's older tone models but this time they're completely independent the Ian earbuds detached completely from the neck band for a minimalistic look and since they pair on their own they don't even need to be near the neck band to work the buds themselves have about three hours of talktime and then it can be charged in the next band for an added 10 and then charged to be a traditional USB or if you need even more battery you can purchase the carrying case accessory much like Apple's air pods when worn with a neck band they have much of the same functionality as their predecessors alert of incoming calls via vibrations and now you can take or reject an incoming call with voice commands the tone free headset is set to launch in February and will be in stores by March for about $1.99
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