I'm announcing the release of my first
headphones beats penalty balance we
thought let's get the hottest female
star in the world who's not only an icon
for music but also an icon for fashion
and so we called on Lady gaga hi
everybody how are you doing are you
having a good day that's good well I'm
so excited to be here and like Jimmy
mentioned I was working with Bono on red
for his friend's birthday party and I
changed the words for acoustic pokerface
to be about the organization and he's
really changed the model for how
charities function with a large
corporation so what's very exciting
about this is that all the money that
red will make off of these headphones
will go directly to helping people that
are affected by the AIDS epidemic in
Africa and I spoke to Bono specifically
about this at vivo and I said I would
really really love to do a redhead phone
so that's what we're working on a
redhead phone and the redhead phone that
will also be in heartbeat form so i'm
here to announce that to you today that
there will be a red heart beat will also
be packaged with a version of acoustic
poker face the red version Pavano so I'm
so excited to be here and thank you guys
so much for coming out we really
appreciate you little monsters
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