the dream the smart-home doesn't just
mean voice control or futuristic
touchscreens it means your home reacts
to you and to its own needs this type of
responsiveness is what leaks mart
creates with its complete home water
protection system a leak sensor water
valve and connecting hub all packaged
for four hundred twenty-five bucks
here's how it works you connect the
valve to your water main this will
probably take a plumber so budget
accordingly you connect the valve to
this hub and then you throw your leak
smart sensor under your sink your
washing machine your water heater
whatever if a pipe burst and the sensor
detects water it immediately turns off
the water going into your house
hopefully mitigating the damage before
it gets really bad set up for the leak
smart is a little bit of a pain but I
really love what it does making your
house actually respond to disasters as
well as alerting you to them and leak
smart really works reliably the one
problem is for this whole setup you're
gonna have to take a financial hit
should you buy the leak smart system for
four hundred twenty-five bucks
well if you live in a house with pipes
that are old or prone to freezing
getting a system like leak smarts could
save you thousands of dollars but for
most people the premium just seems a
little bit too high even for the
assurance of a flood stopping system
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