okay what is going on everybody my name
is Jeff and we're gonna play a game
called inside it's my favorite game of
2016 so far one of them one of my
favorite games so let me show you what
we got here this is a game where you
play a little boy and it's just like a
left-to-right adventure kind of game
it's made by the people who made a game
called limbo and 2010 that game was
fantastic this is a follow-up it's been
six years you got a question you got a
comment you want to talk about the game
with me let's do it Joey's here he's
going to help me out to taking questions
and comments if you just want to make
fun of the way I play video games be my
guest it's the internet that's what it's
there for all right so a lot of this
game is puzzle solving this is a little
further into the game not right at the
beginning a little further so we're
going to we're going to see what we have
going on here came super dark it's
messed up like dark like like really
sort of morbid in a way but it's a lot
of fun and like the ways that you're the
ways that your character dies are really
upsetting sometimes but so
way to get my little guy across it's a
platform Joey what am I doing here okay
we're good sorry the first question was
what laptop am I using oh that's a
terrible question oh it's been targeted
a terrible question for this oh I see
what we're doing here alright cool up oh
I know what to do i think i have to
raise this that's what we need to do
that's what we need all right oh there
you go little guy one question the
what's up there's going to be a limbo to
i know i have no idea i would say no it
takes these guys like six years to make
a game so i don't think the next game
they're going to make it's a sequel to
limbo but this game is very much in the
vein of limbo Oh
oh you see what happened was just like a
little pile of death right there all
right there's a lot of trial and error
in this game I forgot to get out of the
way of the safe falling there we go so
that made a hole in the floor that I'm
going to go check out now what's this
some are you playing it on right now I'm
playing this on xbox one and it's coming
to pc on next week i think the july
seventh whatever whatever that is I
think that's in a week you think that's
a thursday yes alright so now we're
going to dip below there's too many
lights on in here we're gonna get a
darker in here it's a dark game you need
the lights off okay
so you you enter these rooms and they're
sort of puzzles that are just kind of
there then they're not very obvious you
sort of have to explore around and see
what's going on okay widget are you in a
warehouse setting yeah this is like some
weird industrial like bond warehouse or
something like that I have to say
YouTube seems a little more engaging
right now than facebook yeah yes that
say something about I'm just trying to
channel there's better I'm trying to get
off the truck there better i think what
you're saying is that there's better
people on face on youtube I'm just
trying to get some okay so check this
out so I'm I'm like jacked into this
mind control thing look at this and when
I move these little zombie guys move so
I can make them kind of jump actually
make them kind of dance can we play
thriller right now and I'll have them
dance the true all right so here's a
puzzle that we have to figure out um
they wanted to know about the game
controls oh it's simple that's the best
part about this game it's two buttons
right there's a jump and an interac
button and that's it which is why it's
so damn good because pretty much anybody
can play it okay I think I need both of
these guys to stand on those platforms
over there
to remember how to do this oh I remember
okay what's up if you're gonna forward
one puzzle adventure game this year
would you buy this the witness Farah
watch or life is strange for a Firewatch
wolf this and fire watching are my two
sort of favorite indie games of the year
if I'm choosing between fire watching
this they're very different but I kind
of think maybe I go with this one um and
what would you rate this game what would
you give your rating they're asking I'm
asking you a million no come on us yeah
I'm a million it just gets a million
Joey that's the score a million I'm
rolling out of two million a million day
out of traveling out of infinity what it
would have been out of what I suffer
every I was like to get I I was always
like a guy like oh let's give games like
you know report card grades said to me
this is an a okay it's an eight people
it's an any people but oh man what's
embarrassing is I I don't remember how
to do this how much is the game this is
twenty bucks here's what we're gonna do
we're gonna just load something else up
is what we're gonna do you clean bakalar
scale strikes again yeah so here I'm
gonna load right the beginning of the
game so we didn't take anybody too far
away a little off the subject what's
your favorite game for the last five
years oh my god i don't know i have no
idea the last five years
I don't know man hmm that's a really
impossible question to ask all right
well we don't know any that would your
top five don't make me do jack why ord
your top five on the last five years be
um this and pull it uncharted 4 in there
we're gonna pray yeah uncharted 4 is up
there for sure I have make a list i have
one so the cool part about this game and
we'll get back to if you want could wear
this game is like the whole time you're
traveling in the single line and you
sort of have to figure out obviously
each puzzle as you enter a new room but
the cool thing is like there is a crazy
story going on where you're like what is
happening i'm in a world where they seem
to be harvesting people for something
there they're sort of hurting them into
these factories and i don't know what
the hell's going on and the beauty of
this game is you slowly but surely start
to understand what exactly is happening
and it's pretty dark so like let me just
show you what happens if I get caught
here oh oh my god they just they just
it's it's kind of upsetting right it's
just like manhandle it's really bad the
fruit there's a part where like they
just shoot you they're just like pop out
it's big it's yeah it's pretty insane so
this game allows you to go back at any
level yeah so that's a great part about
this game the second you reach a
checkpoint and i want to say there's
like 30 to 40 then spread out through
the whole game you then have access to
go as far back or as far forward as
you've made it um I've finished the game
so I can go anywhere in the game and I
kind of do that to just replay parts
where I'm like oh what did I miss
something there there's a few hidden
items that you can go back and check out
too I'm giving you fair warning this is
one of those questions that you can't
win okay an xbox for PS format that's
not a cool it's not neither I'm for
everything I'm good answer I like games
how about that games you know your boss
buying one right now yeah it probably
buy a ps4 yours
look alright so now you see like the
trucks pulling away what's in the truck
who were these guards what's happening
and who am i and like you find out a
little bit about who you are as the boy
so about how long your playing is now so
this games about four hours it's it's
it's a it's something you can do in one
or two sittings I find I think I did it
in three five dollars an hour yeah which
I mean it's good like there's nothing to
complain about I think if you're worried
about like getting your your money's
worth I think there's enough moments in
this game some really powerful stuff in
this game where you just kind of like
can't believe what you're seeing just
because the game like you know Deeks one
way and then goes the other and you're
like oh wow I wasn't expecting that and
it's beautiful I mean look at this game
it really is a gorgeous being these guys
didn't tell me what up so see I'm
spotted now they're like oh look his
little dog chasing me oh boy oh boy
that's a faster boom yeah that's right
phyto can't jump across a Ledge can you
hammer thrones like almost sleeping any
more questions in the chat yeah what do
we got here um they want Joey to make a
cameo this week on the 404 okay here so
the whole game is called is obviously
the game's called inside and right now
outside you play the vast majority of it
inside this dilapidated sort of
industrial complex a lot of its
underwater Oh again
yeah it's pretty dark these guys they
don't you know you think like oh which
one you think better this or limo I
think this is a better game I think
limbo is great I think limbo really
introduced a lot of what this developer
was trying to do and I think limbo is
awesome everyone should play limbo but
if we're going pound for pound I think
this is overall a better game
oh I'm being chased
Oh get on gay men have any guns or tools
or is it all strategy no that's the best
part you don't have to shoot zombies for
seven hours in this game it's all
grabbing things moving stuff swimming
it's it's just a two-button game like I
said it's a lot of fun and it's a game
that people can watch you play as we're
sort of proving right now but there's
there's real oh Sh whoops yeah sometimes
you just owe that man I don't like the
way they treat him when they catch him
that's insane see if I can get through
this part
we'd like to see another one of these
games from just three hundred percent
and you know that's the thing right like
this game this games getting reviewed
really well as it should it'll be
interesting to see what these guys do
next like do they make another one of
these games do they you know Oh knavish
you do they do they go in a different
direction how far can you take this this
theme that they do do you think you
would have a more immersive effect if
you want headphones yeah I mean this is
a game that you know you definitely want
to play kind of with the lights off you
know in the in isolation a little bit
like I said you'd watch with somebody oh
I got a dart in my back and I'm sure
boat there and again like so this is
really the only the game is violent
inherently not because there's people
trying to kill you or get you but
there's a lot of stuff in the beginning
where you're dodging bullets and stuff
like that that is not what this game is
about this game is more puzzle solving
and interacting with the really weird
environments I guess this person knows
you they want they can Jeff give us his
thoughts something the latest and has
NHL trade all I know is the Devils are a
much better team than they were 24 hours
ago alright so we're making our way to a
new area in the game is the barn I mean
like there's something about I don't
know I'm just kind of in love with the
art direction you know there's not a lot
to it but it's super effective I'm this
person might have jointly
checked in on the damage calmly so it's
just a left-to-right adventure it's 2.5
d meaning the game is in 3d but you can
only operate along a single line right
you can't interact with the foreground
or the background there are non-playable
characters in the game that can come
from either you know playing but you
yourself are stuck on this single line
left to right and it's just a puzzle
platforming sort of game with a really
of the really great story and style back
ellora Bakalar bakalar yeah that's it
it's not it's not like beetlejuice where
I just show up after you say my name
through nails from gaming dog with that
uh but keep trying i might do it you
know come to your house and you'll play
you yeah you want to come over and we'll
just play inside all day just a lot of
dead cattle here like what's going on
with this world what are these little
chickens by my feet are they chickens
they seem a little scared oh you're
chicken there's a question I've how big
is the file download about how oh that's
an interesting question I want to say
it's like two to four gigs it's not it's
not huge I mean this looks really great
yeah it's again it's not a super long
game so there's not that much going on
but uh well yeah like a even like all
the animations they pulled off with this
beam it's just there's something about
it feels real natural everything you do
and you care so much for this kid you
know let's see
like I need to activate thank you figure
out a way to get oh I remember I
remember gotta figure a way to get those
chickens inside I'm gonna call them
chickens they look like chickens music
chicken spoon in get out of the ring
thank you guys this commune in my clan
right they're like little Twinkies small
little Twinkies and you're not gonna be
happy and I can be happy to what I'm
about to do come on this way this way up
you two in the back come on nothing
needs gonna happen a clevis not gonna do
anything to hit you guys always not
gonna fuck you into this machine I'm not
gonna do that maybe I'll do that a
little bit oh I think they're okay
though I think you mentioned is
responsible for camping yeah it's just
xbox one right now next week is pc and
and I mean I haven't played this on pc
but i can't imagine it being that
difficult of a game to run so even if
you don't have a super high-end gaming
pc you should be okay this award the
crossbar if you buy it from one you're
gonna for the other there's there's none
of that yet there's not a platform this
oh you mean like wind up your xbox one
them okay not that I'm aware of
don't think so it's not like an Xbox
play anywhere game all right now I'm
going to swan dive onto a pile of dead
cattle again it's a dart game
it's funny like the second now that I'm
playing it's playing through it a second
time you sort of like notice things that
give you a little bit of a hint to like
where it's like what was going on you
know now that I know the story this is
definitely a game you can replay and
enjoy you're not going to remember how
to finish all the all the puzzles that
your second playthrough yes we saw
painfully where I started to gain that
when we first started what is that oh
right this little guy's got like a
little tail waggin that's weird do you
think you'll ever release something for
this like for android or iOS uh maybe
limbo came out on like hot on everything
so someone at sounds like I need this on
iOS major yeah i mean i don't i never
played limbo on the other hook never
played limbo on the other any of mobile
platforms so a be ok oh do you like
counter-strike at the horn what's that
do you like counter-strike yeah I like
guys I got played a lot in college 15
let's pig get up get up oh boy
that's weird right okay hey Alvin maybe
I'll push in a little poor baby push
that still doesn't look okay but it's
better than what was happening there we
go again okay so now we have another
like zombie situation oh cool
get up
with that
how that looks so crazy it's really
weird the game's weird see the stand on
the pic to reach that you can control
them yeah I guess oh wait here we go
nice oh now we got like a thriller thing
happening didn't ding ding ding
big porking simulator yeah you know look
it's not look at this game's dark man
there's Dorian elements to it it's you
have to do it that's what it is like
you're like scary i'm terry i don't know
it's kind of funny yeah it looked like
it looked bad didn't look good look it's
the lease of this kids problems
this is this sunniest the game gets
right here ok so he now you start to
realize like okay what's going on why
are these what is this just a line maybe
it's a commentary unlike people looking
at their phones too much let's just see
that line for free i see day today
that's right so like there's this like
heard of people what's the deal where
are they going why are they here how did
they get here
all right I'm it's more chains
and we're back to where I was before so
that just shows you how far into the
game I I had played that Michael goes
this game gives me a real sick peaceful
vibe yeah it really does like there's
something oddly kind of kind of tranquil
about it if that makes sense like you
it's scary but at the same time you
don't mind it and you're just sort of
like what's what's really happening here
and again like to your point about using
headphones to play it's um it'll really
sort of immerse you into the vibe
they're going for because the sound
design in this game is spectacular and
like there's like a lot of little subtle
songs he probably wouldn't pick up for
sure like you hear him pal a lot you
hear him sort of like chat mentioned
earlier about the birds chirping yeah
you know like he's out of breath a lot
and there's there's this sort of like
tragic sadness to the whole thing too
because this is just a little kid you
know it's got like it's got a deal with
like pigs and dead people and all this
unpleasant stuff so it's really kind of
just like tragic but but really cool
sort of game oh so here's one of the
hidden things I just remembered there's
a little hidden orb ah yeah so here's a
little tip how to get that first one so
I think there's like six of those hidden
in the world I only found three my first
playthrough they're not very easy to
find but just you know if there's a vent
try to open it what's the over and under
one Justin you giving this a shot oh I'd
be okay with that I don't know what the
over/under is alright obviously I got
stuck here I think that's where we'll
call it thanks so much for everyone
tuning in watching the live stream of my
playtime with
inside it's been a pleasure thanks to
joey for helping me out with the
questions if you want to know anything
else about this hit me up on twitter i'm
at jeff bakalar and that's gonna do it
thanks so much i'll see you guys next
time take care
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