it's Thursday October 28th I'm Natali
del Conte and it's time to get loaded
Google got a reprieve from the FTC
regarding its street view image
investigations Google was in hot water
for capturing user data when it captured
images for Google Maps the FTC said that
Google's sufficiently addressed this
problem and is letting them off with
just a slap on the wrist Google is also
launching Google Place search which is a
way to integrate local business listings
directly into search results place
search will be a standalone search
option so you can choose this in the
same way that you choose images news or
products it will bring Places listings
that business owners can claim into main
search page results we now know when
t-mobile will carry the Samsung Galaxy
Tab the carrier says that the iPad
competitor will hit shelves on November
10th so now we have dates for Verizon
which is November 11th and Sprint which
is November 14th it looks like Sony is
in fact making a playstation phone
photos of the phone were leaked on
Engadget this week it looks like it will
run Google's Android operating system
the 3.0 Gingerbread variety it will also
come with a custom Sony marketplace
which will let you purchase and download
games we don't know much more about this
but we're thinking we'll actually see
the phone officially in early 2011 and
we fail to mention this earlier this
week but outlook format came out on
Tuesday it's the full-featured mail
client that Windows users endear
themselves to Mac users like me who
cannot stand entourage should appreciate
a full version of Outlook optimized for
the Mac and a new Facebook game will let
you play fantasy sports with celebrity
news the game is called fan swarm you
pick a group of celebrities and they
become your fantasy team you compete
against your friends teams to see how
many of your celebrities get written up
in the gossip blogs and tweets I am
ashamed to say that I actually have
played a game like this before with my
friends on for Ozzy calm I lost terribly
because Britney Spears was on an
opposing team and she went and shaved
her head that season it was bad those
are your headlines for today I will see
you tomorrow I'm Natalie
Conte for and you've just been
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