it's Monday October fourth I'm Marco sad
and it's time to get loaded verizon is
paying 15 million customers back after
charging bogus fees reports came out
over a year ago mentioning that verizon
was charging 199 for data services even
though users had data turned off the new
york times reported on it then the FCC
got involved turns out verizon now has
to pay between 50 and 90 million back to
customers that never should have been
charged in the first place the affected
verizon customers will see a credit from
two to six dollars on their bill either
this month or next Toshiba's mystery 3d
TV that does not require glasses just
got a bit less mysterious the set will
launch in December of this year in Japan
and it's been titled the glassless regza
3d TV it will come in a 20 and 12 inch
model the 20 inch LCD will have a 1280
by 720 resolution with toshiba's cell
processor and the 12 inch version has a
less impressive specs set but will come
with an SD card slot the 20 inch model
will sell for 2,900 and the 12 inch will
go for 1450 in Japan no word on us
pricing or release date LG still has
plans to release a tablet it just won't
be out any time soon an unnamed LG
official says the current version of
android 2.2 is not suited to the LG
tablet and that the company plans to
wait for 3 point 0 before bringing the
device to market so it may still happen
it just won't be out this year Google is
using a new image format to reduce file
size Webbie has been tested to make
image file sizes an average of
thirty-nine percent smaller the web
format uses the vp8 video codec that
compresses individual frames they say
that because images load much faster the
format may one day replace jpg on the
web those are your headlines for today
on Marco save for and
been loaded
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