it's Wednesday August eighteenth I'm
Jeff Bakalar and it's time to get loaded
t-mobile has finally announced the
sequel to the g1 smartphone that
launched the Android revolution two
years ago there are no details yet
except a teaser page on t mobile's
website but we do know that it will run
on t-mobile's hspa+ network hspa+ this
is sort of in between 3g and 4g
technology that will potentially get 56
megabits per second compared to a tee
tees vanilla hsdpa 3g network speed of
only 14.4 megabits per second Microsoft
is getting ready to relaunch its flight
simulator software with the teaser for a
new titled called flight the new
franchise is aimed at a more casual
audience who just want to hop in and fly
for some early screenshots of the game
head on over to in more
Microsoft News the company has yet to
announce its new arch touch mouse button
gadget is reporting that an online
German store has posted images of the
new device on its website the mouse
arches for a more comfortable experience
has touch scrolling a battery light can
track on almost any surface and is
completely wireless the arch touch is
rumored to sell for around seventy
dollars corporate users who want to sync
their personal calendars with their work
calendars can rejoice today google has
updated their calendar synced to support
outlook 2010 but just the 32-bit version
for now that means Google Calendar
supports iCal iOS devices BlackBerry's
Android devices Symbian devices windows
mobile and now office 2010 yahoo has
redesigned its mail site so that it
displays better on the iPad users will
now be greeted with an ipad friendly
mail interface and while sending
messages still has its limitations users
will have more options when receiving
mail such as the ability to flick
through picture attachments in the iPads
photo application as well as search all
incoming texts and attachments those are
your headlines for today I'm Jeff
Bakalar for and you
been loaded
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