
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

Look out, Alexa, here comes Google Home

Google home is unmatched in far-field voice-recognition since it's powered by more than 10 years of innovation in natural language processing I can continue the two-way dialogue with the assistant that sundar mentioned earlier whether I'm standing nearby cooking dinner or sitting across the room playing a game with my daughter with Google home we set out to create and design a beautiful product that's warm and inviting and fits naturally in many areas of the home we're designing the top to blend into your home we'll give you the option to customize the base with different colors and finishes including metal and fabric to reflect your home style whether it be in the living room the kitchen or the bedroom we're putting a lot of craftsmanship into the hardware design including the LEDs placement and choreography the speaker that's going to fill the room you're in with music the microphone system and the clean phase without any buttons this is Google home we think it'll be a beautiful addition to any room in your house and we're even more excited about what its gonna do for you
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