Luc Besson says 'The Fifth Element' was a 'nightmare'
Luc Besson says 'The Fifth Element' was a 'nightmare'
it was a nightmare to do the filament a
special effect was from another age and
I have to lock my camera for eight hours
and I couldn't come in the set and it
was really painful in fact for me it's
funny because filament has 188 shots
with special effect
valerian has 2,700 so it's it's 20 times
you know bigger no no I was always I was
always bored not bored but worried about
the the real alien in in filament I have
a couple of them and and I always see
the guy in it so it's complicated here
on valerian I have an actor playing an
alien so he's in grey suit with dots but
the way is playing the way interpret the
thing is very there it's human I can see
it I can see if it's good
probably the birth of Lulu because the
the purse of Lulu is the first scene
that we shot with her with Milla
so the first images we have from her is
when she wake up and she is born and
when we went to the dailies the day
after to watch it it was really
impressive you really have the feeling
to see the birth of a character that
will stay for for couple of years
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