this is the Loomis around Wi-Fi and the
exact name but it's actually just a
whole mass Wi-Fi network just like the
arrow and the Google Wi-Fi I have here
now compare with L to the luma here is
not exactly better even slightly worse
but first take a look it comes with
three identical units you take one of
these connect to your modem and then
place the other two around to create a
large Wi-Fi network the system can cover
up to 4000 or even 5,000 square feet
depending on your home now the set up is
super easy as long as you have a smart
phone because everything is done on this
looma mobile app now after the setup
that's not much to do because the system
has very limited features and setting
option it does have some Eirik feature
however for example this built-in
security that supposedly keeps the
entire network safe from online threat
you can also turn on web filtering for
the entire network or a certain group of
devices and finally you can pass
internet to the entire network or a
certain Google devices too and you can
actually use Alexa to do that like this
Alexa tell luma to pass the modes iPad
the thing is it can also tell Alexa to
resume w's iPad so just make sure that
no more does not speak English which as
you might have noticed he doesn't now I
do have the echo dot here but
unfortunately I cannot demo that feature
for you because of another unique thing
about the luma it does not work with all
internet types if you use ik with your
modem at home you can be fine but if you
use it with an existing network light in
a condo a campus or an office it might
not work at all
if the existing network has some
security feature he has seen that office
where every single router and with you
like hundreds of them they all work the
luma doesn't now the system is connected
to luma but its client cannot connect to
the internet when it does work the
performance was ok by a small margin is
the slowest among the three here so get
it only if you want to share a moderate
broadband connection that was set a
three-unit luma here can be had for
$299 which is the same cost at the goog
of wi-fi's which is faster and easier to
use so you know the luma is an OK Wi-Fi
system that is slightly overrated you
know it's very much like you're gonna
speed-date on brand hands day you might
get some fun out of it but at the same
time you would not miss out on much
either if you decide to skip it which I
do because welcome to draw man's I take
it slow and that's because I'm Domo and
this is the luma Wi-Fi system
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