MWC 2017: No Galaxy S8, but nostalgia and 5G-everything
MWC 2017: No Galaxy S8, but nostalgia and 5G-everything
another mwc has come and gone we've seen
some great phones and we've gotten a
taste about the kinds of phones that
we're going to see in 2017 now one of
the big trends we've seen is comebacks
here mwc we've had both blackberry
coming in with its high-end key one
phone with a physical keyboard and then
we've got nakia in on the low end with a
raft of affordable phones including an
old familiar name the Nokia 3310 isn't
even a smartphone it's a feature phone
and it's not going to work most places
in the world it's 2g and yet this was
one of the most exciting things it
really was but we have had some really
exciting high-end stuff as well with LG
of course of the g6 I'm Jess what's so
special about that well it's got a two
to one screen ratio and basically
there's more screen to the display thin
bezels that's something that we're also
going to see this year and the folks
that's really well in your hand it's
pretty narrow yeah and it looks good as
well i think but and then later on this
year we've got a few companies coming
that we haven't seen yet NBC that's true
HTC is probably going to release a
flagship phone and also the big elephant
in the room was Samsung which wasn't
here at the show but the company did use
the opportunity to announce its launch
event for the upcoming Galaxy S 8
flagship which is going to take place in
late March now one of the other big
themes of the show is that of 5g now 5g
isn't just about getting faster speeds
your mobile phones it's also about
connecting everything around you from
smart light bulbs through to autonomous
cars apparently this is going to change
the way we interact with technology but
it isn't going to be with us for the
next few years that's disappointing but
that means that there's a lot of
exciting stuff that's going to take
place in 2017 and this is just the
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