good Tuesday morning on April fourth
it's time for episode 204 of the 359
podcast after a brief hiatus we are back
my name is bvg and in the house today
we've got Ben Fox Rubin and Roger Cheng
guys I'm renew a great we're not talking
on samsung for once but we are talking
about apple for life a thousand and
twelve but there's that but it's been a
week of samsung coverage so i'm happy
that we're breaking things up even if we
are switching over to apple she's
jumping back and forth between i know
it's just an inevitable pendulum of tech
redundancy i know i know i will try to
throw will try to mix things up a bit
more yeah borrow yeah come on talk about
e-commerce sometimes forgot yeah come on
yes come on ebay let's talk about it
wait so they just don't like I just I
saw our viewers fleet right there they
just left so when we talk about the mac
pro apple finally confirmed that they
are gonna be rebooting their high-end
desktop system would really yeah and
then we'll be talking about oath oat is
the combination of AOL yahoo will be the
basically the media arm of verizon and
it drew a bit of criticism therefore uh
come on it's a dumb name it's a terrible
name you know how much they probably
paid for that name 20 million Soulja
meaningless gives all the money give me
the money I'll come up with one giant
bad HR seminar yeah uh their lastly just
a little plug for our our sister podcast
our newest vodka status update right
ensure ensure sure I will be focusing on
Tech and juggle juggling your your
family life with that yes so lots of
good stuff as always if you have any
questions on a these topics except for
the last one because we don't really do
those two have some day just kidding I
listened to it was a great podcast you
should definitely get out if you have
any questions leave in the comment
section Brian will pick out the best and
we will get to them in three minutes and
59 seconds coming down to the headlines
in three two welcome to the 359 when we
talk about the top tech news of the day
I crap want throw in screwed it up damn
it don't you go and baby I'll just do it
again welcome to the 359 when we talk
about the top tech news of the day and
all other crap want to throw in I'm
Rhonda J I'm betting Fox ribbon remember
the mac pro it's a cylindrical high-end
desktop machine from Apple basically
gear for graphic artists and
professionals and hasn't got an update
in more than three years well Apple is
out saying a refresh is coming next year
Ben are you excited but I mean no not
really i've never owned a mac pro but
nor should you I'm more concerned about
why why disclose it this way they
basically invited a handful of reporters
you say hey we've got a new mac pro
coming in 2018 right I don't get it I
mean I think they've this or seen that
you know it's a definitely a niche
product but there is a very very loyal
fan base for Mac Pro users and I think a
lot of the there was a lot of discontent
in terms of fact that Apple just hasn't
really catered to the professional so I
think Apple kind of realized that they
were potentially turning away some of
their core most loyal customers and they
really need to get out there with the
message and you know they did update the
existing Mac Pro line with a spec bump
in more cores records more memory but
really they're saying you should you
should go after this this new one next
year you should wait till next year it's
supposed to be modular you'll be able to
upgrade it and it will come with a new
come work but there will be paired with
a new monitor accessory yeah I I mean
it's sounds very interesting I also
think that they've been focusing so much
on the iphone for the past couple of
years and that's become a mature and
saturated market at this point so we're
gonna go and start focusing on our
macbook pro let's get people to start
buying those more maybe we'll upgrade
will finally get to upgrading the mac
pro as well so to a certain extent that
makes sense to me that there no kind of
going a little bit further into their
portfolio I mean it's it's clear why
they focused on the iphone right the
heavy money maker makes roughly
two-thirds of the revenue but yet like
you said it's kind of mature now the
competition and smartphones have come
settled out right it's all I gross their
trench warfare at this right right so
macbook pro and the mac pro is even more
niche i mean as as few macbook pros as
they sell as a percentage of their sales
mac pros are almost like nothing really
oh yeah because it's very niche remember
this is the one product that they
actually sell actually make in the US
i'm not sure if she do with the next
version but that's that was a claim to
fame for the last yeah and they only
make about 50 of them all right next up
are you ready to take the oath that's
the name of the business form from the
combination of yahoo and AOL a unit
under verizon but telecom giant hopes
oath will be a media giant similar to
lights of google or facebook then what
do you think of a name it's it's not a
great name it's reminiscent of trunk
which is like the new tribune name yeah
i don't know where they keep coming up
with these just be these bad names but
they must have paid millions for that
name too at the same time both is at
least a word as opposed to trunk I think
trunk is actually worse so we maybe
people will start getting into oath
later on I mean my concern is 0 does
have almost like a big brother-like feel
to it yeah I'd take the oath yeah the
other thing that's interesting about
what's been reported on this is marissa
mayer won't be joining both which I
don't think anybody finds too surprising
yeah we've been right we've been talking
about this on the podcast for a long
time after all those cyber security
breaches you know what's the possibility
that Marissa is actually going to join
this company now it's reported that no
this is not going to happen yeah no
definitely it's I just want to point out
some of the the social commentary on
Twitter both know you didn't that's bad
yeah yes you read that right if all goes
according to plan your grandparents may
soon be logging onto oath mail can you
imagine ghettos meal oh sounds like
oatmeal was it oats sports
both finance this is this is assuming
that the Yahoo brand name would go away
what yeah I don't actually think is
gonna happen uh yeah I don't know either
but if they're spending money on oath I
don't I don't know what happens to yahoo
AOL all right lastly I want to give out
a plug if you're a parent who loves tech
check out status update CNET's latest
podcast from ian's shirt unlike our
daily short hit this is a monthly series
goes a bit deeper into big issues like
today's episode on whether or not it's
appropriate to snap photos of your kid I
think yes it's always appropriate but
that's just me man anyways for more on
these stories chikis haven't seen it I'm
right to change I'm Ben Fox Rubin thanks
for listening back and forth in the chat
max sucks windows sucks max max sucks
big surprise yeah big surprise uh all i
have to say is people are still
lamenting the apparent sunset of what
was the mac pro yeah and now they're
kind of excited to see you come back
because it from a media editing
standpoint yeah it's objectively a good
machine has been a go-to machine people
say like I can build 3 gaming setups
without you sure can you sure can but
it's still a good I mean the promising
machine it hadn't been up digital had
been updated more than three years and
those specs were getting kind of old and
the problem was you couldn't upgrade the
add memory so like it was pretty much
stuck in the past and they even admitted
in their interviews that you know they
kind of paint themselves in a corner
with that machine so it's good to see
that they're getting a reboot I am
really curious to see if they are going
to continue to make these things in the
US I mean obviously that's been a big
issue with Trump trying to get more
companies to build a product made in
America and that was big you know that
was there they're sort of big claim to
fame and it works because it's such a
niche product because there are them
there aren't that many and you can sell
them for a lot of money yeah exactly at
sochi a three-thousand-dollar machine
minimally I was just gonna ask what was
the price again it was really more right
yeah yeah yeahs which which means that
you could actually like
fit from something like that because
it's not an iphone you know I did the
math on the iphone if the iphone was
actually gonna be built in the US they
would have to price it the baseline
would be priced something close to a
thousand dollars oh yeah more probably
more than thousand dollars because if
you're thinking a conservative estimate
was like twice the value so if it
retails for 650 you're looking at like
13 hundred dollar phone just like the
basic model right um and that's
conservative estimate and I was actually
talking to another phone maker yesterday
was bring up this issue if you actually
have the manufacturing here most of the
components are still in ages you gotta
ship everything to America build it here
and in some cases shipped back to Asia
for checks and it's just it's a lotta
supply chicken yeah that is how the
supply chain works so let's talk about
peripherals that could allegedly come
with the new Mac Pro do you think
they're going to resurrect the displays
yeah that's what that's what the confirm
is that they're working a pro lover
display to go alongside the mac pro
obviously not bundled together probably
like another thousand twelve forty a
thunderbolt etc my dreams are you live k
really not more I mean if their imac is
already 5k like i would owe it is yeah i
would imagine that if it's not 5k it's
even you know a que ya ventrally we've
been hearing rumblings of a que already
so 15k yeah why not just throwing
numbers out there let's talk about about
design elite brian gaining points out
Mac Pro the trash can with USB seaports
that he's not wrong not wrong but i do
like doing like the latest Prettyish can
i do like the trash I hate was trash
look it I had an HP tower back in
college and that thing was just kind of
like it was just this big plastic
hideous thing yeah this at least makes
an attempt at making it look like it's
designed but you have a greater if
they're blue lights on the topic it just
be an echo but the cheese grater ranked
the cheese grater looked boss perfectly
yeah he's greater oh oh yeah yeah regus
funny look like that I'll wrap a home
intruder with that thing that's true
that's not what I really would want to
do the three thousand or machine like
that's not the first thing I would pick
up to defend myself
I think it would be effective it would a
big deal about this design when it did
come out three years ago so I'd be a
little surprised if they moved away from
it they were like it looks a little like
a weird space station I sometimes I
would imagine they go with something
radically different they're like a full
reboot I think they'd want to try to if
nothing else dinner you know I'd say the
only slimline it to an exchange like
I've done to everything like they've
done to the imax sniper pro I'm a pro
yeah I wanted to ask this by the way we
didn't get to this in the podcast is is
Apple doing this and they're doing it
now because the surface studio from
Microsoft is actually gaining more
attention oh did I think yeah granted I
know that it's an all-in-one we talked
about this I head of the podcast so it's
not a direct comparison unlike with the
imac the imac is an all-in-one versus
the surface studio but that being said
like these both target the same types of
markets totally that was a big shake-up
like going back on what I said about
objectively good machine for video audio
editing like that surface is that is
stunning it's really pretty vicious I
don't I don't necessarily agree i mean i
don't i don't know how much trash in the
studio is gone it's a fantastic looking
machine i'm not sure what whether or not
people actually buying this thing and
the mac pro has a fairly large not large
it has a consistent and loyal base of
users who've been waiting for an upgrade
if you look at a lot of the mac blogs
mac podcast they spend a lot of their
times talking about why there isn't a
mac pro update so there's i think
there's just sort of a an existing user
base that's they're not going anywhere
they're just sort of sit around waiting
for that next Mac Mac Pro sorry and so I
don't necessarily know if it's if
they're feeling the pressure from studio
yeah I I think the very good point i
don't think the Microsoft provides unit
sales right for those specific things
they mention like how much money they
make on the surface line which is a
growing business for them but they don't
break it down ok so maybe business apart
from it it may I think it excuse me at
least there's a reaction of you know
let's stay relevant in this yes that's
about yeah yeah yeahs make something
that's beautifully designed because
that's what a lot of Windows diehards
we're talking about and this was like
the surface studio was just this
machine absolutely and it really
presented Microsoft is this like I don't
know how many people buy that thing it's
look it's also really expensive yeah I
mean c3500 yeah is the base though does
come with a monitor I mean all in one
that's true you probably spending more
spending more on a mac project that pro
plus you're not that pro little monitor
is gonna cost who knows yeah right up
let's move on to oaths we're gonna run
out of time real quick really they have
earth questions yeah wonderful love it
our Danny our friend Danny Green so bios
we were supposed to think they'll just
not be trying to screw us all over all
the time yeah I imagine yeah I just have
to park in back to a couple weeks ago
when I was in the subway on my way to
work and it was an ad for spectrum yeah
and I'm gonna replace a word here with
another word but i'm pretty sure you
configure it's an analogous same or new
shadi name same shadi company spectrum
is now time war time winners now
spectrum like yep sounds about right
yeah accurate accurate statement the
metaphor i was trying to come up with
when we were talking before the show 40
that putting yahoo and AOL all on the
same roof is just like it's just like
instead of having multiple tumors all
over your butt oh that's just one
massive disgusting growth that they can
everybody together once right oh yeah it
is a weird mix of businesses with
especially AOL when you really think it
through it's like they're still like
technically a dial-up business there are
like there's publications like
TechCrunch at engadget I mean it's such
a weird Frankenstein company it's true
by to give a 0 l and Tim Armstrong a
little bit of credit here he resurrected
when everybody thought was gonna be a
dead business and managed to get it sold
to verizon right and I think AOL is
definitely in a much better position
than it had been before time I'll give
them credit for selling to verizon I
don't know if he's really like
resurrected that business he's he got it
in good enough shape that someone can't
buy it yeah he basically built it into
an ad platform that's the other part of
the Frankenstein monster is an ad
platform their media companies that time
the toilet that's ultimately what
verizon wants to do right date with
Yahoo they get eyeballs we get a billion
eyeballs for a relatively low price and
then with AOL they've got the the ad
platform that they can serve ads to that
billion users yeah yeah
and we'll see if they actually turn this
into like making themselves you know a
computer a competitor against basically
Google and Facebook those are the guys
think of all the digital mine absolutely
um but yeah can you imagine signing on
to earth spores for your fantasy
football of course of course I I got
checked my stock quotes on oath financed
with finance just love the recurring
comments we have in the chat right now
our people still using yahoo are people
still using AOL that well yeah oh yeah
there are there are still significant
number of youth hundreds of millions
yeah she said this year with us so
people still know there are silly yahoo
still boast like a billion eyeballed it
has i think it's the second highest
traffic media uh their property their
homepage you know people don't go to a
lot anymore still gets a lot rally
you're on yahoo's homepage you get a lot
of traffic mm-hmm it's a good point
going back onto the mac vs surface
discussion imagine soggy says if a mass
amount of people move to adobe products
and Apple loses its advantage and some
people will inevitably go to windows
since that is across platforms software
and as of right now which be kind of
come the inherited new industry standard
now that Final Cut scrap right in terms
of video editing absolutely yeah that's
a huge deal that seems to me finally be
smart if Microsoft bought some exclusive
out on that Oh with Adobe yeah and I
don't know him but I don't you think I
don't see it happening I don't see it
happening either but that would be a
real shot in the arm it would be it
definitely would be a statement that
Microsoft is a lot more serious about
the professionals then then apples right
now which to be fair I think they've
kind of like let the pro market go a bit
right in terms of mac pro mac pro it
would macbook pro refresh it wasn't
really everything that old hearts like
hard core macbook pro fans wanted yeah
um bright with that touch bar right well
that was the big seller know that the
lack of like the low battery life there
were a lot of issues that i think old
school fans were not really happy with
well we all mutually discuss i was one
big lackluster like oh right right and
so I i I'm missing the name right now
because the
chat moved on beyond it but I remember
reading somebody in the chat today
saying like why is Apple so resistant to
touch screen technology totally yeah
it's astonishing it well is it's it's
become you know almost philosophical for
them at this point yeah that it's like
there's not really a very good
explanation for it beyond the fact that
they just said that they're not going to
do it and if you're really interested in
a touchscreen all-in-one I guess you
could buy an ipad pro in your networks
and that's what they're trying to push
right but like they're not putting it
into their laptops and I guess it's
somewhat confusing to your social rank
eventually they will they're really
waiting for that convergence I think I
mean they say that's not happening but
like mac OS and iOS eventually have to
merge yeah but it's just I think there
are complications with that like when
Microsoft dinner with Windows it was a
complicated and messy thing right like
terms of getting windows are getting
phone tablet desktop class operating
systems all into one was it took like a
couple years right woman in a way that
actually yeah and a couple of really you
know crummy operating system yeah people
didn't like ya knows eight yeah well I
remember the Vista days which I survived
somehow swinging back one more time an
interesting facet I did not know boat
points out that yahoo mail is still the
most popular email in japan really that
i did not know thank you for that well
that's yahoo japan also is like a
separate assets akka separately run
business and would it still occur under
oath ultimately knows maybe from a
business standpoint maybe you're gonna
have ready to find out get out it was
nice knowing you get the trip out of
that it's really good question i
remember for a while it was like yahoo
japan like japan yahoo was one of like
the the kind of the shining jewels of
that like bank is it because it was a
separate asset I think yahoo japan is
gonna continue to exist under the non
both right bah-bah-bah right these are
all bad yes did i say that right alta ba
think so yeah oh I don't know that's
that's the what's gonna be left of Yahoo
take the Yahoo they own a stake in
alibaba and yahoo japan which is why the
time we have a great unbiased opinion in
the chat right now Richard says graphic
designer here i bought a surface book
over the new macbook pro after 10 years
of apple only my imac is ready for
upgrade waiting to see what Apple does
make it the surface studio oh yes ashley
is interesting good day brings that up
cuz Apple did confirm it kind of got
lost and uses that there will be a new
imac refresh coming this year so Wow not
sure when is he here for them um well
not really they Mac Mac Pro's come in
next year's they like that and making up
some lost time maybe of course yeah well
I mean they didn't do it last year right
and exactly clear these things are
supposed to get annual upgrade so
they're not something that busy just it
is busy they're they're spending all
their time on like the 10th anniversary
iphone that's supposed to wow the hell
out of us right so yeah maybe they're
they're a big company they've got
multiple people they've only got like
tim cook and like you know a couple
other people yes she'll other than
either almost like the four guys i go up
on stage they're actually building these
things by hand i'm running back in a lot
of guys we could do this everybody at
the end of i don't know if you guys
remember movie gung-ho where were they
like the Japanese and American workers
get together like start hand building
the the cars at the end to like make the
quota I'd oh yeah like there was this
quota they're supposed to make it like
the Machine stopped running so they're
like literally play these machines of
these cars together by hand I've never
heard of that movie its greatness okay
Mike okay man Michael Keaton oh then
I'll watch it if it's michael keaton i'm
on board yes alright i'm not sure about
that one but to go out let's go out on a
high note yeah darkside nation hey
change the stupid podcast name if it
doesn't even get published at 359 and
thank you rate oh wow no i write you for
listening absolutely if you'll always
great having you liked anything you saw
or heard here check us out on cnet ross
available on itunes tune in stitcher
SoundCloud feedburner and google play
music see you guys tomorrow
by at 59
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