you know 2d books were good enough for
my generation but the current generation
of kids well they may need something a
little bit more advanced and that's
where magic book comes in magic book is
an app that uses augmented reality to
bring your 2d books to life the way it
works is that if you have it app on your
tablet or phone you can use that
device's camera to get some augmentin
reality characters to appear on screen
obviously not actually there but they're
in the app and using augmented reality
you can get a little bit more
interactivity out of your book
experience this is a page from where the
wild things are and this is one of the
dancing scenes so when I place the
camera over the book I see a couple of
characters dancing and I'm not sure if
you can hear this or not but you can
hear a little music too I can pan around
the completely 3d models here so I can
can see them from different perspectives
and on this page there are trees in the
background so if you place the camera
over this page you'll see those trees
growing you can actually touch the book
to get those trees to grow the app will
be available in March for Android and
iOS under freemium model at that time
it'll only work with one unannounced
book however by mid-year the company
plans to have ten books available for
use with the app i'm eric franklin here
at CES 2015 taking a first look at magic
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